
My Name Is Deimos

Two green eyes sparkled in the darkness suddenly, like two flames that had just been lit. The eyes flickered in and out of existence then a deep groan sounded an echoed all over as a giant green arm rose and gripped the rough walls. The skin rippled as it showed tendons of muscles as the hand heaved a giant, green body.

"What happened?" a deep voice, so deep the walls vibrated, sounded as another huge hand scratched a giant green head with short hair. The other hand suddenly got hold of the throat in an act of disbelief. "What happened to my voice?" The two eyes then focused at the green skin an a shriek that wasn't quite a shriek came next.

"What happened to my skin? Why do I seem ripped? Okay, I'm not complaining about that but why is my skin green? Wait, my hands are huge! Not just my hand, my junk is too! Wait, something's wrong with that logic! My body has become bigger! Am I dreaming?" The green giant mumbled to itself for a couple more minutes before it became silent as it tried to think of what happened to it.

"First things first, I need to get out of this stuffy place," he rumbled then got up. It chose a random direction and headed that way, his footsteps echoeing all over. After who knows when, he finally saw light. Excited beyond measure, he rushed forward and basked in it, a creepy smile in his face.

"Eww! We had to go through goblins who wanted to make me their playthings now we have to see a Hobgoblin display itself to us with a perverted grin on it's face!" a girl shrieked. The green giant was stunned when he heard the voice and reflexively covered his junk with his two hands as he looked at where the voice came from. He saw four girls looking at him, each with a different expression. The first one wore armor, light armor and quite revealing and had a sword on her hand. She looked at him like he was the enemy. The second wore robes, mage's robe if he read his comics well. She had a staff in her hands and her eyes never left the spot where his two green hands were trying to hide desperately. The third wore robes that were similar to a nun. In her hand was a staff with a cross at it's head and her face was red as she buried it in her palms. The fourth one was wearing light armor but had daggers and she was glaring at him as if he stole her piece of meat.

"Prepare to kill it," the sword girl shouted. The giant was about to try and stop them when a voice sounded in his head.

"The Champion has encountered Intruders. The dungeon has tasked Champion to kill the Intruders or face elimination," the cold voice said. He was stunned for a moment as he looked around trying to see if the speaker was anywhere near. "Champion still has humanity in him. Erasing all feelings of guilt and remorse in Champion." He suddenly felt something was over him as his whole body suddenly shuddered, his eyes closed. The four women didn't know what happened neither did they want to find out.

The mage girl waved her staff as six fireball appeared in front of her and they shot towards him. They exploded in impact and a painful road knocked all of them on their asses. The green giant charged out of the smoke, his green eyes no longer hesitant and got gold of the mage girl with his left hand and threw her to the wall. A loud crack was heard as blood seeped out of her mouth, her eyes closed forever.

"Mira!" the nun girl screamt and as if taking it as a screaming challenge, the green giant roared back, only, they were swept away by the winds coming from him up to teens of metres away.

"What kind of Hobgoblin is this!" the dagger girl cried.

"It killed Mira with one hit! I'm going to kill it!" the sword girl screamt as she sprang back up but a green blur slammed into her and a second later, a crash was heard behind the girls. The two turned around and saw a bloody smear at the walls as the Hobgoblin turned towards them. The two girls felt their heart shudder when they saw this and they immediately started running away. The Hobgoblin looked at them like a predator watching its pretty trying to crawl away instead of running.

"Shit, shit shit! This is an E ranked dungeon, why does it have such a monster?" the dagger girl complained.

"Grey, it isn't following us," the nun girl said, making the dagger girl turn around. Suddenly, she was hit by the nun's staff on he ankles and she fell heavily. "I'm sorry Grey, but I cannot die here."

"You bitch!" Grey screamt as she tried to get up. A sudden growl behind her made he freeze. With a new round determination, she slid her dagger across her throat and fell on the ground, life seeping out of her body but a huge foot crushed her head into a bloody paste.

The nun girl was crying as she ran. She was a cleric from a wealthy family so she had not seen much violence. She joined the group because it was all girls and she could at least rust girls more than men, to have her back rather than eat it. But today made her feel the most helpless in all her life. The Hobgoblin was huge, larger than any Hobgoblin they ever saw and at first, they thought it was a perverted like goblins but it turned out to be a monster the likes she had never seen before! Hobgoblins are known for their lusty nature so it was rare for them to kill girls but this one started killing them right off the bat!

She finally saw the exit and her joy grew by bounds. But, a roar behind her dashed away all her joy and despair crept in. She was a cleric, stamina and speed was not her strong suit so she was already panting and in pain. She then head rumbling and she knew the Hobgoblin was charging straight at her. The whole dungeon was shaking because of it. She gritted her teeth and tried her best to increase her speed. She finally made it and just in time too as a huge green hand tried to grab her head! But, a shield of light blocked the hand, this saving her. She fell on her knees as she started crying her eyes out as guards started filling the place.

"What's going on?"

"What the hell! Why is that Hobgoblin so huge?"

"It's naked, probably trying to rape this poor girl,"

"These monsters think we're nothing but playthings to them. If it comes out here I'm gonna slaughter it!" As if it heard the provocation, the Hobgoblin punched the shield of light, making the ground shake when the fist landed. The soldier almost peed himself when it happened.

"Get away from here, the monster is an abnormal," the girl screamt as she got up and tried to run away but she bumped into a man wearing a different kind of armor than the others.

"Captain Morgan!" the guards saluted.

"What's the matter, girl?" the captain asked her.

"That monster is an abnormal. It killed my whole guild when we were hunting in the dungeon," she cried. Captain Morgan frowned when he heard that.

"I remember your whole guild was made up of women, right?" he asked her. The girl was about to nod when something whistled in the air and her head and Captain Morgan's chest exploded into a bloody mist. The object killed one more guard before disappearing into the forest. The two bodies hit the ground as silence roamed. But it was short-lived as the Hobgoblin roared in victory then lumbered into the dungeon.

"N...No way!"

"D...Did that just happen?"

"Captain Morgan was a Level 6 Warrior! It just one shot him!"

"We need to report this to the guild. In the meantime, no one is to get inside the dungeon unless he is a above Level 5," a guard said as he got onto his horse and rode off.

In the dungeon, the green giant was walking back inside thinking about what just stopped him from killing the girl. He did not think twice as he crushed the bodies of the eighty centimetres tall green humanoid monsters he was stepping on. When he arrived at the spot he killed the mage, he stopped and looked at her.

"Was I human once?" he asked himself before looking away and saw the bloody smear on the cracked wall. "I wouldn't have made such decisions before. Whatever that voice did to me, it must have removed the things that made me not do things because of restrictions and human logic."

He looked around at his knew home, his mind already knowing that he would stay here for sometime. The barrier that did not let him get to the nun looking girl made him realize he couldn't get out of this dungeon as he heard them calling it. It actually made sense, adventurers coming to a dungeon in order to be more powerful and more wealthy! He only wished the dungeon would let him leave quickly enough, he wanted to explore the new world!

"First, I need a name! A name to make everyone fear me! I don't know the naming sense of this world but I will name myself Deimos! From now on my name will be Deimos!" he shouted but only his echoes were heard and not the awes voices he was perhaps expecting.