
CHAPTER 4 - What? A familiar?

CHAPTER 4 - What? A familiar?

Simple plan. Start the motorcycle, get away from town, scream like crazy and attract as many zombies as I can. If I want the lady to travel safely, I have to kill all the zombies in the area, to avoid any accidents. I want her to travel safely and thank me with a loving kiss on the cheek, and if possible, show me her breasts. Fufu. I can't touch, but I can see. I'm a pervert, I can't help thinking about those things! Although if she only gives me a kiss, I'll be satisfied anyway.

"And that's why I think milfs are much better than young women. To hell with virginity and youth, mature women are the best! Uffffff. 10 out of 10. What do you think? Do you prefer young women or are you a wise man like me?"

"Waaaa... Ahhh..."

"I'll take that as a 'team milf'. Goodbye."

I stuck the knife in the head of the zombie I was holding by the neck and sighed. Ah, I'm going crazy, huh? I need friends, although I know perfectly well that I can't have friends because I might end up eating them.

If it happened once, it will happen again.

Well, I finished what I was doing.

Every zombie I saw, I killed. None of them escaped me!

Obviously, that would be a stupid plan if I were human, but I'm a zombie, so it was a perfect and brilliant plan. Fufu. Yes, I know, I know, I'm a genius.

And it worked... This nonsense worked!

"I can't believe it actually worked!" I shouted triumphantly, raising my arms in the air.

I was sitting on a small mountain of corpses. I put them together to look cool.

I'm the King of zombies, no zombie is a match for me...! Except for my mother's zombie, she is the only one who can give me orders and defeat me with her powerful slipper and belt. Ouch. I remembered when my mother checked my computer and found some videos not suitable for minors. I will never forget the pain I felt that day.

Putting aside that sad memory, my plan worked! I'm the most powerful zombie in this place! I have no rival!

"I wish I had a camera. I look great!"

I'm like the alpha zombie. Show your respects, plebeians! Zombies with daughters, go away and leave your wives with me, I'll treat them better! Fufu. Ah... I'm going crazy.

At times like this, I wish some girls would happen to pass by and see me. I can already imagine how scared and surprised they would be. Surely one or two would fall in love with me instantly for being so cool. I'm a heartthrob, I know, I know.

"Fufu... I look ridiculous."

Okay, it's best not to act stupid... But I can't help it. I'm alone, no one can see me. I can have fun as much as I want. That relaxes me.

My mother is a zombie, my ex-girlfriend is probably a zombie, the few friends I had may also be zombies... And I hope Sebastian's bastard is a zombie!! Ahhhhhhhh!! I don't care if he's my best friend's brother, I'll kill him if I see him again!! But if he's not a zombie, I'll just punch him a little until he's toothless. Fufu.

... My life has become lonely... Fun helps me calm down and not feel sad.

I'm alone in this new life. Why am I the only zombie here who can keep control? I want friends! And I can't even have a dog because I might end up eating it... Oh... I must get used to loneliness.

"... I hope I don't go crazy talking to myself. Zei, do you think we're going crazy?"

I don't think so, Zei. Not yet, at least.

"Yeah, you're right."

By the way, you're handsome and cool, Zei. If I were a woman, I'd fall in love with you at first sight.

"I know, I know, there's no need to state the obvious. Fufu."

... Hey, Zei.


We're going crazy.

"Ah... I know."

My only friends now are zombies. I'll kidnap some and force them to be my friends. I'll only kidnap male zombies. I'm afraid I'll lose control and end up doing something perverted with a female zombie. That's sick, but considering how perverted I am, it scares me to know that I might actually do something to a female zombie. Ahhhhhh! Zei, don't think stupid things! Even you have your limits!

"Ahhhhh... Waaa..."

Another zombie? I can hear one nearby.

I turn to my right... Oh... It's her. The little zombie girl I took from the house where I currently live.

"Hello, little zombie girl. How are you today? I'm doing well, just a little bored. I think I'm going a bit crazy. And you?"

There were zombie children in this town, but I let them live. Yes, I know, that was stupid. They'll probably kill someone, but I didn't dare... They're little kids... I didn't dare to kill them. I only killed those over 12 years old.

"I'm sorry if I killed your... No... I'm sorry if I killed the zombies of your parents. It was them or the living humans, and zombies lost their human rights once they were bitten."

The zombies were no longer her parents, they were something else.

Poor girl, she lost her family, became a zombie, and I took her home. What bad luck she has.

I wonder what she was like before she became a zombie. Was she a kind, shy, or aggressive girl? I don't know. But her zombie looks so... expressionless. I can't see sadness or anger... I can't see anything on her face.

"I recommend you go to a forest and eat animals. If you attack a human, they'll probably kill you. Remember, only eat wild animals, don't eat humans."

This girl is small and weak, easy to kill. It'll be a problem because I think she's fast, but she has no strength. She'll be easily killed if she encounters a group of humans.


I walked away and looked at my hands.

"I'm strong, agile, regenerate, and don't get tired... What should I call myself? My kind must have a name... Super zombie? Evolved zombie...? It doesn't matter, the name isn't important."

And I don't think I need one... Huh?

Is someone holding onto my clothes?

I stopped and turned back... Huh? Is the little zombie girl holding onto my shirt?

Wow... She looks so adorable staring at me with that expressionless face. She keeps growling like a zombie, so she can't control herself. For a moment, the thought crossed my mind that this girl might be able to control her zombie side, but I think she's only looking at me because I'm a zombie like her. If I were human, she wouldn't hesitate to kill me.

"What's wrong, girl? Do you need help?"

I don't think she wants to be alone either.

I knelt down and stroked her head.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you... I'm a zombie like you, but I'm different... But..."

It's true... I'll be very lonely... I don't want to go crazy. Besides, she's a little girl, it's like having a younger sister by my side.

I need company... Is it a good idea to become her friend? To be honest, she's very adorable and I want to protect her... Ah, that's silly, isn't it?

"...No... Maybe you'll try to eat me while I'm sleeping..."

I hear a growl, a louder one, coming from her... Wait... I recognize that sound. It came from her stomach.

"...Are you hungry?"

I guess she hasn't eaten in days... Well, in two days.

... This is stupid... But she's too adorable! A little zombie girl is scary and adorable at the same time.

I shouldn't... Uwaaaah! What kind of monster doesn't feed an adorable little girl when she's starving?!

"...I'll do it... It'll serve as an experiment. Maybe with my blood, you'll return to normal or become stronger. It's an experiment that will help me make decisions in the future. It's not silly... right?"

I have to experiment, no matter what, and this is a perfect opportunity to do it. This will confirm how special my body is.

Well... If she becomes stronger and attacks me, I'll admit it was stupid.

If she returns to normal or dies, it'll be a positive result, although I hope she doesn't die.

And if nothing happens, it means my blood isn't special.

"...Maybe I'll regret this, but it's completely necessary. For the sake of science! And for my own good, mentally speaking."

I took one of the knives I had saved.

"...Come on, Zei, you don't feel pain... It'll be quick."

I put my hand on the ground... I'll regret this!


Using all the force I could muster, I literally cut off my right pinky finger with the knife.

... Yes!!

It didn't hurt! I didn't feel anything! Ahhhhhhhh! Thank you, God!

"It worked!"

This will be part of my experiment too. I want to know how powerful my regenerative power is. Can I regenerate a finger? We'll see.

"Here, enjoy it."

I handed her the finger, and she immediately devoured it... It's a little disturbing to see a little girl devouring my finger without mercy. I'll have nightmares tonight.

I moved away from her as a precaution.

"Please don't turn into a giant zombie."

... I should have cut off one of my toes instead. If the experiment fails, I'll be without a finger forever... Ahhhhhhhh!! I'm an idiot...!! Huh? What's that?

A bright light began to emanate from her chest... Eh?! Why?!

[Familiar contract completed.]

... What?! What's that message that appeared in front of me?! I don't understand anything!

The bright light disappeared when that message appeared in front of me... What just happened?!

"This is too weird... damn it, are you going to keep getting weirder?"

I approached the girl cautiously. That light must have had some meaning. I don't see any changes in her, at least not in her appearance. Can she control her zombie side or do I now have control over her? I don't know.

"Can you understand me?"

The girl nodded... What?!! It worked?!! She can control her body!!

"I found the cure!! It didn't take me long...!! But... what was that message?"

[Response: It's a notification. You receive notifications when you activate an ability or perform an important event. For example, the notification you received earlier confirmed that the contract with your familiar was successful.]

... Oh... Yeah... I thought so... I'm going crazy!!

Notifications?!! This is real life, not a video game!! Why do I have it?!! Why do I receive it?!! Why does a screen with a message appear in front of me?!!

[Response: You started receiving notifications because you unlocked abilities.]

... Abilities? Which ones? I don't remember receiving abilities.

[Response: Current abilities.]

[Strength level 3.]

[Regeneration level 5.]

[Agility level 4.]

... Are those all? Oh... I understand now... I activated them when I became a zombie.

And they are measured by levels. Like a video game, right?

[Message: It adapts to the most popular system in your world. Do you want to change it to more exact numbers?]

... No... Having levels is fine. I feel like I'm in a video game.

... What does "familiar contract" mean?

[Response: A familiar is a servant who does what their master tells them to do.]

I see. They are basically like slaves... And how many familiars can I have?

[Response: 1.]

So... My blood isn't the cure?!

... Hey? I'm asking you.

[Unable to respond.]

Unable? Why?

[Response: I can only give you information about your abilities.]

Oh... I see... You can't answer questions that don't relate to my abilities... Do you have a name?

[Do you want to name the notifications?]

... No... It's fine like this... It would be weird.

Well... That was weird... I have to get used to weird things.

Okay... I have a familiar, huh? I don't know if that's good or bad, but at least I got a friend now! Goodbye, lonely life!

I petted the girl's head. I hope she doesn't try to attack anyone.

"I understand that you will do what I tell you... Eh?!"

Wait, wait, wait...! Wait a second! Did my finger regenerate that fast?! Thanks, abilities!! I got my finger back in no time!!

Body, you're amazing! I promise to take better care of you!


Having abilities will be amazing... Can I unlock more?

[Response: Yes.]


I have to work hard to get them. I'll become an even more powerful zombie! I'll be the ultimate zombie and have a harem with milfs! Although first, I have to figure out how not to infect someone.

"... Well, as I was saying. I understand that you will do what I tell you. Listen, don't try to eat anyone. You won't attack innocent humans. Understood?"

The girl nodded... She's not smiling... Is she completely dead? I thought she had regained her memories.

"... Do you have memories from when you were alive?"

The girl shook her head.

Oh... She doesn't remember anything.

"... How old are you?"

The girl crouched down and wrote a number on the ground. I suppose she can't speak like me.

"... 17?!"

Could she have made a mistake and meant to say she's 7?

Wait... Did she draw a body and a ghost?

"I... I..."

She points to the ghost.

"New... body..."

She points to her own body... Body... Ghost...

"... Huh?"

She destroyed the drawings with her hands.

"C-c... C-c... C... Co..."


The girl nodded.

Body plus ghost equals... Oh.

"Were you a ghost who got into her body?"

The girl nodded.

Ah, nothing surprises me anymore. After knowing that abilities exist, the existence of ghosts doesn't surprise me. After all, if zombies exist, why be surprised by the existence of ghosts? I wouldn't even be surprised to find out that this zombie virus was created by aliens to conquer us and make us their sex slaves.

"... Do all zombies have ghosts inside their bodies?"

The girl denied it and pointed to herself.

"I-I... I... F-f-familiar..."

She pointed at me.


"Did you enter her body because I made her my familiar?"

"Y-yes," she nodded.

"And do you know what a familiar is?"

"M-message... M-message..."

"A message appeared in your mind and informed you what was happening?"


"I know. Strange, right? I was scared too when I saw it."

She nodded.

Her voice was low and stuttered a lot... She couldn't speak well... That will be a problem... But I guess she just needs to calm down.

"Do you remember your name?"

The girl shook her head.

"I see... Hmm... I'll call you Kiasan. Do you like it? I don't know why, but I think it suits you perfectly."

Kiasan nodded... Perfect, everything is resolved now.

Kiasan is a nice and easy name to remember.

"We need to find out if you can eat regular food... But first."

I took off my shirt and gave it to Kiasan.

"The bite on your shoulder can still be seen. You don't have any other visible injuries, so my shirt will be enough. We'll get you better clothes and I'll get something to heal your wound."

I don't want it to get infected. She's a zombie, but that could bring problems later on.

Doesn't she have regeneration?

I took off my glasses and put them on her.

"That way you'll look like a normal girl. Just don't talk, they might get suspicious."

Kiasan nodded.

"Perfect. Let's go."

I took her hand and started walking.

Oh, I feel like a single dad... Wait... 17 years old?!

I looked at her... S-she's a little girl... She looks like a little girl...

My shyness disappeared. If she had an adult body, I would be nervous about holding her hand, but I see her simply as a little girl, so there's no problem.

"First, we'll get you some clothes and I'll try to heal your wound... Although it's a small bite, I don't think there's a risk of infection... It didn't tear any flesh off. You could say it just grazed you... You got lucky... Well, the girl got lucky... Ah, I don't understand anything about this situation.

Unlike other people who were devoured, she was just bitten a little... Is it good or bad luck?

... Considering the situation, I think it's good luck.

Well, this is how my adventure begins, with a quiet and small companion.

Next mission: seducing a widowed mother. Or at least see her breasts.

I can't help having those perverted thoughts, I like older women... Oh... Right, I have to stay away from people.

I'll leave her at a shelter and say goodbye, but at least I hope she gives me a kiss as a reward.

Ah... I sighed and looked at Kiasan.

She turned to look at me and I smiled.

"I hope we get along well, Kiasan. You can consider me a good friend or your brother."

Kiasan nodded and I kept looking ahead.

Skills, ghosts, a familiar... Ah... What has this world become? Everything is changing. Why?

I hope to someday find the answers to my questions. But for now, I'll just try to move forward and enjoy my life. Now I have someone to care for and protect. Kiasan can count on me, and I don't want to disappoint her.