
I am a Shinobi (dropped) it will be re used.

A guy reincarnated into the world of Naruto.

confused4you · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Ch 6 A Big Toad appear at school.

I was standing in the sparing ground of the ninja academy. I joined the academy because I want to be a Shinobi. I want to become strong so I can protect my loved ones. I also wanted to join because of him.

Boruto Uzumaki was the eldest son of the seventh and the grandson of the fourth Hokage, people assume that, because he is the son of the Hokage he is getting free lunches because of his father but that is not the case.

Everyone in class assumed that because he is Hokage's son, he is weak, arrogant and stupid but just in a day he proved that he is none of those things.

Iwabee thought of challenging Boruto so that he can prove he is better and that Boruto is nothing, that he is just Hokage's son. Everyone assumed Boruto wouldn't accept the challenge but he accepted and surprised some people.

Everyone in class assumed that Iwabee will beat Boruto easily, but that was not the case we witnessed the power of Boruto Uzumaki. He is a bit weird in the sense that when he is excited in a fight his expressions become twisted. And that creeped everyone out.

I have known Boruto for as long as I can remember our parents are friends so it is assumed that we are childhood friends but that is not the case, we are not friends we are just acquaintances.


(Boruto's Pov)

After beating Iwabee he has become more approachable by others and by others I mean me, Shikadai, Inojin, Denki and Metal. He is still very much feared by the rest of the class.

We were in the classroom and Shino sensei said "Everyone to the school ground for a demonstration by Konohamaru Sarutobi. Sumire Kakei, gather every student and meet us in front." Shino sensei left.

Sumire got up and said, "Everyone form a line and proceed in an orderly fashion." No one listened and left as they wanted. Some people were following the rules. I just walked with the boys and went to the ground and we saw Konohamaru.

Shino sensei told us to form lines and said "Today we are going to learn about Summoning Jutsu. It is a very helpful Jutsu. The summoner can call upon allies to aid them in missions."

Everyone looked very excited. Shino sensei then said, "I believe a demonstration is the best way to make you all understand, what we mean."

Shino sensei then moved away from Konohamaru and Konohamaru smiled and said "Summoning Jutsu" and he put his hands on the ground and the summoning pattern appeared on the ground and then the seal glowed and it caused dust clouds around the area.

And in the clouds, we could see a silhouette of a giant creature on top of which was a man. The cloud disappeared and we saw Konohamaru on top of a giant purple toad.

The students were in awe and started to chat. This was their first brush with summoned animals and this was a huge toad that we are talking about. Some girls were not too happy to see a giant toad but were excited nonetheless.

Shino sensei walked close to Konohamaru and started to clap and other people also clapped and Shino sensei said "As expected from Konohamaru. That is a perfect Summoning Jutsu. The reason is that he is the grandson of the third Hokage. A genius Ninja and the pride of the Konohagakure."

The toad said "I'll go anywhere for you Konohamaru-san"

He smiled and said "As always thank you Gamagoro" He patted the toad's head and then the toad vanished out of thin air. Konohamaru landed on his feet.

Shino sensei asked, "If anyone has a question you can ask now."

Many female students gathered around him and started to say "Please teach us to throw Shuriken" "Please sign my Kunai." And he was embarrassed and I said "Oye Nii-chan don't make that face it feels gross."

Girls looked at me and Konohamaru said "Don't call me Nii-chan here, call me Konohamaru sensei."

Some girls wanted to jump me but I stayed calm and said "If Konohamaru-sensei is done, with the trivial stuff may I ask some questions?"

He cleared his throat and said, "Yes, Boruto go ahead."

I said, "If I am correct to summon an animal you need to form a contract with them or their species am I correct?"

He smiled and said, "Yeah, that is correct." Some people were surprised that I knew this stuff.

I then said, "Can you then give me that scroll, I would like to make a summon contract with the toads."

He said, "You will not be able to make a summoning contract right away, so I suggest you start with summoning ninja tools first."

I made a hurt face and said, "Ohh, someone nii-chan."

He flinched and said, "I am not going to fall for that trick Boruto." I then looked away and clicked my tongue

Shino sensei then gave us some scrolls and said "As Konohamaru Sensei said it's too early for you to summon animals, so we will start with summoning ninja tools" He then opened the scroll and summoned a sword.

The girls were happy that we weren't summoning toads. Shino sensei said "Reptiles and Amphibians aren't the only things that can be summoned. Lord Third had a monkey as a summon and Lord six had a dog as a summon."

Shikadai said, "Oh yeah, I think my mom used to summon a weasel."

And the girls started to talk about summons as a pet honestly I thought that it was very annoying and it showed on my face and Sarada asked "Why are you making that face Boruto? You have something to say?"

I smiled and said "No... I don't"

She pushed me a bit and said "What happened I thought you made an annoyed face back there."

I smiled and said, "Kinda like the face you always wear?"

She was pissed and said, "Be a bit more courageous and say what you want."

I looked at her and said "Honestly the way you speak about summons, ticks me the wrong way. Do you think getting a summon is like getting a pet? These are allies of battles. They can help you succeed in your mission, help you in getting out of sticky situations, so don't talk like things about them being cute or ugly."

The guys were like yeah he's got a point and the girls were like no being cute is important and they started to bicker amongst each other and I said "Let's just stop. This is just a waste of time. Let's just do this and get over this."

Sarada smiled and said, "At least you have brains enough to understand that you are wrong."

I didn't even look at her and just walked away. It really pissed her off for some reason and Shikadai said "Girls are such a drag."

After that, we just summoned the ninja tools and I did it one try it was super easy. Just give it chakra and boom. I summoned a short katana. After the class was done and I told the guys to go on ahead and I went to Shino sensei and asked "Can I keep this?"

He said, "No this is school property and it is not that good, I suggest you buy it from Tenten's shop she has the best ninja tools in the village."

I then bowed and said, "Thank you." I then started to walk away

He said stopped me and said "Boruto thank you for letting go of the argument. I understand you feel that the students are a bit too relaxed and easygoing. I don't think that some may even know what this job may even entail"

I smiled and said, "We are the product of a peaceful time Sensei it is understandable that some are laid back but I think you should make them understand the dangers of the job before it's too late for some people."

I then went away and went to the Cafeteria and I went to the register and said "Yakisoba bun." I also heard someone order the same thing it was Sarada.

The aunty said, "There is only one left though?"

I was confused and asked, "Wait how?"

She said, "A chubby girl bought the rest."

Cho Cho then came with the buns and I told Sarada "Can you just take one from her."

She said, "Yeah like she is going to share."

I then looked at her and I asked "You never eat this then why are you ordering it?"

She said, "Well, Cho Cho said it was good so I want to try it."

I then shrugged my shoulders and said "Fine, just give me a milk aunty." She smiled and gave me the milk and I started to walk to where the boys were and Sarada stopped me and said "Do you think I am weak?!"

I turned around and was confused as to what was happening and I asked "What?" People started to gather and the girls walked towards Sarada and the boys came to my side.

Iwabee said, "Let's just blow some steam, we are all on edge anyway."

Sarada asked, "Do you think that we are weak?"

I said, "You really want to create a scene in front of everyone?"

She said, "Just answer my damn question."

I said "I am not doing that... "I turned around and said "Let's go somewhere else.

This pissed Sarada off and she tried to punch me but she was caught by Shino Sensei and he said: "Stop!"

Sensei said "I know all of you are on edge so I have a perfect solution for you all. After class, I'll prepare a battleground for you. Fight with passion and settle this once and for all"


Hello readers,

I hope you liked the chapter, I am sorry it took me some time to upload I didn't have any inspiration as to what I wanted to write and I want to be honest with you all. I may even drop this one out of nowhere.

And thank you to Dical, Hajimee, Octoberwind, LazyXalien, Daooflife,ggggfgggggggg, DaoistZIJh4p, PhantomReapr,Gabriel 94, DaoistHE, Kun_Aug3r0_Agnis, Jefery_dearmon, springinhell, thedefination,jadu_pandey.