
What Kungfu Represents!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Director Li, that's all I ask for. To be honest, me being here is showing you respect. With such a trashy lineup for this movie… hehe. I'd normally just ignore it. Although with your sincere begging, it's not good for me to just reject it outright." Wu Han bragged haughtily. "It's rather late now. I need to go home for my beauty sleep. Let me know your decision quickly."

"Young Master Wu, we—"

"Hold it!"

Ye Lingchen cut Li Tai off, walking forward slowly and sizing up Wu Han, "You want RMB10,000,000 appearance fee?"

Wu Han looked at Ye Lingchen, frowned slightly and scoffed, "Who are you?"

"I'm hired by Y to interview the actors."

"Since when some bug like you have the right to speak with me?" Wu Han harrumphed. "RMB10,000,000. Not a cent less!"

"I wonder, why do you think you're worth RMB10,000,000?" Ye Lingchen gave Wu Han a skeptical look.