
I Am A Notorious Hidden Boss In The Alternate World

25-year-old Albion lived an unimpressive parasitic life of a NEET and otaku, leeching off his loving parent's allowances to enjoy watching animes, reading manga and novels at home. When faced with the cruel reality of contracting cancer through smoking, he selfishly ran away from home and sacrificed his life on a strange day of drastic changes. 'Since I'm going to die anyway, let me save another life in exchange.' Those were his thoughts before shoving a person out of harm's way and getting struck by a truck. 'If I could get a second chance, I want to live a fulfilling life and not waste it like this.' However, Albion's new life resolution was quickly challenged by a stroke of divine providence. "What? I'm not dead yet? Holy cow, I transmigrated into the body of a notorious hidden boss who controls half the world's wealth in an alternate universe after he failed his heavenly tribulation? I never have to worry about money? I can live forever? Lucky me!" Albion thought he had shot to the peak of life, but he could not be more wrong. The immortal body was too strong for a mortal soul like him to control. He can only move for 5 minutes a day! He became immobile and paralyzed for the rest of the time! The Four Horsemen of the Dark Emperor thought he was crippled and turned on him! They couldn't kill him physically due to his invincible body so they dropped him to the bottom of the ocean to drown! His body was immortal. He could not die. Thus, he lived the following life in the dark depths of the ocean before being swallowed into the stomach of a giant sea serpent! Before he could enjoy his new life, he had sunk to the lowest point of his life, literally! However, the world rapidly changed after the notorious True Immortal disappeared for two years! The Apocalypse arrived, and so too, the System! Ding! [You have slain a Lv.1 ancient sea serpent. 100 EXP has been gained.] [You have leveled up.] [You have become a Lv.2 Hunter.] [Title acquired: Hunter.] Albion: ??? "Did the sea serpent get food poisoning and died from eating me or something?" Albion wondered in the pit of the sea serpent's stomach. [System calibration complete. Goldfinger has been activated.] "Never mind, my time has come! With the system in hand, I will take back everything and rule the w--wait, what? This body's cultivation needs to be sealed in order for me to move freely without impairments?" "Sigh, forget it, ruling the world is too hard. I'm a wanted man anyway. Let's just hide somewhere, watch my animes, and reading my manga and novels..." Albion was nerfed harder than the Big Bang at the beginning of time. However, what's his, will still be his. "Until my soul becomes strong enough to fully wield this power, I'll just treat it as a 5-minute Super Saiyan mode I can enjoy once a day..." He was not the Dark Emperor, but the Dark Emperor was now him. The Four Horsemen that turned on him, their day of retribution will come! Little did Albion know, the world had more things in store for him than his quest for vengeance. The dimensional rifts that appeared everywhere and the interdimensional creatures that spilled forth from there are actually...! Find out on the next episode of drag--Ahem, to be continued. =====Author's Note===== [Currently on break] Feel free to check out my other book, Prime Originator (also my first work). The genre is completely different, so you may or may not like it and vice versa for readers coming from there :) You can join me on discord at the link here; https://discord.gg/9SUWMPZ =====DISCLAIMER===== I do not own the cover. The original belongs to its respective owner.

Pointbreak · Urban
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370 Chs

Infiltrating the Ship

Five hundred nautical miles southeast of Albion's location, a metal titan with a staggering length of 1500fts was stationed above the ocean waters.

Ptolemy was its name.

Below the water, a submarine entered its underwater docking bay before the large hatch closed, and the water was expunged. The crew exited the submarine shortly after.

A line of people waited for them on the side.


The captain of the crew saluted.

The person nodded before cutting right to the main point, "Your team returned earlier than scheduled. Did something happen this time?"

It was clear that the crew was one person short, but the boss was unconcerned with the fate of the missing person. New recruits die all the time. He was more interested in the report the captain had for him.

"Yes, boss."

The captain nodded before cautioned a crewmate to step forward with the papers in his hand and pass it over to the boss.

"These are the sonar scan readings we received at the 30-thousand feet depth. The size of the sea creatures detected at this depth has exceeded the largest marine life currently recorded in the world. I suspect that there be a—"

"Dimensional rift."

The boss finished.

The captain nodded and continued, "Yes, boss. The chance of an undiscovered underwater dimensional rift located at the bottom of the Ganymede Ocean is quite high. I await your new orders, boss."

"An underwater dimensional rift, huh? It appears that the world is quite fortunate. All the ocean waters in the world would have been emptied out by now if another body of water did not exist on the other side of this underwater dimensional rift. But if the underwater dimensional rift truly exists, we cannot let others know about it."

"Boss means that we will…"

"That's right. This underwater dimensional rift will be exclusively owned and monopolized by us, Future Tech, to train our people. Interdimensional beast waves are becoming stronger, and the limited quota set by the world government is clearly not enough for all our people to grow."

"Your crew has been searching the seafloor for so long. It is time to take a break. Everyone can enjoy two weeks off. Another team will be sent to validate the authenticity of the underwater dimensional rift."

The boss said.

"What about the main objective, boss?" The captain asked.

"There is still little information on the nature of these big sea creatures. We do not know if there are docile or aggressive. Until we figure that out, I do not intend to risk losing a good crew and sub. The main mission will be put on hold for now. I need to consult the higher-ups before we decide what to do."

The boss stated.

"I understand, boss. I will inform the crew." The captain turned around to his crew and said, "Well, unless you are all deaf, I am pretty sure you have all heard the boss. We get two weeks off."

"Hooray! We can finally take a break! God, it has been two years since the last break!"

"Yeah! I was getting really sick of sitting in that sub all the time!"

The crew cheered.

After their excitement died down, the boss called for silence before sweeping everyone present a sharp look.

"Everyone should be aware of the organization's rule by now, but I will reiterate it for both everyone and the organization's sake. This matter is highly confidential and is to be kept secret. You know the consequences if you fail to keep silent."

The boss sternly warned.

"Loose lips sink ships. We understand, boss!"

Everyone nodded seriously.

"Alright, everyone is dismissed. Buzz off, and go do what you need to do." The boss said irresponsibly as he loosened his tie. "Damn, this tie is killing me!"

The tension was loosened, and the heavy atmosphere was dispelled with this action of his. Everyone laughed and carried on with their tasks with a lightened mood.

The organization has rules, and there is a clear hierarchy, but everything was a formality. As long as the taboo is not committed, everyone was still family. They were a gang, not some government body.

Two nautical miles west of Albion's original location.

A 200ft long factory trawler was seen cruising through the ocean waters. Long nets were hauled into the waters before it was reeled back in with hundreds of caught fishes at a time.

A fishing ship of this magnitude was comparable to some of the world's smallest warships and can be mistaken for one from afar.

Nevertheless, it was not equipped with any of the large artilleries usually found on warships and battleships. In fact, there was no form of large weaponry equipped at all.

It was a commercial-type fishing vessel, and everything can be seen at a closer glance.

Some distance away from the factory trawler, Albion patted the orca and set it free underwater. He decided that it was about time to return its freedom.

Besides, it was too conspicuous with its large size. It would be difficult for him to get closer to the ship if the orca followed him.

The orca was overjoyed and thanked Albion for his mercy before swimming off into the distance. It did not look back even once as it feared that Albion would change his mind if it did.

After the orca disappeared, Albion carefully made his way closer to the ship. If he can reach the navigation room, he would be able to learn his location.

He already a decision in his heart.

He was unaware of how much the world has changed in the past two years, but if the region of influence of the four generals remained the same or even reduced since then, he will head to the Asiana continent to build up his strength.

But before all that, he needed to find some clothes. It was time to graduate from exhibitionism, although it was never his choice to become an exhibitionist in the first place.

He reached the side of the large moving factory trawler, undetected, and felt the hull's smooth and wet metal surface that made it impossible for ordinary people to climb.

However, he was not an ordinary person.

Black Ashura Flames lit up on the tips of his fingers and instantly dried his hands before latching onto the hull and evaporating the wet surface. His vice-like grip indented the flat side of the hull and created small fingertip ledges for him.

Just like that, he began his secret climb up the side of the ship like some friendly neighborhood—Ahem, like some special agent infiltrating but in the nude as the chilly evening winds scraped against his butt cheeks and made him tingle.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know!

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