1 2 Days left, Lilac Jones

"Now I am only a dream"

I woke up and got out of bed and began my usual routine. I picked up a red marker and crossed a day off today's date was May 8th. I was going to start phase 2 of my plan today which was giving away pieces of myself. I had already carefully wrapped everything yesterday. Piece by piece I'm erasing myself. I grabbed everything and carefully placed them in my bag. I heard a soft voice call my name "Lilac,Lilac" it whispered in my ear. I heard this voice everyday but could never tell where it came from. I looked all around my room. No one to be seen. I turned to my doorway and my sister was standing there. "What are you doing?" She asked in a less gentle voice than the one I had heard. "Nothing" I said quickly, grabbing my bag and heading out.

My school was ten minutes from my house so I always walked. I stopped on the bridge to look at the water. I smiled and continued walking. I came very early when barely anyone was there so I could begin my plan. A carefully tapped the items on everyone's lockers. For Jena I had given her my butterfly hair clips. I knew she had really wanted some. For Charlotte I have left her a copy of Jane Eyre. I had bought it a while ago but could never find the right time to read it.

I knew she was very interested in books like me so I thought she would like this classic. When I had finished tapping the last gift students started pouring in. These people weren't my friends nor friendly towards me; they were just people I knew. Seeing things tapped to their lockers left confused faces that lit up when they had opened them. Excited whispers erupted in the hallway, people discussing what they had gotten and who they thought might have gotten it for them.

I knew they would never know it was me because they didn't know me, they'd never noticed me. I was just there but not really there. There was one person who really noticed me but not in a good way. Scarlet Williams, I don't think there's anything I could ever do to make her like me. She hated me with all her might and I could understand why. People called me the loser but I chose to call myself a lover no matter how much people hate me hurt me or put my down I would

Never do they same thing to them

It was not because I was afraid, it was because I would rather not spend most of my life feeling hatred and resentfulness to people. I would rather move on and live my life to the fullest. I spent most of my time volunteering and helping after school. It was always either at the animal shelter, or at the nursing home. The animals are full of energy and life so I was never bored around them. While the old people were more calm but easy to talk to, they always gave the best life advice.
