
Chapter 354

Chapter 354

William had numerous expectations from Moses, including the Forbidden ice Spell. However, this didn't mean he was merely making requests.

It all began with their initial encounter.

His Royal Highness, the prince, used Gold Coins to engage in a divination for himself. By the way, he outwitted a Grand Enchanter apprentice!

Next, he presented a Legendary Rank Dragon Crystal, the blood essence of a Legendary demon Lord, which could revive and transform a mage into a Blood Moon Dark Witch.

It seemed that William could obtain valuable scrolls from the ink guide each time.

But one had to think logically.

Was a Blood Moon Dark Witch at the mage level more precious than all the scrolls combined?

The answer was clear.

A Legendary boss-level mage would potentially have unlimited growth prospects and might become a Grand Enchanter.

His Royal Highness was not the type to exploit benefits solely based on appearances. He knew what he should pursue and what he should let go of. This was the key reason behind the growing camaraderie between William and Moses.

Of course, he was unaware that Moses had successfully rescued his daughter.


His Royal Highness was not naive. After all he had been through with Moses, he had a hunch that Moses might be a reincarnation of the gods. Additionally, when he had saved Annie, Moses had let slip that the Magic Goddess would absorb all magic and become all magic herself.

So, William couldn't help but form some speculations.

However, regardless of whether Moses was a man or a woman, William intended to maintain his current approach to life. He wasn't one to be swayed by romantic interests.

As a self-driven, enterprising prince who never complained, he had resolved not to focus on emotional matters until he reached the age of 30.

"Hey, have you heard that the forum claims Elves mature at 40 while half-elves mature at 30?"

"It certainly seems that way. According to Half-Elf folklore, the Lord can't perform before the age of 30," two players were discussing when they noticed William passing by with a neutral expression.


[Ding: William Blackleaf's favor with you has been reduced by 20 Points.]

[Ding: William Blackleaf's favor with you has been reduced by 20 Points.]

The two players stared in disbelief, feeling that it had taken them two years to earn a mere 20 Points of favor, and now it had been reduced just because of a casual comment?

They grumbled for a bit, but decided to be cautious in the future. They realized that it was best not to discuss such matters when there was nothing else to do. After all, you never knew when the City Lord might suddenly appear.

"But we can still use the forum. Hey, hey, I doubt William even reads the forum."

"Good Point. As long as we avoid the Lord's loyal followers, we should be safe."

William, hundreds of meters away, couldn't be bothered to correct them: "Maybe you don't believe it, but I spend three hours a day browsing the forum. I even keep a little notebook with records of 931 individuals.

Yes, these people spend their days slandering me on the forum. They hope I'll remember them so they'll never receive a hidden task in Dawn City for the rest of their lives…"

Then, William gathered a group of individuals and ordered them to accompany him to The Blue Frost Empire.

"To venture to the far north, we must select the Burned Cinders Fire Department. They are particularly effective there. Old Leather, being a member of the Military Department, can also join us. When the time comes, he can bestow his curse upon me. It will decrease my luck by 2 Points, but his combat capabilities will skyrocket. It's quite a favorable arrangement.

Legolas, of course, will accompany us too. The strong winds in the far north will enhance his capabilities as a wind Professional," William mused to himself before selecting the four individuals he had in mind.

Then, he flew to the moonlight tree's small garden and discovered Annie napping in a hammock during daylight hours.

With a smile, William plucked a blade of grass and approached her nose with it.



Before William could adjust his posture and switch to flight mode, the unicorn kicked him into the air like a projectile.

Meanwhile, a sound barrier appeared next to Annie, and the rainbow unicorn, looking quite arrogant, displayed its horse-like grin, revealing two rows of gleaming white teeth, and disdainfully glanced at William, the prince.


William pulled out two skewers of horse meat from his pocket and took a couple of bites.

The unicorn observed this and instantly wilted.

With a whine, it retreated to the corner, distancing itself from the noise.

In the world of magic, where Dawn City was constantly growing stronger, a guy would take out skewers of horse meat and eat them right in front of your face.

How audacious!

Who was scaring whom?

Couldn't he have stepped aside?

If he had the ability, he could avoid getting hit!

If it wasn't delicious, especially since unicorns weren't typically eaten, how could he be so heartless?

Was he even human?

William saw the unicorn looking aggrieved and moved aside, deciding to ignore it.

He turned to Annie's and continued with his original intention, offering the blade of grass to her. The little one opened her eyes suddenly, tilted her head, and stared at William's large hand. "What do you want?"

"To wake you up."

"Pah, I saw that grass."

"Alright, I'll take you to see the snow."

"Where are we going? There's snow here?"

"We're going to the Ice Empire, to the far north."

"Oh, I need to change my clothes." Annie got up, yawned, stumbled back toward the bedroom, and nearly tripped at the doorstep.

William had heard that Annie's had recently been practicing tirelessly during the night and sleeping during the day. His daily routine had been turned upside down.

Then, William glanced at the unicorn. "Watch over her and keep her safe, okay?"

The rainbow pony grinned and seemed to communicate with his eyes, conveying the message that they had accumulated over 1000 Points in luck. Could they really encounter danger?

Even if they ventured into the Dark World, they might accidentally stumble upon a space vortex and return unscathed!

Not everyone had William's luck, which rarely exceeded 3 Points.

William was left speechless and acknowledged that the unicorn had a Point. He shouldn't be worrying about them but rather about himself.

Soon, dressed in warm white clothing and small cotton boots, Annie emerged, resembling a little penguin.

William patted her head. "Let's go, our portal is about to…"

"Yes, I'll wear it quickly since the portal is fast." Annie squinted her eyes, recalling her previous experience visiting the Snow Elf Kingdom.

Back then, she had donned a princess dress and crystal shoes, aspiring to be a beautiful princess. However, she had nearly frozen to death.

This was why she was so well-prepared now.

Then, after William observed the lazy old skin, radiant Legolas, and fiery Burned Cinders, the five individuals and one beast stepped into the portal, eliciting the curiosity of onlookers.

Yet, unbeknownst to anyone, a shadowy figure followed them


"Your Highness has departed once again, and this time, there are no players accompanying him. It must be a challenging mission," Changli Jiuge received the news as soon as William left.

Chu Liuqiu, who had been engaged in battle, grinned. "William, a Legendary Boss, can't take us along for everything."

"Where should we head now?" asked little Ah Yin.

All ten of them had accepted the S Plus mission.

They had received substantial Experience Point rewards, especially a significant number of contribution Points. This accumulation would allow them to advance to higher levels and exchange for Legendary Rank Equipment.

Chu Liuqiu considered this and decided that he didn't want to fight alone anymore. He promptly surrendered and said, "Let's go to the Emerald Grand Duchy to hunt vampires. William attaches great importance to the Bright Red Blood task, and Dawn City offers contribution Points for vampires. Capturing a vampire would guarantee a steady profit. If we can also uncover information about the remaining two maps, it would be an even greater gain."

Many Professional players from prestigious clubs set out for the Emerald Grand Duchy.

In the near future, as the vampire population dwindled in the Emerald Grand Duchy and the Lan Yu Grand Duchy, combined with the interference from the Night City, war was becoming increasingly likely.

And when that time came…

It would be William's moment to settle matters once and for all.

William and his group were en route to The Blue Frost Empire.

But their journey didn't end with a simple teleportation array.

They needed to pass through the Lion Kingdom, utilizing its portal to reach the War-Ending Empire, before finally making their way to The Blue Frost Empire.

As they passed through the capital of the War-Ending Empire…

William coincidentally encountered Caesar Jack, the second prince of the War-Ending Empire. Caesar was accompanied by close guards and a group of confident young nobles. Spotting William just as he was about to enter the portal, Caesar called out, "William, why haven't you come to visit me in the War-Ending Empire? I still don't know how to thank you for the Elixir of Life you provided."

William turned around in surprise. "Oh, it's Prince Caesar. I didn't expect to be heading to the far north. I had intended to visit you."

"The far north? You're going to The Blue Frost Empire too?" Caesar Jack glanced at the group dressed in warm clothing and grinned.

"Yes, I have some business there. Just a brief visit," William replied. He looked at some of the individuals behind Caesar, nodding to those he recognized and giving a polite but distant smile to those he didn't. He knew he was being observed.

After all, the most famous figure in the younger generation of the Southern Region wasn't the winner of the Magic Martial Arts Conference. It was William!

In the world of gods, his Dawn City stands as the sole force capable of repelling the encroaching darkness. He once emerged victorious against the offspring of darkness at the Magic Martial Arts Conference. Recently, he valiantly rescued the Grand Duchy of War-Ending Empire from the clutches of a Legendary demon Lord. Such remarkable feats have left people awestruck, yet some still harbor resentment, branding him as a mere countryman.

But that's not all.

William also bears the title of the Black Leaf Elf's prince. It's rumored that his mother, after consuming the Fruit of Life, ascended to the ranks of Legendary mages. Truly Legendary.

In the human Empire, he is the embodiment of a saintly figure, casting a long shadow over all with his unmatched prowess. Consequently, even the proudest of imperial talents dare not act recklessly, lest they meet their doom at the hands of their powerful rivals.

"Shall we journey together? I am headed in the same direction," Caesar Jack exclaimed cheerfully. With a grand sweep of his hand, he dismissed the portal guard, leaving us to ponder the purpose of collecting fees for the journey.

Later on, William secretly calculated that this decision would save him at least 500 Gold Coins in transmission fees, as the distance between War-Ending Empire and Blue Frost Empire wasn't too vast, costing a mere 100 Gold Coins per person.

"I might as well charge this to Caesar when I return," William mused, offering a knowing smile to the portal guard, silently conveying the message: "Remember me."

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