
I Am A Hero Too

Bakugou often found himself watching Kirishima. He watched him laugh, he watched the way his eyes crinkled whenever he smiled, he watched the way the red-head would push himself hard in training sessions. He didn’t know why he was watching Kirishima, he just couldn’t help it. In which Bakugou and Kirishima realise their feelings for each other.

youllbeinmyheart · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

My Heart Is Set

Bakugou often found himself watching Kirishima.

He watched him laugh, he watched the way his eyes crinkled whenever he smiled, he watched the way the red-head would push himself hard in training sessions. He didn't know why he was watching Kirishima, he just couldn't help it.

Bakugou was subtle about it, glancing quickly at the red-head out of the corner of his eye wherever he gave a not-so-shitty answer in class (a rare occasion), staring at his best friend only when he knew it was safe, when it was dark and they were watching a film.

It took him a while to realise it, but Kirishima was beautiful. He himself couldn't see it, but his smile could light a thousand sparks in someone's heart and the bulge of his impressive muscles could make even the strongest person salivate. And not only was the red-head attractive, but he was also kind. Too kind.

He always offered to help, even when a situation had nothing to do with him. He did extra chores and supported the extras when they needed it. Bakugou noticed him leaving a hot water bottle in front of Tsuyu's dorm room in the winter, and he noticed that he always had a stash of sweets that he handed to Momo or Satou after training.

And, he carried round a pack of fucking plasters. Red plasters, with fire trucks on them. Whenever someone got injured, he would whip out that shitty little packet with a fond smile on his face and place a plaster on their cut before exclaiming proudly "There we go, all better now!"

Fuck, he was too soft.

So what if Bakugou made him food? They were friends, and Kirishima couldn't cook for shit. He'd always try to help though, fluttering about the kitchen, trying to find a way to be useful. His fucking dimples would pop out when Katsuki would hand him a bowl of potatoes and attempt to give him any kind of instruction on how to peel them correctly.

The red-head would ask him to train often (of course, he was one of the only people who could fight Kirishima's quirk) and Bakugou would find himself almost looking forward to their sparring matches. He liked the way the taller boy would spout shitty puns as they fought and Katsuki found himself laughing with him more than he had in his whole life.

Kirishima was beside him when he experienced the highs (like winning the sports festival) and the lows, when Katsuki would find himself sobbing in his bathroom, angry with the fact that he was fucking weak, practically killing his hero and allowing himself to be kidnapped. What sort of shitty hero was he? He would hear a quiet knock coming from the side wall of his dorm, and once Bakugou had calmed down, he would find himself knocking back.

Every Friday night, without fail, the red-head would ask him to hang out, and Kirishima would come to his dorm and they would chill. They didn't talk much, but Bakugou found comfort in the silence and often glanced at the taller boy who was perched at Katsuki's desk, with one of the blonde's favourite light novels in his hand.

Bakugou liked the way that Kirishima would look to him for help, that he would ask Katsuki when he didn't understand something, that he would always head straight over to Bakugou when they were asked to do partner work. It made it feel warm inside knowing that he was needed, knowing that he was wanted.

But then, the rest of the world began to watch Kirishima as well. Wherever they went in school, pairs of eyes would follow them, staring at Kirishima. It was understandable that people had crushes on him, he was a great guy.

Eventually, people began to get more confident. They would ask Kirishima to stay back after school to confess to him, he would receive love notes on his desk, and this annoyed Katsuki to no end. Who were these extras to think that they were worthy of his best friend's attention? He was way out of their leagues-he was in a league of his own.

Bakugou knew that in a way, the red-head was like the sun: a big, bright ball of energy that drew everyone towards him, and was so passionate that people seemed to crave his presence, his attention.

And it hurt.

But Katsuki couldn't figure out why.

He realised on a Friday. He was sitting in his room, waiting to hear the soft knock on his door indicating that Kirishima was outside, but it never came. Bakugou was confused, Kirishima always came to his room. He ventured into the lounge to question the whereabouts of his friend and was met with the faces of a few other 1A students.

"Where's Kirishima?" He asked, impatient.

"Out." was the reply from Mina.

"Fucking where, Pinky?" he snarled, though it was lacking malice.

"On a date with some girl from Support." The statement was met with multiple 'ooos' from the rest of his crappy friend group, and Baugou paused, his mouth opening and closing in slight shock.

"Oh." And with that, he went back to his room.

Fuck Kirishima, ditching him without a warning. Bakugou thought that Fridays were their nights. Clearly not.

He didn't know why the information hit him like a freight train, it just made something throb on his heart. Katsuki sank against his door and placed his head in his hands, suddenly overcome with sadness. What the fuck? He didn't own Kirishima, he could go and do whatever he wanted and date whoever he wanted.

But he only wanted Kirishima to date him.

Bakugou paused, and his face flushed bright red. His mind was filled with the question 'Why not me?' and he berated himself for it. Kirishima was his best friend for fuck's sake! With his stupid fucking teeth and that stupid fucking crooked smile. He didn't want anyone else to see Kirishima like he saw him.

Bakugou was being weak; panicking over some stupid boy. Well, the red-head wasn't just any boy, but still. He was acting like a fucking love-sick puppy, craving Kirishima's attention craving his touch.

A tear fell down his cheek and he laughed in disbelief. He was crying! Bakugou fucking Katsuki was crying over a boy. A boy who was on a date. With someone else. It shouldn't have hurt as much as it did.

The blonde boy was hysterical at this point, laughing wildly as tears spilled freely from his eyes. He should've expected something like this to happen, should've expected that eventually Kirishima would find love and be happy, but he found himself thinking that the only person he would let date the red-head would be himself.

Bakugou didn't know how long he stayed there, curled up in a ball, crying about his shitty best friend.

Fuck, he was in love.