

A young woman in her late teens, who can be quite anxious. A man in his late twenties, who can be quite compassionate. The story begins on a university campus. A 30-year old murder case is resurrected. It's a story about a countdown to disaster. Your character sets out on a rescue mission

Allswell_Abrahams · Teen
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2 Chs

Lost Souls

A young Christine at age 11, had a gift of seeing in the future, she got attacked when she and her mom went out to a park. then she saw masked men killing innocent men and women, got frightened and yelled at her mom saying" Mom, they coming to get me" Mom asked " who are those". Her Mom got worried and had thoughts of how to get her child to a church to be examined by a Priest. They had a rough time taking care of young Christine, she wakes up middle of the night with a loud scream. Everyone in the house was worried about it and rushed to her room to try to keep her company, both parents had no option but to sleep by her knowing not what is going on with Christine. She had gone through numerous times of examination by a Psychic, Priest and sorcerer's.

One night lost souls of the city came with a very strong wind that got her room totally messed up, talking to her purposely want her on a mission to an unknown land to fish out the secrecy behind their death. She was forcely warn if she refused to go, they will have both her parents killed. She asked " I'm young, how will people listen to me when I tell them about ghost and how they got killed in an unknown land, people will mock at me when I do". they said in an echo voice "We don't care how you do it, get to the officials and make a report", they vanished. She was afraid of the warning from them. Both parents decided to move out from the town into the city, for her safety thinking with lots of people around her situation could be lesser.

Seven years later she gained an admission into a reputable high School in the big city, she became a very confidential teen every single students calls her the "weirdo", In class no one really wants to come close to her because of her continual sketches of scary images that got anyone a bad dream after they see and fall asleep at night. There was a guy who sits at the far right corner in same class with Christine.

He admired Christine a lot and didn't know how to gain her attention so he wrote on a piece of paper "Whats up quiet girl, I'm Rodger Do you mind we be friends"? and threw it at her but she never turned to

look back at whom threw the paper. Rodger tried countless of times to gain her attention until one faithful afternoon, He saw Christine alone walking at a car park so he run as fast as he can to meet her, He got close to her and said "Hi, do you remember me, Rodger from your class" she refused to listen to him so Rodger followed her then stood in front of her but she was shy to look at his face so wanted to by pass him. Rodger said to her " I want to be your friend, I can see no one likes you but I do" Christine turn (Exhales) and said " I know you, the guy who threw paper at me" then Rodger smiled back at her.

They became good friends shared every moment together in school, visits her at home but never knew why she was so quiet both at home and school. Rodger planned a perfect day to tell Christine how he loves her but couldn't happen. All along Christine realized Rodger is the cutest and nicest guy to even love her without jurisdiction. One day, Marty who is a close friend to Rodger had an house party, so he made out flyers to share among all students in the school exception of the so called "weirdo". Rodger had planned to tell Christine about a party coming on weekend at his friend Marty's house, He called " Hey babe, how are you?" She replied saying "I'm good, just having a rough day with bad thoughts all over my mind, do you mind to come by my house to have a drink and watch Netflix" Rodger said " sure, I'm coming over, hold on" He said to himself " Wow, it the right time to let her know of the party" He went over to her house in three streets away from his house. He knocked on the door to his surprise the door was already opened and room was so dark. He calls Christine by her name" Christine christine I'm here". In 5 minutes she came stood behind him without saying a word to Rodger, Rodger felt there was a strange shadow behind him so he turned with fright and said " Oh my gosh babe, you shoke the ass out of me" then he hugged her and went upstairs with her. He had the chance to tell her about the party coming on, Christine said " Do you think it's right for me to go with you there?", Rodger said " Yeah! Babe it is, you don't have to worry I will keep you company and safe in my arms" Christine said "Okay babe, I hope so" then both had a soft drink and watched an horror movie...

They happened to meet at school next day, finally got together again after class. Everybody stared at Rodger with whispering and groaning he never had a clue about what's happening but he kept yelling at people saying " Why Y'all looking at me like that, fuck off". On the night of the party, lot of students came in the best costumes, Rodger had promised Christine to come get her for the party, which also he had to help his friend Marty to get drinks, weed and other stuffs. Rodger called Christine on Phone and said "Where are you babe?, can you come over?" Christine said " I'm home, I thought you said you would come for me, you know I get scared walking alone" Rodger said to her "I'm sorry babe, had to run an errand for Marty to get some stuffs for the party" Christine said to Rodger" Okay babe, but can you come get me" Rodger Replied" I will be there in a moment". Rodger went to get Christine for the party and when he entered the house with Christine all of them stood unmoved staring disliking at Christine.

Christine said to Rodger "They don't want me here babe, I think I have to get back home", Rodger said to her " No babe, you're here because of me, you know you can't get back home we just arrived, C'mon let me get you a drink to relax on the sofa okay" Christine said "okay Babe".

After a cool drink for Christine, Rodger started kissing and touching in a emotional way, then Christine saw a ghost entering through the window, several of them. She run out of the room into a dark forest. Rodger got confused and said "Hey Babe, where you running to wait for me" when Rodger got downstairs Marty asked " Whats wrong with her, I hope you don't get influenced by her spell", Rodger angrily said "Shut the fuck up bro, lemme think". A fanatic said " Is she possessed?". Rodger followed her into the forest. found her kneeling and crying saying "They coming after me, I don't want you to get hurt babe", Rodger asked "Who's coming?" I'm here for you babe, you don't have to be afraid, it's dark out here. "You don't need to be alone babe and I don't care who's coming after you, I love you babe". and they went back inside using the house back door. Rodger asked " tell me babe, who's coming after you?", she said " Ever since I was a kid, I get numerous of ghost coming to me seeking for help to reveal where they were killed to the government officials to get that place burnt" Rodger stood up scared and said " Really, how did they find you? there are lots of people here in the country, why you? Christine said " I don't know, I just have visions everytime and I guess I have to play my part to help them and it happened when I was young, i think that's why they keep coming to me" Rodger stares silently for a minute and said " I love you babe, it a secret between us and I will help you resolve this issue but first we need to report it to the officials and I hope no one knows about this"?, Christine said "My parents knows about this" and they hugged and kissed passionately and continued partying.

Months later, in a summer holiday Marty and his group of friends grouped and went through an outrageous process about going on an adventure in a random picked town, everybody had made suggestions on whether to go or not to get involved in a township treat.... Suddenly decision were made.

In a courtyard, behind "a wrecked old school" in a suburb of a long forgotten city. There was a meet up point for campers for camping, about 10 to 15 people of 9 males and 6 females, grouped and moved in separate ways heading to same destination at midnight as planned already, foodstuffs was in abundance. On the way, Christine had a vision, a scary one about where they heading to, foretelling on what she saw about a Mass massacre they're are about to face and how people are going to loose their life in the scene. She then moved to Her partner, in a sorrowful face to tell him what she saw, she only believed in her partner because it was only him who really knows her well enough. On their way, first long vehicle run out of Diesel so they stopped to a gas station to fill up the tank, bus driver was so furious why the car had to stop, others in the bus got out taking selfie and making live stream on their newly adventure. A slayer walked close to the vehicle staring intimidated and silently at each of them, A guy got down from the vehicle to a mart at the gas station for snacks, came back stooped at the slayer making fun and threw a can drink at the man and said " Fuck Off old Fool" quickly he joined his crew in bus and took off whiles the man Keep staring Horrorfully at them especially one who threw a drink at him...

In about 5km to destination, they had a flat Tyre so they needed a change, with the help of a stranger it got fixed and he said to them " Becareful out here, it creeping at night and cries everytime, I don't know what it might be(Respect the town and you will be freely to go back home safe and sound)". They had really entertained themselves with jamming songs as they patrolled in the dark quite zone of the unknown, There was a noise in the background. As they drove into distraction from the loud music, they had no idea of the factor behind an uncertainty dark zone they moved into.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Allswell_Abrahamscreators' thoughts