
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Nobody Likes Mary

Very soon it was Azure's turn to register. A middle aged man wearing a very battle suit with a white cross emblem on the central area of his chest sat behind the register. He wore a grey shoulder armor on his right shoulder that had a cross like emblem, identical to the one on his chest at the pivotal point.

"Name please!"


The middle aged man waited a bit, assuming that Azure was going to say his last name. After a few seconds of waiting, he realized that he was going to have to ask for it.

"Azure, what?"

"Just Azure"

"We need your last name for reference purposes"

"Smith". Azure said the first name that came to his mind. It was his last name in

His last life and since he was not fortunate enough to be privy to information about his name and surname, he decided to continue using the name 'smith'


"Fifteen". Azure said.


Azure did a quick dive into his memories and couldn't help smiling. It turned out that Azure and Sticks actually lived in the church their entire lives up until about a year ago.

They were the most mischievous and scandalous pair of children anyone could ever come across right from the crib. By the time they were ten, they had forged an unbreakable bond.

A year ago, they were kicked out of the church as a punishment for one of their pranks nearly killing a sister of the church.

"Actually, I live here".

The middle aged man seemed surprised for a moment of two. This was before realization suddenly dawned upon him.

"You're the devil spawn that got kicked out a year ago".

Azure wasn't pleased with the idea of him being identified as a devil spawn. Still, he nodded his head and confirmed his 'identity'.

"That's me". He replied, affirming the statement made by the middle aged man.

The middle aged man laughed heartily. "You and that other kid, you're legends inside the angel squads". He then added in a whisper. "No one likes Mary in the first place". He gave him a bronze card that had his name embedded onto it. "Can't wait to see you out there".

"Alright, thanks". Azure said. He was about going to meet Sticks so that he could wait with him when the middle aged man called him back.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, you're supposed to go inside and give the attendant your bronze card, she'll use it to generate your opponent". He smothered a laugh as he spoke.

Azure didn't seem to think anything if the middle aged man's unusual demeanor in giving him directions. His face had a confused expression for an entirely different reason.

"Opponent?" He echoed. "Just one person?" He asked the middle aged man.

"Yeah, we have an all time low in the number of applicants this year".

"Oh well, less work for me then". Azure said making the middle aged man chuckle.

"Don't be too sure about that". He said.

After a little chit chat, Azure literally had to run away as the people behind him started swearing at him. He was pretty sure that they were only so close to throwing things at him.

He entered the church and sighed. A feeling of nostalgia washed over him. He smiled and walked forward. At the end of the hall, a small crowd hovered around a table. Azure guessed that was where he was supposed to generate his opponent.

The crowd cleared up a bit after Azure waited for a while. He managed to jostle his way towards the front so that he would be attended to. He stared at the person that was supposed to pair him with his opponent and as soon as he saw her face, only one word could escape his lips.


The person looked up and saw Azure staring at her. A smile blossomed immediately.

"Miss me much?" Mary asked.

Staring back at him was a girl that looked about nineteen years of age. She had long black hair paired with Ocean blue eyes. Hey skin was fair complexioned Abe her face took a somewhat oval face. All in all, age was quite a beauty.

"How are you?" Azure asked. His tone forgetting to carry the 'I'm sorry my prank almost killed you' in it.

"Let me see your bronze card". She stretched out her hand. Azure was slightly puzzled. The fact that she ignored his question didn't concern him. If his memory served him correctly, Mary was a vengeful, narrow minded person. It was one of the reading why he and Sticks harbored so much enmity got her as to endanger her life. The fact that she seemed to have forgiven him was a plot twist that he didn't expect.

He handed her the card and she inserted it into a small cuboid shaped object that was placed on the table. A devilish smirk slowly forming on her face as she handed the card back to Azure.

"I knew it". Azure said as it looked at the card. There was no way that she forgave him.

"Better luck next year". She smiled. It was taking all of her self control to stop herself from laughing.

"Fuck". Azure said as he took one more look at the name on the card.

In big bright letters (well, as bright as something that was in bronze could be), the name, 'Rein' was engraved under his name.

Now just like how Azure and Sticks were famous for their notorious deeds, there were others that were famous for their proficiency in other things. Rein was the best when it came to swordsmanship. Several months before he was kicked out, Rein already started training with members in the angel squads, and that was over a year ago!

Few minutes later, Sticks emerged with a bronze card in his hands. His face had the same grin expression that was currently on Azure's face.

"I got Rein". Azure said. "Who'd you get?"

"It's sword vs sticks". Sticks said. "Literally".

Azure patted his back and they both moved towards where the fight would take place.