
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Member’s Exhibition - The Sequel

"Tamra?" Azure said in a questioning tone. He was confused. Where exactly was he? What was he laying on. It was only after a few seconds, when he gained some sort of clarity over his situation that he muttered. "Boobs!"

The mutter was just loud enough for Tamra to hear. It was at that moment that she realized that Azure's head lay in her boobs. She didn't seem to mind it though, in fact she plunged Azure deeper into 'heaven'.

Azure was having an internal conflict. He was torn between removing himself from his 'predicament' or enjoying himself. He was a pastor after all, and despite the age of the body he was in, he was way older than her.

After a few more seconds of internal debate, Azure decided that he shouldn't stop her. She could do whatever she wanted. Who was he to get in her way?

"You're not dead?" Tamra said softly after some seconds of awkwardness. She gently removed his face from her boobs and and rested his body on a rock. "How aren't you dead?"

Azure almost passed out again after hearing Tamra's words. Then he remembered how she was crying and cradling his body a few minutes earlier and decided this was a farce to make him think that she didn't care about him.

"It's glad to know I'm surrounded by people who wish me well". Azure said sarcastically. "How many hours was I out for?" He asked.

Tamra ignored his question. "How aren't you dead? Any normal person would've died with those types of injuries".

Azure also ignored her remark. "So what happened to the corpse of the demon?"

"I used his blood to vent my frustration". Tamra said. She took out two handfuls of demon cores. All of them were identical to the one which she removed from the first demon that she killed, except for one of them. This one was white and had a few arcs of lightning dancing around it. "Best six days of my life".

"Six days?!" Azure felt dizzy.

Azure stood up slowly to get a closer look at the crystal. He realized that he didn't feel any form of fatigue whatsoever from his six day nap. In fact, his body seemed to be lighter than before. The only downside from everything was the pang of hunger he felt when he stood fully.

Tamra laughed as he used his hand to clutch his stomach which growled loudly enough for her to hear.

Azure muttered something in displeasure and snatched the demon cores from Tamra's hand. He stuffed them inside his robes and spoke. "Let's go".

"Go where?" Tamra asked.

"Back to headquarters, we have to turn all the demon cores in for the reward". Azure said. His brain began to work rapidly as soon as he said those words. He went on this mission for a reason; to train. He only wanted to train because… "The member's exhibition!" He said all of a sudden, startling Tamra.


"The member's exhibition". Azure repeated. "Isn't it today?"

"It's tomorrow". Tamra smiled. "Calm down".

Azure sighed in relief. He dusted himself started his sojourn towards the headquarters along with Tamra.

After a few hours, they got back to the headquarters and found the welfare room. They exchanged the demon cores for the rewards. Azure became a six star member while Tamra who had three stars to her name previously became an eight star member.

Azure and Tamra parted ways after a few more minutes of chit chat and Azure resigned to his room.

He met Balvin and two other teenagers having a discussion. Without so much as a word he walked towards his bed and collapsed on it, sleeping till the next day.


Azure was woken up to the sound of a large gong. He wiped his eyes and groggily got dressed. He went straight to the kitchen, thanking his luck that he was led there at the first try.

He dug in to some left over food. After filling his stomach, he proceeded to find his way towards the front yard of the headquarters where all the other members asides from him, it seemed, were already assembled.

The middle aged man that led them to the chaos abyss realm stood at the center of the crowd that gathered in a circular shape.

"As you all know, today is the day that the finals of the member's exhibition takes place. You will all need cunning and wisdom as well as strength as bravery in order to win". The middle aged man spent about ten minutes giving a boring pep talk. Azure was literally dozing off even though he was standing.

When he was done he led everyone to the transportation booth. Azure felt his weariness fade into excitement. The member's exhibition was about to start!