
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Meditation Marathon

"Yes, meditation". Tamra said, snapping Azure out of his train of thoughts.

"How do you meditate?" Azure asked. He already knew the answer to this question but he felt that he had to be left alone with his thoughts for some more time.

The only other question on his mind was why did Alex want to hide the truth about his parents. Was he one of the people that caused their deaths?

That didn't make any sense, if he were part of them then he could've easily finished him off when Bastian attacked.

There were just so many things that didn't make any sense to him.

"A penny for your thoughts". Tamra said, snapping him out of his thoughts.


"What are you thinking about?" Tamra asked. "You weren't even listening to everything I said in meditation".

"Nothing, I'm just uh…" Azure stalled to give his brain time to come up with a believable lie. "I'm thinking of my friend, Sticks".


"Yeah, I haven't seen him since the registration, I was hoping to see him here". Azure said.

"If you say so". Tamra said in a tone that told Azure that she didn't believe his lie. She was just being polite by not pressing further.

"Sticks, Arman, please step out!"

Azure's eyes lit up when he heard Stick's name. Tamra on the other hand had a look of mild surprise on her face. She probably didn't believe that there was a person named Sticks.

"So you and Sticks are good friends?" Tamra asked. Azure nodded in response. "Did your parents do some type of bad name pact. Azure, Sticks. Did they just look at the first thing in front of them when they named you?"

Azure opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, then he closed it. He had already told this bitch that his parents didn't name him.

Without so much as another word, he turned towards the screen and watched Sticks' match with Arman.

The match ended not up to one minute later, Sticks made lightwork of the poor bloke.

A couple of hours later, all the fights were finished. There were a couple of exciting battles but none of them were as good as the fight between Exo and Tamra.

Memories of the match still made some of the male spectators to subconsciously cover their crotch area.

"Alright, clips of the fight have been uploaded to the main server where it will be reviewed by the higher ups". The middle aged man said. "Results of the preliminary round will be sent to your server address after ten days. For those of you that do not have access to a transmitter". Whether it was on purpose or not, the middle aged man gazed at Azure. "You could always go to the welfare room to get help".

"Alright, that's all for today". He signaled for everyone to move towards the transportation booth. "Please could everyone move towards the transportation booth in an orderly fashion".

The latter part of his statement was disregarded by majority of the people present. As soon as he finished talking it was a free for all to get to the booth. Some people even resorted to using bible verses.

"I have a question". Azure said.

Tamra gave him a look that said you better not fall into whatever train of thoughts that you got absorbed in before.

"Ask away".

"Is there a place where I can meditate in peace?" Azure asked. He looked at Balvin that was just a couple of rows behind him. "I don't think I'll be able to meditate peacefully in my room".

"There's a meditation room somewhere in the headquarters". Tamra said. "There's just one problem though, no one knows how to get to it, for some reason it's not on the map".

"There's a map?" Azure asked.

Tamra ignored his question. "You'll just have to keep walking around until you get to the there".

Azure nodded. It wasn't like that was a new thing for him. That was all he did since he got into the angel squad.

After getting back to the headquarters, Azure immediately went in search for the meditation room. He had entered quite a number of rooms and was about to give up when he found it.

It looked like a typical church, except that it had mats placed all around instead of chairs. There was a book which looked identical to a bible at the center of each vacant mat.

On various areas on the wall, there were a bunch of posters with motivational quotes written on them.

In front of everything there was an altar with a pulpit placed on it. Behind this altar was an old man that had a full collection of white hair and beards.

As soon as Azure's eyes landed on the old man, he opened his eyes and stared at Azure for a few seconds after which he smiled at Azure.

'Straight to business then'.

Azure walked towards an empty mat and shifted the book from its position then sat down cross legged and began to meditate.