
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Friend Vs Friend (1)

"You may begin!" As soon as the middle aged man finished talking, Azure and Kevin charged at each other.


Their swords clashed. Azure pushed Kevin back and rushed at him again. A low grunt escaped Kevin's lips as he raised his sword so that it clashed with Azure's sword.

Azure's lips tilted upward as he slashed at Kevin with all the strength that he could muster at that very moment. Kevin reciprocated the action and sparks flew as the two metal blades slid against each other.

The two parties retreated a few steps away from each other, bloodthirsty glares in both their gazes.

Kevin unsheathed his second sword and smiled menacingly at Azure. He started charging towards him.

"For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed, neither hid, that shall not be known!"

The blade of Kevin's swords began glowing with a light brown luster. The silver coat around the blade of the sword started peeling off to reveal two white blades.

Kevin charged at Azure and used the golden sword to slash at him. Azure sneered as he saw the crescent shaped golden light rush towards him.

He raised his sword and used it to block the attack. He felt a jolt inside him, similar to when he fought Balvin for the first time. His body was sent staggering a few steps back.

Kevin laughed when he saw the shocked expression that etched itself on Azure's face a few moments later.

"What happened?" his lips curled upward. "Cats got your tongue?"

Azure shook off his shock and smiled back. "I'm actually just contemplating the Bible verse that'll finish you off quickly". He pointed his sword towards Kevin. "I know a lot of them you see".

"For the light shines upon the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not".

Azure's sword started glowing with an azure hue. He smiled as he charged at Kevin and slashed at him. An azure ray of light shot out of his sword and zoomed towards Kevin.

Kevin's cocky smile faded and he used one of his swords to deflect the ray of light that got to him ahead of Azure. He felt his bones shake as he deflected the ray of light and was immediately met with Azure's sword.

He jumped backwards as soon as possible, but not quick enough. The tip of Azure's sword brushed against his leather armor and left an inch long tear.

His body crashed against the floor and skidded for a few feet before finally coming to a halt.

Azure didn't care about the fact that he already repelled Kevin. He ran towards him and stabbed at his body which was already on the floor.

Kevin scampered away when he saw Azure's sword plunging downwards towards his vital. His 'escape' however did nothing to save him from his fate.

"A time to be born and a time to die".

Azure slashed at Kevin who had just gotten up. His sword was outlined with a faint azure hue. The tip of his sword left a crescent line as it zipped through the air and travelled towards its target.

An azure colored slash mark materialized from thin air and rushed towards Kevin. Kevin hadn't stabilized himself enough. He only saw as the azure colored slash mark separated his head from his body.

Azure didn't think to halt his attack since bjs target had already been killed. He continued his rush towards Kevin and bisected the remnants of his body before it dropped towards the floor.

Few moments after Kevin had been killed, he was taken back to reality. He didn't spare a glance at the audience or the pope, he just got off the fighting stage and went into the waiting area.

He met Sticks and Tamra waiting for him and furrowed his brows. How the hell did Sticks finish before him? He had no doubt that Sticks had won his match. If someone as weak as Kevin could make it to the semi finals then Sticks should have no problem making light work of his opponent.

The only problem that Azure couldn't solve was that since he and Sticks had reached the finals then he would have to fight his best friend. He would have to 'kill' his best friend, and all for some lame prize.

Sticks didn't seem to have the be in the same type of dilemma that Azure was in. Because as soon as Azure reached where he was standing, he said eight words.

"I'm going to kill you in the finals". After saying those words, he walked away leaving Azure and Tamra alone.

The pair chatted for some minutes before the middle aged man entered the waiting room called the two finalists.

As Azure and Sticks walked towards the center of the room, they were showered with a torrent of applause from the other members inside the room.

The middle aged man led them towards the fighting ring where this time, the leader of the Micheal squad stood behind the pulpit.

"Azure, Sticks, you have done well to reach this stage". Micheal began. "This is the finals and as such there is zero margin for error. Give it your all and may the best man win".

Azure and Sticks nodded slightly. Their body was encapsulated by a golden ray of light and soon after they appeared opposite each other in then illusionary realm.

The church didn't go all out with the design of this realm. It was a world of plain white, covered by a dome shaped formation.

"Are you ready to die?" Azure smiled while flexing his grip on the hilt of his sword. He had already unsheathed it. He pointed his weapon at Sticks and smiled.

Sticks smiled back. He unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Azure. "I should be asking you that".

"Azure, Sticks are you ready?" A calm voice asked. Azure recognized this voice. It was the pope!

The two parties nodded. A bell chime sounded soon after. The finals of the member's had begun!