
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs


Out of all the places that Sticks expected to land, he didn't expect to find himself at the bottom of the ocean.

It was a beautiful sight, there were occasionally fishes passing by, tall aquatic plants whose heights spanned all the way to the surface, the glass blue color of the sea, it was beautiful.

Out of all these beautiful things however, not one of them could compare to the beauty of the girl that stood in front of him.

The girl had black hair which fell over her brown skinned face. Her face was shaped in an exquisite manner which seemed to amplify her beauty. Her ocean blue eyes looked so innocent as she stared down her opponent.

She fiddled with the string of the bow that she held in her hands. There was a quiver full of arrows strapped to her back. Her lips curled upward to form a smile when she realized that she was up against a newbie.

Sticks felt like his heart was about to melt. How the hell was he supposed to kill such a beauty. Whoever set up the matches wronged him.

He sighed lightly. He unsheathed the sword from its scabbard and pointed it at the girl. He still couldn't bring himself to admit that he would have to kill such a beauty.

"Sticks, Sandra, are you ready?" A voice asked.

Sticks and Sandra replied in the affirmative and a buzzer sounded few moments afterwards.

As soon as the buzzer sounded, Sandra picked one of the arrows from the quiver and strapped it to the bow. She took aim and pulled the string of the bow back and released it, sending the arrow on a parabolic path towards its target.

Sticks' figure turned into a blur. He moved away from his original position and appeared about six feet away. The arrow zipped past where his neck was supposed to be and burst, causing a small explosion.

Sticks stared at the spot where the arrow was with widened eyes. He really didn't think that the arrow could cause so much damage. He unsheathed his sword and took a fighting stance. Instead of charging however, he asked.

"You have exploding crystals?" He raised an eyebrow.

The girl was taken aback by his sudden question but nodded nonetheless. Sticks nodded slightly in response to her reply.

"Hook me up when we're done". He said, then began his sprint towards her.

The girl picked another arrow from her quiver and took aim at Sticks' blurry figure. Sticks had enough intelligence not to move in a straight line and kept changing directions unpredictably so as to give her a difficult time aiming.

His actions got him a small smile from the girl.

She started shooting her arrows randomly, the wooden arrows bursting to form explosions about ten feet in front of her.

Sticks halted his run and smiled at the girl. She was smart. He clenched his teeth and decided to continue his charge towards her with clenched teeth.

It took all the resilience he had to stop himself from crying out as he was confronted with the wooden splinters digging into random parts of his body.

Once he was close enough, he slashed at the girl with all the strength that he could muster. He felt a bit of a heart ache, having to kill a pretty girl, but it was for the greater food. Or so he told himself.

The girl jumped backwards and removed an arrow from her quiver. A devilish smirk forming on her face as she stabbed at Sticks' neck with the arrow.

Sticks didn't have any time to react properly when faced with the threat of the arrow, he could only tilt his head sideways.

Though he didn't manage to dodge the attack, he minimized the damage. The dagger plunged into the side of his shoulders. The feeling of the cold metal entering his flesh was succeeded by a loud scream. His eyes darkened for a moment.

"Dumbass". The girl muttered under her breath. "Think I can't harm you more than a few exploding arrows".

Sticks' eyes turned a faint shade of red for a few moments as he regarded the girl. To think that he was going to feel bad for killing her.

His figure turned into a blur and he appeared in front of her a few moments later and slashed at her. His face shifting to form a smile as he watched his sword cut cleanly through her neck, separating it from her body.

"Sticks wins". A cal voice announced soon after.

Sticks felt a smirk on his face as he looked at the corpse of the girl on the floor.

"Who's the dumbass now?" He asked the corpse. After hearing nothing for a few seconds, he laughed. "That's what I thought".