
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs


"It's just a club".

If Balvin were a less bigger, less stronger, less scary person, Then Azure could've walked up to him and given him a slap for those words that he just said now.

'It's just a club' Azure scoffed inwardly. How the fuck was something that took the grunt of a bible verse without any visible damage classified as 'just a club'.

Where did the club even come from, Azure was certain that he wasn't holding any weapon when the middle aged man signaled the beginning of the fight, so how did he get a club that big.

It wouldn't be too much of an overstatement to say that the size of the club was equivalent to the size of his entire body. Balvin swinging the club with such ease brought glimpses of unpleasant scenarios to Azure's head

"I'm going all out now". Azure smiled while wiping his lips.

"Please, be my guest". Balvin laughed while flexing his grip on the club.

"Vanity of vanities saith the preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity!"

An azure-colored mist outlined the edges of the blade of Azure's sword. Enduring the pain of his broken ribs, Azure ran towards Balvin and slashed at him.

An azure-colored slash mark extended from the top of the sword when Azure was in close proximity to Balvin.

'Let's see how you take this one'.

Right as the slash mark was about to make contact with Balvin, the wooden club came into its path.

Balvin used the wooden club to block the attack, this time though, not without any damage.

As the slash mark made contact with the wooden club, Balvin staggered backward a few steps. At a point, his entire body just skidded towards a direction.

Though the damage was not as much as Azure had hoped, he'd still take it. He ran towards Balvin and slashed again.

Balvin laughed when he noticed that Azure was rushing towards him. The puny little child didn't realize that the only thing that could work on him was a bible verse.

What Balvin didn't know however, was that when it came to bible verses, Azure shouldn't be messed with.

"A time to be born and a time to die!"

The blade of his sword was enveloped with azure colored flames. The flames spread from the blade of his sword to the hilt, to the hand that held the sword until his entire body was enveloped.

Azure slashed at Balvin with all the strength he could muster at that very moment.

The sword did an arc in the air that produced an azure colored slash mark which advanced towards Balvin separately from the sword.

The azure colored slash mark that was formed also caught flames as soon its began its journey towards Balvin.

Balvin was shocked. How the hell did Azure learn so many bible verses. The most he'd ever see a rookie learn was one! How did someone that just became a member two weeks ago already learn so many bible verses.

He raised up the club to block the burning slash mark that headed for his throat then quickly dodged to the side to avoid getting hit by Azure's sword.

As soon as Azure's sword slashed at the

air, he swung his club at Azure's head. He didn't have time to be playing around. He had to end the fight as quickly as possible.

When Azure missed, he jumped backwards just in time to dodge Balvin's club, then lunges at him again. He slashed at Balvin again and once again, Balvin dodged.

"It seems I underestimated you a bit". Balvin said. "But no worries, I'll take you seriously now".

As soon as Balvin said this, he smashed his club against the ground, causing a mini earthquake.

The 'earthquake' caused Azure to stagger quite a bit, and while he was struggling to regain his footing, Balvin rushed at him and attempted to smash his head with his club.

Azure didn't know how he moved out of the way, all he knew was that two seconds late, he was half a meter from a crater that had a depth of quarter a meter and a diameter of one meters.

"Oh, you're fast". Balvin said. "I like that". All of a sudden, his lips curled upwards to form a smirk. "It's been long since I've fought someone that can keep up". He sighed in 'melancholy'. "Too bad it all has to end now".

"There will be great earthquakes and in some places, famines and pestilences".

Various cracks began to appear on the surface of the mountain peak which started shaking as though the mountain may collapse at any moment.

Balvin smiled when he saw Azure waving his arms around for balance. He immediately ran towards Azure and swung his club towards his head.

Azure's body wasn't stable enough for him to attempt any form of movement away from his current position, not to talk of dodging a rapidly approaching club.

He could only watch as the club hit his head and turned it into a paste of blood.

'I… lost?!'

As soon as his head became non existent, Azure and Balvin were teleported away from the simulation and back to be the chaos abyss realm.

It did feel ironical though, that the last thought that Azure had before he 'died' was the first thought that he had when he 'ressurected'.

He had lost!

He was defeated!

He was a weak piece of shit!