
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Crazy Girl

"For the wages of sin is death!"

A blood red mist suddenly appeared from thin air. They all moved towards Tamra and formed a chain which she held in her hand. She cracked the chain and swung it towards Exo.

Exo smiled, then chuckled, then laughed, then cackled. He charged at the chain that was swung at him.

"The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises".

The blade of the sword started glowing with a golden luster. It emitted a huge amount of heat which caused some of the unlucky trees that were nearby to burn.

The sword came in contact with the chain causing the sound of metal hitting metal to reverberate in the area.

Tamra drew the chain back to her and once again sent it towards Exo who scoffed and slashed at the chain once more.

The chain and sword clashed once more, this time though, the chain slid along the surface of the sword'a blade and wrapped around it.

"Let's see how you get out of this". Tamra said as she yanked the chain in an attempt to release the hilt of the sword from Exo's grip.

Exo felt a tug on his hand then stared at Tamra, then at the chain, then at his sword.

"It seems like you're the one underestimating me". Exo smirked. He tightened his grip on the sword. What happened next shocked everyone watching.

All of a sudden a hissing sound was heard at such intensity that it echoes in the surrounding areas. Half a second layer, the chain that wrapped around Exo's sword started to vibrate before bursting into liquid.

Tamra jumped backwards to avoid some of the melted metal from splashing on her skin. Even though it was only in a simulation, she couldn't let her precious skin get tainted.

Exo smiled when he saw Tamra jump back and charged at her with the blade of his sword at was at god knows which


Tamra smiled when she saw Exo charging at her with his sword.

"It seems like I have to go all out then". She said as she removed a green dagger from within her clothes.

Exo slashed at Tamra's neck, aiming for a one hit kill. In response to this, Tamra threw the dagger which she held in her hand at his sword.

The dagger hit the blade of the sword, changing its trajectory ever so slightly. This slight change in trajectory gave Tamra enough time to dodge the strike completely.

Exo smiled at her. "It's been a long time since someone made me work like that".

"Yeah, well It's also been a long time since someone made me remove my daggers". Tamra said.

"Doesn't matter though, I'm still going to fuck you up". Exo said while flexing his grip on the hilt of his sword.

At that moment, Tamra did something that Azure almost thought that he'd never see her do again.

She started stomping her feet while shouting. "You're using bad language in front of the Lady Tamra". Tamra screamed. "No one uses bad language in front of the Lady". At this point the look in her eyes was scary. Azure swallowed as he thought back to when he swore in front of her. He was really grateful that all he got was a tantrum.

Three green daggers, identical to the ones which she threw at Exo's swords flew out from within her clothes.

Tamra had her two hands stretched out in front of her. The three daggers hovered mid air, just a few millimeters off the surface of Tamra's palm.

She made a slight pushing motion and all three of the daggers flew towards Exo's throat. The dagger that she threw at his sword rose from where it landed and moved to join its comrades in its search for Exo's neck.

With a speed that was barely conceivable to the human eyes, Exo fended off the simultaneous barrage from all four daggers.

What was even more astonishing was that fact that he seemed to be edging closer towards Tamra's location.

To everyone else watching, Tamra was being cocky and overconfident. She could see as Exo advanced towards her position yet she remained standing.

After about two minutes, Exo used his sword to parry one of the daggers and had a clear path to the left side of her chest.

Without hesitation, Exo stabbed. As soon as he made the movement, Tamra smiled. She bent down slightly so that instead of her heart, the sword stabbed at her shoulder.

What she did next made everyone watching shudder. Even the middle aged man.

She held Exo's wrist and pulled herself towards him, the sword plunging deeper into her skin as she did this.

When she was arms length from Exo, the four daggers that were momentarily stagnant plunged into his stomach area.

"Aargh!" Exo cried out in agony. His grip on the sword loosened as he fell onto the floor.

"Exo, do you yield?" The middle aged man asked.

"No". Exo replied hoarsely.

"You still want to fight?" Tamra said rhetorically. "Well we'd have to do something about that, won't we?".

The four daggers came out of Exo's mid section, and stabbed his shoulders. He winced as a response.

"Do you yield?" The middle aged man asked.

"Never". Exo said hoarsely.

Tamra chuckled. The four daggers stabbed four random areas of his body resulting in Exo letting out a pained scream. The sound of his scream clashed with the sound of Tamra's laughter.

"Do you yield?" The middle aged man asked.

"No". That was the only thing that Exo could say at this point.

"I guess I'll have to be quite merciless now". Tamra said.

One of the daggers rose and descended towards his… his… his crotch area. As soon as it landed, all the male persons watching the fight gasped and instinctual held their 'machine guns'.

"Do you yield?" The middle aged man asked.

At this point, Exo could barely speak. All he could do was let out a tiny whimper of defiance.

"Well then". Tamra said. "Tell me when you're ready to stop.

As soon as she said those words, the daggers started stabbing into random parts of his body. Poor Exo could only last two minutes before he died.

As soon as his heart stopped beating, both of them were teleported away from the simulation and back to the chaos abyss realm.

Azure meanwhile, was nearly drenched with sweat.

'What kind of a crazy girl did I get involved with". He lamented inwardly.