
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Balvin The Brute

After running around the headquarters, getting lost a few times and almost being eaten alive by some demon beasts, Azure finally found the welfare room.

The welfare room was like a room were information concerning various missions, tasks were relayed. It was also where angel squad members came to when they needed help with something. Like registering for the member's exhibition for example.

The welfare room was a semi spacious romm. It consisted of a simple desk placed in the middle of the room. There were posters advertising various missions and tasks.

He walked up to the table and greeted the woman that sat behind the table. She asked for his name and other basic information about himself

Like in the audition to become a member of the angel squad, he was given a bronze card with his name engraved on the surface.

"Present this card tomorrow and you'll receive more information on the exhibition". A woman that looked to be in her late thirties said to Azure.

"Tomorrow?" Azure echoed.

"Yeah, the exhibition starts tomorrow".

Azure was shocked. How did he learn about the competition so late? He was about to enter into a depressing fit when he remembered.

He had only one friend, and that person was in another squad. He had absolutely nobody to talk to when he wasn't doing anything (luckily he had yet to bear the grunt of such boredom). He hadn't even seen his roommates at all. He was a loner, a depressing loner.

Somehow, as he thought about all these things, his lips curled up into a smile.

'I guess I'm the same in both lives'

Then he realized, screw friends and information channels, he just joined the angel squad yesterday. How the fuck is there a member's exhibition just two days after accepting new members?

Maybe this was what Tamra meant when she said that they would rig it in your favor if you register. They would pair you with the fresh, unsuspecting members.

After a few minutes of chit chat with the middle aged woman that attended to him, he set off on his sojourn towards his room.

His journey went relatively smooth, that is to say he didn't accidentally let demons out of the dungeon and he didn't almost get eaten by demon beasts.

When he entered the room, he saw someone sitting on one of the beds.

The person had blonde hair. His head was faced down so Azure couldn't notice any of his facial features. He had a very muscular frame. He looked almost as buff as the squad generals!

Compared to him, Swords seemed like a frail child that could fall apart with just the slightest breeze.

"Hey there". The boy raised his head and saw Azusa staring at him.

Azure observed his facial feature. He had deep blue eyes which lay under a thick collection of eyebrows. He had a relatively small nose which was coupled with thin, pale lips. His jawline slanted to form a pointed jaw.

His facial appearance was pretty average but his muscular physique made him seem like a good looking guy, to the eyes of a girl anyways. To Azure he was just another random bloke.

"Hi". Azure answered. "My name is Azure".

"I know". The boy said causing Azure to raise an eyebrow. "You're kinda famous around here after your little stunt with Mary". He added.

"Oh…" Azure sighed. He was slightly disappointed. He had almost started to think that his new body was so handsome that even boys had started to stalk him.

"Anyways, my name is Balvin". The boy said and offered Azure his hand which Azure shook. "So you're the ghost roommate?" He half asked, half said.

"Excuse me?" Azure was confused. He and Alex had only been gone for a few hours and they'd come right back as soon as they were done in the dungeon.

How did being gone for probably half the day make him a ghost room mate?

"Yeah man". Balvin shrugged. "It's been two weeks since the audition and nobody's seen your face at all".

"Did you just say two weeks?!" Azure was shocked. He spent a couple of hours with Alex inside a simulation and now he's hearing that he's been gone for two weeks!

"You know what, good luck at the contest tomorrow ". Balvin stood up. Azure was shocked. In addition to Balvin's muscular frame, he was additionally very tall.

Azure's head barely reached his shoulder!

"You go easy on me". Balvin added. Azure gasped.

He felt the surface of the bronze card that he was handed and felt something under his name. After a few seconds, he could make out something.

Balvin the brute.


Short chapter, I know