
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

All Is Vanity (2)

A flame like azure mist formed and outlined Azure's body. The flame like mist spread to the blade of the sword and outlined it. A smile was on Azure's face as he began to charge towards the demon. All is vanity. All is meaningless. And if all is meaningless, then the his life is meaningless, then the life of the demon is meaningless, so either of them could be ended.

Azure's body flashed, then appeared five feet away from his initial position, he was already in front of the demon. He slashed at the demons neck with a smile on his face. If the life of the demon was meaningless, he might as well end it.

The demon grinned as he saw Azure's sword advance towards him. He instantly flung himself away from where he lay, brushing his shoulder against one of Tamra's blood-colored daggers.

"Shit!" He cursed as he clutched on to the shoulder that was injured. He looked at Tamra as if just acknowledging her existence. "You, stay out of this".

As he said those words, arcs of lightning danced around his body. He stretched out his hand and a thick bolt of lightning left his hand and hit Tamra on the chest. She was flung quite a distance and landed on the floor. A spiderweb like crack developed where she landed. She fainted instantly.

The demon turned to Azure. "Now, where were we". He had a bone chilling smile on his face which highlighted his fangs.

"You're going to pay for that". Azure said.

"Make me". The demon sneered as he charged at Azure.

Azure smiled back as he charged at the demon. He was thinking of something mind blowing during his short sprint. If the Bible verse he was using was just a state, then didn't that mean that he could simultaneously use another battle oriental bible verse.

"A time to live and a time to die!

The flame shaped mist that outlined his body and his sword became darker and more defined. The tip of his sword left an Azure afterimage as it zipped through the air and went straight for the demon's neck.

The demon easily dodged the strike and clawed at Azure's chest. Azure didn't see the attack in time and couldn't move out of the way, he could only watch as the demon's claws pierced his skin and left a five fingered gash across his chest.

Azure's body was flung back for about a feet and crashed on the floor. He took in a huge puff of hair as he briefly inspected his wound. He clenched his teeth. He could feel the sting of the wound seeping into his bones. It hurt so-

No! He didn't feel pain, or if he did, it didn't matter. All was vanity, all was meaningless, and as such, the pain was meaningless. He clenched his teeth as he stood up with great difficulty.

"You haven't had enough, eh?" The demon laughed. "I'll be happy to mess with you some more!"

"We'll see if you're laughing when I'm done with you". Azure sneered.

"For the light shineth upon the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not!"

The flame shaped mist that outlined Azure's body and his sword started 'glowing', if that was possible at all. A thin azure colored crescent danced in the air as Azure slashed his sword towards the demon who laughed.

Lightning cascaded around his upper arm, moved towards his lower arm and escaped his arms entirely, forming a whip which he held in a firm grip.

He cracked the lightning whip twice, resulting in ear deafening rumblings. The two lightning whips moved towards Azure. One moved towards the sword while the other moved towards the left side of his chest.

"Shit!" Azure cursed. With a flash, his body disappeared and appeared few centimeters away from the demon, within the reach of the whip that had already been flung too far for it to recalled in time.

Azure used all the strength that he could gather and swung the sword towards the demon. His face beholding an evil smile on it. He was going to kill the demon, and the death of the demon would mean nothing. Because everything was meaningless.

"I still have claws, you know". The demon said as he releases his grip on the two lightning whip and clawed Azure's mid section once again.

Once again, Azure's body flew like a punctured parachute and landed meters away from Tamra. He looked at her again, as if reaffirming the source of his rage, then charged at the demon once again.

"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God!"

Azure's eyes started glowing with an azure hue. The mist that outlined his body seemed to have reached a somewhat solid state as it resembled actual fire. The mist that outlined his sword also underwent the same type of transformation.

He ran towards the demon but stopped at a distance that seemed safe enough and slashed at him.

A five feet long crescent slash mark burning with glowing azure fire formed in thin air and rushed towards the demon at a speed which he could not comprehend.

He only saw as a glowing azure blur rushed towards his neck and… separated it from its body!

Azure smiled, the demon looked confused. Its eyes were widened in shock even as his head was removed from his body.

Azure could only let out a hoarse chuckle before he also collapsed to the floor.