
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

A Word Is Enough For The Wise

"You may begin!"

Those three words made Azure's heart flutter, but only for a bit. He realized almost immediately. that he was inside a fighting ring, standing opposite someone that was supposed to be one of the most powerful members.

"Give up". Damon said suddenly.

"What?" Azure muttered. He'd heard what Damon had said, but for some reason his brain seemed to be unable to process the meaning of the new information that it just received.

"Give up". Damon sneered. "It's not like you're any good. You're a newbie, three weeks as a member ain't really something you know".

Azure smiled. The type of smile that one would characterize to the devil. It made Damon feel just a little scared for a bit before he realized that Azure was harmless, at least he thought that.

"No". Azure said. "Thank you for the offer".

Damon snickered. "Don't say I didn't warn you". He unsheathed the sword that he held in his hand. "A word is enough for the wise".

"Give up". Azure said suddenly.

Damon almost choked holding back the laughter that was about to escape his lips. "Have you gone mad?" He terminated all attempts to hold back his laughter and almost fell due to amusement. "Are you talking to me?"

Azure ignored his question. He shrugged. "A

word is enough for the wise".

Without further ado, Azure charged at Damon. He marveled at his new found speed. To the audience watching, they saw a blurry Azure figure rushing towards Damon.

The smile that was on Damon's face froze when he saw Azure rush towards him. He immediately raised his sword to block Azure's strike and initiated a counter attack which Azure immediately blocked.

Damon immediately retreated a few steps away from Azure and smiled cockily. "I admit I underestimated you". He said. "But so what if you're fast, you're still thrash".

Azure shook his head. There was no hope for this idiot.

He charged at Damon once more, aiming for his vitals. Damon blocked his stab and parried it away, initiating a counter attack. Azure raised his sword and blocked it.

Without the two blades breaking contact, Azure parried Damon's sword away and used his sword to initiate a stabbing motion. Damon slide his blade over Azure's blade and blocked it.

The two fighters simultaneously retreated from each other.

To the audience watching, they only saw a blurry azure figure rushing towards Damon and clashing with him a couple of times before retreating. They loved it!

Once again, Azure and Damon engaged each other. The brief attack ended in the two parties' simultaneous retreat.

They were locked in a cycle. Attack, block, retreat. The cycle played out so many times. The sound of their sword clashing creating a disorganized rhythm which the audience enjoyed. The sound of their cheers every time the two swords clashed almost drowned out the reverberation of the sound of metal clashing against metal.

Azure and Damon panted as they repeated the cycle of attack and defense for what seemed to them, the hundredth time.

"Screw this, I'm done playing around". Damon said.

"Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly as far as light excelleth darkness!"

The blade of Damon's sword started glowing with a golden hue. His lips curled upwards to form a smile as he charged at Azure. The light emitting from his sword increasing in intensity as he ran towards Azure.

Within a second, the light from his sword was blinding, causing Azure's vision to be impaired. Azure clenched his teeth.

'Fuck this loser!'

"Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity!"

The audience couldn't see as a blue mist outlined Azure's body. The most reshaped to form a flame like outline which spread from his body to the blade of his sword, outlining it.

In a flash, Azure's body disappeared from where it was previously and appeared right behind Damon who, unknown to him, slashed at the air with all of his light.

The already blinding golden light became brighter. There were a few ripples in the air and the barrier which surrounded the fighting ring vibrated a little.

When the light cleared up, there was a two feet long crater in the ground where Azure was standing. This wasn't what agitated the crowd however.

Azure was standing behind Damon with his sword pressed at the back of his neck. He smiled as he whispered into his ear.

"You've lost!" He snickered at Damon. "You know, a wise man once said that a word is enough for the wise". Azure laughed a bit freely now. "I guess you should've listened to his advice".

Damon's body vibrated slightly. His mouth was agape. How the hell did Azure get behind him. Azure was just standing in the danger zone one second ago. He was going to bear the full grunt of the attack. He would've been dead, he should've been dead!

Lines appeared across Damon's forehead. He clenched his teeth. His fists enclosed.

"Azure wins!" The referee announced.

Damon looked at Azure. He saw the condescending smile on Azure's face as he stared at him. Damon sighed and swallowed all the pride that he had at that moment. He was wrong to have underestimated his opponent. He was wrong to have assumed Azure was weak.

He walked up to Azure and stretched out his hand. "You're not half bad".

Azure was taken aback. He didn't expect the sudden change of heart from Damon. In fact, he expected Damon to loose control of himself and attack him after the match was over. He had already been preparing a torrent of counterattacks.

"Thanks". Azure said, taking the hand which was offered to him. Damon nodded slightly and left the fighting stage. Azure followed suit.

One down, many more to go!