
I always end up as a side character?!

It's been a regular day, a regular routine, eat, exercise, work, sleep, however, one day I woke up and found out I was no longer "me", I quickly started panicking and then I saw it...a blue text formed in front of my eyes. ------ The first world is Classroom of the Elite This fan-fic is just to kill time so don't expect a great commitment. My English is far from good, however, if you can live through simple phrases, there shouldn't be that many grammatical errors...most likely.

Hell_Ooo_8874 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


*Sigh* I took a deep breath and exhaled while stuffing my hands into my pockets.

"Let's say your theory is correct and I am some kind of genius hiding among idiots, what is your next move? Do you think I would cooperate with you if you could reveal this about me?" I asked while staring out of the window from the empty class.

"I would at least ask you why are you doing it" Horikita replied with an uncertain expression as if my question caught her off guard.

"Hmm, and if I were that genius, I would tell you 'because I love peaceful life'. Unfortunately for you, I am not a genius so I won't be able to even cooperate with you nor do I have any motivation to aim for Class A. Me being fairly good at math and English but bad at everything else is only one big coincidence. And those are just my academics, intelligence is something else and I don't excel at it either. I believe there are far more intelligent people in our class you could ask for cooperation" I didn't know why but I suddenly turned a bit talkative. Nevertheless, I said what I wanted to say so I was just about to leave when her next words made me stop in my tracks.

"Are you talking about Ayanokoji-kun?"

"..." I turned at her to see her glaring at me with narrowed eyes.

"Ayanokoji-kun? Why him of all people?" I asked with a genuinely surprised expression.

"Let me call it a hunch. Your behavior around him is by far strangest, it's almost as if you are trying to avoid interacting with him as if...as if you were afraid of garnering his attention. The only similar avoidance I noticed from you was around Kushida-san."

"Do you know something about those two that the others don't?"

Alright, I am slowly getting annoyed by her constant questions.

"Heh, this is ridiculous. Do you even hear yourself? What is this, an interrogation? If there is nothing else, I am leaving" I took my bag, and this time Horikita didn't stop me but when I glanced her way for the last time, I saw her staring at me with a thoughtful expression on her face.



The very next day, Ayanokoji approached me, trying to convince me to rejoin the study group. Apparently, Horikita resorted to using Ayanokoji when I refused her. I simply had no reason to attend so I told him my presence would only make it awkward after that incident with Sudo. It has been 2 days and yet we didn't even exchange a word, just a few glances.

During the break, I was approached by yet another person

"Ike-kun! Are you sure you don't want to attend the study group? I will do my best to repair the relationship between you, Yamauchi-kun, and Sudo-kun." It was none other than Kushida who came up so close to me that I could smell her sweet perfume. I wasn't blaming Ike or the others for being so weak in front of her, she truly is the bane of men like him.

Why do they want me there so much? Anyway, I fulfilled my promise and even got notes from Horikita so I really have no reason to go now plus it's going to be useless anyway.

"Ayanokoji-kun probably told you my answer before and it has yet to change. I have no intention to go there, no offense to anybody. I just don't feel good to attend the study group, I will just study in my dorm room." The moment I was about to refuse, she tried to grab my hand but I quickly retracted it and continued which most likely stunned her but she barely let it be seen on her face.

---Kikyo Kushida---

Affection: -30 -> -25



'Hm? Interesting?' I had no idea why her affection increased neither did I know why it increased by so much, however, I couldn't be bothered by it. It's not like this system serves the same way as if this was some romance simulator.

"I-I see, alright! I won't hold you back anymore, good luck with studying!" Kushida quickly smiled at me and let me go do my things.

Now that I have Horikita's notes, I also need someone who I can trust.

'By the way, if there will be several people with full marks, how am I going to get into the top 5?'

[Even if 20 people hit full marks, as long as you hit full marks too, you will be regarded as 1st place by the system] a text in front of my eyes quickly replied to my question.

*sigh* 'Am I really going to do this?' I took my phone out of my pocket and started typing a message to Inogashira.

[Heey, would you mind helping me study after your study group with Hirata-kun? I really need your help with this]

I hope this sounds sincere enough, at least that's what I was worried about, however never would I have imagined a strong reaction to my message.

[Ino Koko: What?! Should I just leave Hirata-kun's study group?]

[I mean, it's up to you whether you don't mind additional studying afterward] This time I didn't insist on anything and let her choose as a sort of experiment. I quickly checked her last updated status.

---Kokoro Inogashira--- (Boost for the affection and influence)

Affection: 11



'The affection seems to be increasing through the texting and just a simple small talk. I barely spent time with her outside yet it increased by what...4 points? It must be due to that boosted status thanks to the first quest'

[Ino Koko: It looks quite serious so I will find an excuse, however, where are we going to meet? School and library are out of the question, though I am starting to get slightly confused about why we need to keep meeting in secrecy.]

It seems like she is beginning to think that our friendship is no longer embarrassing, however, it would be better to keep it secret than start to hang out with each other out of nowhere. Just the fact that we kept it secret would already spread unnecessary rumors just like the one how I apparently got beaten up for Horikita.

[It's better if we keep it secret for now. I was actually thinking if we could study in my...dorm room] I hesitated before sending the text since even I knew how bad it will look once she reads it.

And as I thought I didn't receive a reply for a long time, so long that the next period started. During the lesson, I noticed Inogashira sometimes secretly glancing at me with a strange expression and when our eyes met once, she looked like a deer in the headlights.

The instant morning periods ended, I sent another message to clarify the situation just in case.

[Look, I know it seemed strange but I didn't mean to hint at anything. Just STUDYING, nothing else I promise] I noticed Inogashira who was still inside the classroom checking her phone and she quickly frowned in displeasure as if she didn't like something in my message.

She quickly started typing in a disordered manner.

[I will be there in the evening] When I raised my head from the message I received, I noticed her leaving the classroom but not before sending me quite a glare.

'...What the hell have I done wrong? Her affection didn't decrease so it's not THAT serious but she seems to be sulking for some kind of reason...?' I couldn't help but stand still with a surprised expression after witnessing this.

'Seeing someone like Horikita glare at me does nothing to me, however seeing someone shy and timid as Inogashira glare at me gives it a whole another feeling.'




In the evening, Inogashira kept her word and arrived at my dorm room, making sure no one from our class sees her on this floor.

I brewed some tea for her however when I arrived with the cups, I could help but notice she was still sulking while sitting on my bed with her back against the wall.

"You know...at first I thought you were afraid or something but seeing how you had no qualms about conquering my bed as the first thing you could do after arriving here, I am no longer sure what you are thinking." I tried to lighten the mood with a faint smile.

She didn't reply right away and instead, her face turned slightly red. She wanted to hop off my bed but I stopped her with the sign of my hand.

"I guess it's not really your fault, I am sorry for not replying immediately. I just...I don't know what I was thinking.