

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 19. Get eaten alive as this is my revenge for touching my mother.

What was that?you stupid dragon You nearly scared me to death.

And you the female God Heca...or whatever you are..

my lord it's Hecana(dragon)

Shut up...you idiot,I am very mad right now..

Ok do not sneak attack me ever like that again.

The Goddes said OK forgive me it was not intentional...

what..!!?? that is totally my line,but why are you saying that?

As according to the goddes words,the attack which came just now is curse which is also the reason for her name the goddes of good and bad as she used to be the goddes of goodness and fun,due to the curse she lose control of herself and became more wary of her surrounding which cause her to do bad deeds beyond explained.

But due to her being a goddes the other gods never said anything towards her action if it does not concern them,but she always tried to control herself to stop the influence the curse have on her body which made her name to be the goddes of good and bad.

This goddes luckily quit and admitted defeat which means she will have to be my wife.

She also later admit it and said she will become one of my wife and serves me.

What should I say?but this is quiet doubtful for a goddes who have not even used her full strength to admit defeat to a mere human.

She explained the situation and also told warning as if I want her to be my wife.

Although It's not like I would die If she is not my wife or it's not like I really wanted her.

But the warning she gave me was quite nice.she was supposed to marry off to some strong God to make a strong offspring.

If I take her as my wife I will have some trouble to deal with the anger of the God who plans to marry her.

Well opportunity such as this don't arrive that much do they,I will take her as my wife who cares about some Gods.

After all is settled and make her my wife..it's not like we have to go through some official marriage or something anyway,it's simple as be my wife and she is my wife just like that.

Her follower actually all dies because of their own spell,which was quiet funny but she is my wife now so helping them might be a good thing as in my mind.

But This goddes Hecana said to not mind and that she still has a lot of follower,and told me to name her as well.

The way she sounded sure feels a bit master servant thing,but told her that I would calm her Hana...she was pleased...

We flew out of the cave riding the dragon and landed right at beside the small village which is also my home I guess and entered the village.

But what I see is not what I expected,they tied a women in a pole to be tortured there was also a hanging poll besides them as well stuffing the women mouth.

This fucker what have they done with my mother,even If she is not my real mother she is the first women to show me love for the first time for 5 years as well.

(memory flashback,of him destroying the house and her mother not scolding him but smiling and build another)

As soon as I reach the place the people was all looking at me but later focus their attention towards the women,even though the dragon is rare the bunch of guys who were in the village were all some S rank and SS rank adventurer and some knights as well from this Kingdom,who all have a dragon or lower dragon as their mount.

(basically all SS rank adventurer are grant the power to Its kingdoms army)

(lower dragon=Wyvern)

The people care not much for me,either does the adventurer

but someone from the crowd was giving his little speech towards my mother,

"well well well,where is your son who cause so much trouble for us,that you boast so much?has he come to help you,I guest not?

You see if you are having no idea of what happen to you,I think you deserve to know as well,You just some low ranking women dares from a fallen aristocrats dares to stole the kingdoms treasures which was protected by the elders dragon this is what you deserve as a punishment"

The S rank adventurer followed up the words and said

"women this is your punishment for stealing the kingdoms treasures,and also as you have run away from the kings verdict to punish your family,you will hereby be sentence to death but you will face a hundred whip for stealing the kingdom treasures and 100 whip defying the king before your death.

Right now this really angered me,as I was starting to make a move...the SS rank makes give her speech as well...yes its a she..

""Miss,I know that the punishment you are to face right now are just outrageous and unreasonable but this is also one of your mistake to soften your heart.

You see this treasures are actually not known by the kingdom especially your escape because even some of your family forgets about your existence.

But You have build this village here nurturing this people who are beggars and some low life as well,you have shown your love to them,but this was also your biggest mistakes because they are also the one who backstabs you.

They informed the king directly that you have mountains of gold and treasures with you and also you are the fallen aristocrats daughter as well.

Although you gives them the treasures and love equally and daily they still backstabs you.As a women I feel you and would love to release you, but, I cannot defy the kings words now so I will take your life without the punishment of whips...""

from one of the S rank knight comes this complaining words but were easily suppressed with her deadly stare,and another guy who was a minister in disguise as knight spoke and dares to threaten her as defying the king words, was also sliced in half,

But the SS rank warrior was not perfect either and told her knights to kill her painlessly and tried to take her leave.

As they lift their sword to kill my mother is when I jump right beside my mother and cut the man's hand as well.

after his arduous scream the other knights and adventurer were pointing their swords at me and the people asked who I am why I meddled in.

After the new commotion the SS ranker return as well and was ready to fight,but I untied my mother and healed her wounds,no one could recognise me because I was all grown but this crazy women called Aron you are back.

Which touch my heart,after the people heard my name their in stunned and scared because they know my strength but gain their confident again after realising that there a re a bunch of S rank and one SS ranker who is the strongest in the kingdom as well.

And start the insult,The SS ranker puts her swords and sight and later she said that I can take my mother away but I will have to get punish for cutting the S ranker arms by cutting my own hands.

Hana and the dragon king watches from the back as they know I was more than enough and even fled started their defence knowing I was and and something crazy was goin to happen.

I laugh to what she had said,spare me..what joke cutting my hands....I continued laughing..

The SS ranker sighted again,she sure is a soft heated women as well and later said that we can go without me cutting my arm or anything.

I laugh even more,

There was this S rank knight who asked why I laugh with a pissed off faced and he sure does not like the answer as I said that

"If you know how I am going to kill a of you yet you think I am at your mercy is making me laugh"

He could not controll his sword the SS ranker shouts NO!! but it was too late the man was forced down and got punch so much that inside were all squash but all his skins are still holding him on...which was sickening to see.

The other knights attacked as well,which makes the people to run away,but Hana cast a spell so that no one could run were shouting and screaming save me.

One by one the knights died a horrific dead in my hands they were killed off using my bare hands but they are all lucky to still have a quick death.

The SS rank sighted and attack as well as there were no more of her knights left,but instead of fighting her,I restrained her using magic and asked the people who has frame my mother.

The one who frame dmy mother was no other than the parents of my bully,the both were at the middle and all the other people were pointing towards them,calling them upto the stage they were very soory and begged for forgiveness to my mother.

My mother who was so kind hearted so learner her lesson as well and told me to do what I want suitable and to make her asleep so that she does not have to see me torturing them as they were like her family.

As to her request I amke my mother asleep and give her to the dragon king and Hana and told them to leave.

I tied the couple in the pole where my mother was tied and cut both of their flesh,which I gave it to two of my familiar hell hounds and make them eat the both of them.

Seeing this the people were so afraid but could not even make a single sound because the couple scream were deafening and full of terrors even the SS ranker looks with full of remorse as well because she knows she could stop all that from happening.

Later after the couple were losing their conscious I healed them enought to make them awake and take all the pain from their bone being consumed till their heads remain they were alive and later died.

The people were all too scared but,I was not done and tried to release a bunch of hell hounds but the SS ranker begged for them to kill them painlessly if I can and tortur her instead.

She does not begged me to not kill them but to kill them painlessly and also she is goin to take their torture as well why is this women so stupid but this awakens me as well and stopped the crazy massacre in my heads but still planning on the massacre.

I released a ball from my hands which got enlarged explodes and killed off all the villager except the SS ranker who miraculously survive.