

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 17.Beauty under the Mountain

Upon clear inspection the hand was just the dragon and was pulling me back to avoid the acid that was dropping from the ceiling.

I asked If the asic was dangerous?

He replied that the acid can dissolve anything it touch and unlike normal liquidic acid it can stay on the body like slime and attach itself until it eat up all of its host like a parasite,it is so strong that the dragon does not hope to survive the acid either.

But I asked him while showing him my hand If the acid he was talking about was the thing which was in my hand.

He scream loudly saying my lord it is my fault,I will bear the consequence with you and tried to take the acid off my hands but I insisted it because Of he touch it He will surely be harm by it unlike me.

I told him that it doe not do me harm and there was a reason for me to be his lord,with a relieving sight...he mumbled yes I forgot that you are my master because of your absolute strength after we have transmigrated into this world and your always releasing aura has disappeared.

But as we got closer to the cave the dangerous aura which was emitting was starting to get sweater and sweater in some kind of way and after the pitch dark cave all of a sudden we entered a bright room full of greens and flowers butterfly flying around and bees along with it.

Although It was a tight and compact room there was surely am exit somewhere except from the place we came from.

In the centre of the room there was this huge pile of flowers which was plugged being placed like a burial stone.

It was filled with different colour and the flowers does not show any sign of decay at all.

The Dragon was very cautious towards that pile of flowers unlike me who has no awareness from the time I was a baby because If anything threatens me,the only thing left to do is to make the thing disappear.

So I approach the mountain of flower and swipe some flowers away there was something under the flower so I just digged the flower until I could see the thing under it.

The dragon king was like,My lord don't...!!! but the me who think of him as a wush does not care at all.

I ask him to come and help but him the great dragon king who does not have a choice hesitantly helped me and dig the pile of flower while looking away.

The fucking dragon was really a trash despite his strength,but his instinct was the one which told him that this was something superior to him.

As I digged the flower atlast I saw some woods covering something like it was coffin but after clearer digging it does not look like a coffin at all It was more like a Bed.

After a while of digging the flower there was this thing which pops up in my mind which never come while I was digging is that the thing that we are digging is nothing but a flower and we used about quiet a long time to dig up the flower with our bare hands considering how strong we are.

There was really this psychological magic type of thing which effect my mind but atleast after I realised all of that the flower we are digging does not turn into some gross and decaying flower.

But the bad thing is the cave does,After I realised that the cave was getting all dark and all the blooming flower and butterfly I see are nothing but some withered,decaying and dried-up flower and some flies.

After I realised that I asked the dragon If he sees what I see,But this fuck.ng dragon told me that He has seen a this from the beginning and is why he refused to do anything from the beginning.

This mf bastard,why don't he tell me from the beginning that the atmosphere was like that,anyway what done is done.

I should probably look at what is under this wood bark.

Upon taking the wood up there was this beautiful lady lying in there,she does not seems dead but to be in deep sleep.

After I had taken the hood off which was enveloping her the eerily aura was coming out even more like gust of wind which can be felt even for a normal human.

After that there were this little shiny thingy which came floating towards us from the opening in which we came through and lift the flower and dropped it upon her again.

Now I get why the flowers were kept upon her.It was to stop the emitting deadly aura from her.

But the person was surely not dead and only looks like it was in deep sleep,The Dragon disappeared and after a while came back with this stone slab and read fit out for me.

From his words it seems that this sleeping beauty is like the spirit of this mountain,originally she was once a beautiful lady but due to someone curse she had been locked up into this darkest area of the mountains.

After a decade has passed the mountain has supplied her with energy source and lived for along time as we,but due to her physical body being nothing but a mere mortal of a human unable to stand the potent power of the mountain has fall asleep.

Due to the long connection with the mountain she has become the spirit of the mountain who can control everything on the mountain to her will,But she has fallen asleep.

The potent power still flows inside her but due to her slumber she could not let the power inside her to flow out which got so potent and full that she released the potent power as a deadly aura which was very bad for the mountain itself.

That was the gist of the long story,but how to wake her up is also something of a mystery itself.

Luckily I remembered that there was some wish stone left with me and take it out and wish that the sleeping beauty be awakened.

The stone flash brightly which I really hate after the light was gone,The room which wa so dark became brighter and brighter to the point that it was glittering.

And the withered flower has all bloomed and the butterfly came out of nowhere flying and enjoying the nectar of the flowers.

The lady has now awoken and the butterfly and the shiny thingy were all around here she was smiling and the smile was really enought to melt any mans heart.

After a while of watching her she came to mind and looked towards me,ahh...the looks it's blinding those clear and pure eyes.

She blushed and asked for forgiveness for not tend to me firstly,and called me master and a bowed after the bow she stand up and called me honey won't you order this wife of yours.

I was like what!!!

I looked at the dragon and he does not seems to have any Idea as well.

But why I asked am I your master or a hubby I asked?with thy embarrassed look.

She replied that,the one who has awoken my long slumber would be my husband and the one who saved the great mountain from decaying would be my master.

Which was written in the stone slab she added.

But I have no idea about that,and looked at the dragon again ,after he had looked through the slab again he realise he realised and was like,OH...it is here..

me with mad look,what OH..what does that mean?how do you not see that?

She asked me If I want her to be my wife ,a servant or maid?

but I told her that I am too young,but she replied that that I was already 125 years which is not very young either.

I was surprised by what she said she seems to know I am from the futur but who cares?

she is still very old after all...and told her that I can be her husband and master too in the bed and also in life.

She smirked and said,OK.

But after a while she asked me If she can go out of her little cave which has entrapped her fo a long time,I also just realise that and take her out right away.

She said that there were alot of treasure under the lava,but why would I need treasure for,I am rich as fk anyway.

after taking her out the huge pit was restored by her and all the dead trees were alive and shiny.

After we have reach where the house was constructed

The house was nearly finished,now that was a very fast work done by the Goblins and Dwarfs as all the lifting was done by the Elf's magic.

And the fuck.ng Griffin was coming towards me,I though it was gonna welcome me but it welcome the newly fair and beautiful lady jumping around.

What can I say she was the lady of this land after all,but she is my wife.