
Golden flames!

*thrashh* From the ocean, several people rushed out of the deep water, some desperately gasping for air as they struggled to stay afloat, while others were scared to death. 

*huff* *huff* "Fuck!" One of them cursed under his breath, inhaling the air, and as he turned his head, his pupils shrank in horror.

In front of him is a majestic, demonic creature that is standing on the water with a huge fucking spear in its hand.

"GRAAARGHHHH!!!" The creature opened its mouth, letting out a loud screech that reverberated around the whole sea sending shivers down their spines.

The men who were looking at it lost the color in his eyes "How the hell we ended up in this shit?"

He still remembers about the incident two days ago. A group of deep-sea divers reported about a mysterious black square with purple runes under the ocean.

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