
I Accidently Selected Hard Mode: Against the Tides of Heaven

Living your life the wrong way will only lead to regret and a destiny untapped. Faced with the destruction of his life, Darius II Thorne is allowed to go back ten years to do it all differently. What love had he missed? What happiness had missed? A longer life with a mother...A better health for his father... [choose your level] [Easy Moderate Hard ] I've been staring at that prompt for three hours. At first, I thought I was losing my mind. Then I believed it must be some demon. But maybe, it's simply heaven's will or another trick of Andivor Creek. 'Hard' I thought. It was an active thought. The prompt vanished soon after. I sighed in relief. It was finally gone. [Family System initiating…] 'Fuck, it's back… What…Family System.' I was frantic, trying not to wake Annalisa. The last thing I needed was to explain myself to her. [Due to the unusual level selection, Host has entered the lower one percent. Welcome to the Against the Tides of Heaven scenario.]

Grand_Magus · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Auction (2)

The auction began smoothly as the world was enraptured with the impromptu event. The Diamond House originated in the Faedom empire, slowly growing in renown and assets over the centuries with branches throughout the western shores. They began taking over the Western Shores with their yearly upsets 150 years ago. 

It was an event that everyone waited for, camping in the most likely cities to be host. Never in a million years had anyone expected it to be hosted in the port city of Hellfiend.

 The first five lots were merely body supplements. In the martial artist realm, these supplements were a necessity to forging the body, invigorating the blood and aether within. Still, it was nothing special as my target was something crucial to my life and development. But as the sixth lot arrived, I couldn't hold back, and neither could Annalisa.

"Three bottles of Black Elephant Elixir. While only Tier one elixirs, they are top grade products produced straight from the Alchemist Temple of Faedom Empire." Antioch proclaimed, pulling gasps from his audience,

"Is this what you're here for?" asked Annalisa.

Honestly, I had forgotten about this lot. I never wanted to walk this path of martial arts and these things never interested me. My view was similar to how I had explained Hellfiend City to Annalisa. Anything more than a simple martial artist was a pipe dream. I only wished to live the best mortal life possible without the struggles of ascending martial rank. Besides, even martial artists needed money.

What I could remember clearly was the prized lots that would come later. They were hard to forget as the stories that surrounded them could be heard everywhere in my previous life. And the people who owned them, all became notable figures in the western shores.

"Black Elephant Elixir, I hear it's a miracle pill for training, breaking the limits of one's potential and igniting the strength and blood."

"Mmm." Annalisa hummed in agreement, her eyes locked on mine.

The Black Elephant Elixirs were coveted and uncommon. But the richest of people could always get their hands on some. It was nothing worth shedding blood over.

So, when the black elephant elixir ermered on the stage's pedestal, Annalise gave me a contemplative look. 

"Say, the Black Elephant Elixir, should we share it?"

"Share… should not the Viscount Ubar have these and troves?"

"Tsk, equally distributed… It's minuscule. If one wants to stand out, pulling your own resources is a must." She explained.

"Okay ." I replied nonchalantly, " Our parents have their conditions. We should come up with a few of our own later."

"Conditions…" she repeated, "What kind of conditions"

I decided to be frank. To lead and execute properly, one needed a clear mind. For me, that ment eliminating my regrets.

"200 plates!" a woman shouted.

"Be quick." Annalisa became anxious at the sound of growing bidders.

"We will call Hellfiend city home for one year." I laid it out with a hint of a smile, barely noticeable.

Annalisa looked hesitant, but the bidding was drawing to an end she had to make her decision. Pressed for time, she looked at the Black Dragon Elixir and viewed her life from a greater perspective.

"550 plates" the lord announced, "550 plates!"

"Yes…" she hurriedly agreed.

"600 plates!" I called out. 

This was double the market price for three bottles. But the opportunity was priceless.


An attendant arrived shortly after. Taking the three bottles of Black Elephant Elixirs, I tucked them away and the young lady lingered shortly after. Once gone, I divided pills. The standard quantity was eight pills a bottle. After we pocketed 12 pills each, we focused on the auction once again.

Soon, the seventh lot emerged. An absolute work of art.

"The Ivory Idol of the Uman, blessed by twelve priestesses and said to induce visions of the gods." said lord Antioch, "Put forth by Elder Laith of the School of Duality."

"School of Duality! That foolish place! What can their trash be worth?" a man scuffed.

"Show us the next lot!" another called out.

"The bidding will start at 100 plates!" Lord Antioch was unphased.

The hall laughed and I waited. Nothing in the auction was ordinary. Maybe I should try my luck.

"10 plates! It's just a pretty statue!" I called out.

Lord Antioch held his smile, but his annoyance was apparent with the throb of a vein the crossed his forehead

Laughter doubled and eventually another called out, "15 plates!"

The voice was accompanied with a chuckle.

I then followed, "If you can bid more than 20 plates, the idol is yours."

I stayed light and nonchalant. 

The man tittered, "Little Thorne is out playing again."

I quickly moved to the balcony and looked over. "Haha, Old man Han. Do you mind giving me face in front of my fiancée?"

"Fiancée!" a few exclaimed.

"Little Thorne sure moves fast."

"He just turned thirteen yesterday!"

"He's always been ahead of his years!"

"Fine. Fine. Little…Young Master Thorne, the idol is all yours!" Old man Han gave in.

I sat down with a sigh and gave Annalise a wink. She shook her head with a smirk. The auction continued. And I managed to bid for a ship that was present as the tenth lot. It was made of Sky Drifting Wood, a top-quality ship fit for the open sea. Unfortunately, that was all of my allowance. 

On the 15th lot, our parents had arrived. My father wanted to inquire but the 16th lot had caught his attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Shouted Lord Antioch with brimming bravado, "As you all know the story behind this famous armor, it needs no retelling. The bid for the Nemean armor begins at 20,000 plates."

My mother and father shared a look. I was confused as this armor was nothing compared to what would come. Still my parents looked as if they had found a treasure from the sky. In my previous life, they never attended this auction, and the Armor was purchased by the Viscount House of Kent. They would later fight their way out of the city and display the Golden King of Pride, a skill of the Kent family that had been lost for generations.

"Bernard…," said my father.

"Father…" Annalisa spoke, worry saturated her eyes. 

Looking at Lord Ubar, I was taken aback.

"What the hell is this armor…" I asked myself.

"Allow me, Darius. Consider it…dowry" he said.

"30,000 plates!" his voice boomed.

The auction hall went silent.

"30,000. Do I hear 31,000? No…30,000 going once…"

"35,000 plates." a feminine voice spoke, "Please allow my Kent family the honor."

The booth went silent this time. My parents seemed furious. I was never interested in the matters of noblesse. I always believed a merchant's life was the dream. But I always believed my mother was a distant cousin of the Kent Family. If she was important, our house would be the Earl House of Kent and not Thorne.

I suddenly had so many questions as my parent's fury was obviously deep rooted and they weren't backing down. It was Benard who scuffed. It rippled across the hall followed by his next bid.

"50,000 plates." he said, "Please allow my Ubar family the honor."

'What the hell was happening!' my heart screamed. Suddenly everything was out of my control.

Eventually, I could only sit and watch as the battle for the amour ended at 75,000 plates. My parents looked as if they had won a key battle.

I shifted my attention back to Lord Antioch and the auction continued. The 17th and 18th lot had come and gone and when the 19th lot arrived. This was the reason I had originally called my parents. But now I began to wonder if it was even important.

"Nine Turn Sow Thistle," said Lord Antioch.

Originally this herb would go through many hands and eventually be picked up after the bloodbath by Cannis Reave, an Ink merchant two cities over. It would cure and invigorate his body without martial arts and save his business from collapsing after his death with no heirs to take over. He would then move on our business with the support of the Daqian Dynasty in the year 1132. He will bleed us dry before an unknown team attacks the defenseless Thorne manor.

It would be the night that my loyalist would turn on me, my family slaughtered, and the city sacked.

"I need that." I declared.

"Boy the thing is…"

"90,000 plates. I'm aware. I need it tonight." I spoke.

"We don't have an alchemist that can use an herb at this level."

"We don't need an alchemist…100,000 plates" I shouted.

We were in the bid now. Better to ask forgiveness than permission.

"You…" my father nearly popped a blood vessel.

Bernard chuckled. "Isn't this the yearly upset? You received the Nemean armor for a steal. The nine turns whatever is sure to be just as valuable. If the boy wants it, it must be fate. In the central region, will any of us be able to bid?"

My father exhaled heavily

"Central Region. If this was in Daqian or Faedom, would we be able to bid?" My father sighed.

"120,000. Going Once, going twice…"

"150,000 plates!" my father countered.

The hall gasped and I slouched in relief. But I couldn't let loose now. It was time to save an old friend.


"The Yin Plasma Bead!" Lord Antioch resounded, "A precious treasure born in the sea struck by millennium lightning. It was recently brought to us and is an unexpected addition."

"This…" Ubar stood up.

"The Yin plasma bead is two pronged. It can act as a weapon or establish one's foundation, bursting through the Martial Artist rank to enter the realm of Aether Convergence."

The auction house went mad. Everyone is begging Lord Antioch to shut up and start the bid.

"Leave it alone, Father-in-law." I said, "It isn't for us."

I rose from my seat and left the booth. Hoping that they would heed my words. Then again, I knew exactly how much the Yin Plasma Bead would sell for. Outside of the booth, I rushed off. Beneath the auction was the common store. Things here were vastly overpriced, but unmatched in quality. 

"Hehe, Young lord Thorne." the keeper spoke, "What brings you here?"

"The auction is boring."

"And what interested the young lord these days?" he asked.

"Medicine. I heard an old man once say, too much medicine can become poisonous and just enough poison can be a medicine."

"Ahh, wise words indeed."

"Mmm, I was hoping the shopkeeper had some Aether stagnation powder and Bone Corrosion Powder. I would also like a batch of smoke bombs."

The shopkeeper smirked and nodded. He left without a sound and returned as so. 

Everything cost me 3 plates to purchase. After leaving the shop, I ventured to a back alley and began to open the smoke bombs. It was a simple trick I learned from Lair after he returned to the city. It was the last thing he taught me before boarding that ship with his father and leaving.

Filling the bombs with poison powder, I capped them and armed them for use. Then I waited. 

Time passed and the first of the commotion began. It started with an explosion. Then the screams came. Soo the sleeping city had awakened to carnage and many forces fought for what they believed to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. 

All the while, I waited. My old friend had told me this story once on the ship to Typhoon Isle. In 1126, a pirate force like no other would rise in the Palmdahlia Sea. This old friend would aid in their destruction and my salvation. Allowing me the chance to return home and reinvigorate the Thorne Export business.

Sadly, it was this night that kept him from returning. 

As I waited, the fighting came closer to me, and I clutched my poison bombs with dear life. Sweat layered my body and teeth ground in anxiety. Then I sucked in a pool of air and held my breath in fright as the hall beside me exploded.

As the dust cleared, I witnessed a veiled woman holding the item from the 17th lot – Serene Star Gazing Zither. It was this item that would shake the kingdom during the Barbarian invasion. I hesitated, then decided that I could spare two bombs in hopes of something worthwhile in return.

"Seraphine…your talent is dirt…stick to it and hand it over…"

Before her enemy could finish, I threw two bombs at his head. Of course he blocked them, still, they exploded on contact and the clouds of pink and gray covered him. I then rushed to the veiled woman –Seraphine, pressing my token into her hand.

My lips moved in a flash as I pulled her up and pushed her. Turning to flee, I went for a tunnel entrance that I knew of when a hand grasped my collar and pulled me with great force. It wasn't long before I was dropped in a cart of manure.

Swimming my way out, I looked up and around to find myself alone. 

"Fuck!" I grimaced, "Fuck!"

Looking at the city in distress, I force myself free of the cow dung and onto solid ground.

"Ungrateful bitch…" I hissed. "I need to get to old man Karu…"

"Hmmm." Suddenly a feminine tone crossed my ears.

A great thud then emitted, and I turned to look at the corpse behind me.

"Ungrateful," she said. "You take the prize this time. And if you can enter Blue Sky Academy in three years, I'll pay you ten times over."