
Chapter 1: The Birth Of Chaos

Jameson Tohsakas was a 15 year old regular down on his luck teenager who from a very young age was very fragile. His father died when he was only six years in a horrific car accident, for some reason he was still alive but later died in the hospital. He was left with his mother who became an alcoholic after a few years and made his life totally shitty.When James was in middle school he was a total loner, once he tried to ask a girl out and it went totally crazy.


The lunch bell rang and James sees his chance to ask Stephanie (his crush) out on a date, when he gets a little closer to her he was shoved and ended up squeezing her boobs; Stephanie yells You pervert what do you think your doing going around touching my boobs like that.... James said B-But I just wa... Stephanie cuts in, to feel what a girl's boobs are like, well hope your done you disgusting little pig. James just stood there crying, thinking about how it all went wrong. With the entire cafeteria laughing at him he felt so rejected and ran away. James stares at the playground seeing all the other children laughing and playing suddenly made him sick to his entire being suddenly the voice of a spirit crept in his head saying; LEAVE EVERYTHING TO ME GIVE ME CONTROL OVER YOUR MORTAL BODY AND I WILL HELP YOU DESTROY ALL DOES WHO HAVE WRONGED YOU. In an instant James lost all control over his emotions and gave into the voice. His eyes went blood shot red as the mysterious voice controlled him. James then sees Stephanie and attacks her moving at light speed(thanks to the spirit controlling him) and punched her with enough force to crack a hole in the wall which sent her flying in the direction of the playground breaking her face and making her bleed terribly. All eyes turned to James as he advanced to kill her, the look in his eyes sent many students running for their lives in all directions just when he was about to land the finishing blow, James fell down and fainted (apparently his feable body couldn't handle the spirit's control). And that is the beginning of James sad, crazy and down right crappy life.(FYI: James was expelled, almost went to jail for attempted murder and had to move to the USA. Stephanie on the other hand had serval broken bones, a sever concotion, a black eye and almost had her left leg amputated. She did recover but wasn't really the same ever I mean ever again). James did make a friend when he moved to the USA and his name was Paul. (They became best friends blah blah blah and did some crazy shit together).


Hey!!, Hey!! James.... wake up and stop sleeping in class the teachers gonna get mad again, James wakes up. I'm up, I'm up jeez you don't have to be such a dick about it Paul. Paul replied; Just saying if you get detention for the 7th time this week it's all on you bro; Yeah, yeah. The teacher Mr. Adam sees James has woken up. Ah, Mister James you have finally woken up, since your'e awake and all can you give us the answer to question 15. James stares blankly, Paul gives him the"I called it''look again. James doesn't give him any attention he stares at Mr. Adam then at Paul then at the equation on the board and finally coming to a conclusion which showed he didn't have even the slightest idea what he was looking at he responded"No Comment Sir''and then the whole class burst into an uncontrollable laughter for some minutes and when it died down Mr. Adam said that's what I thought, wait for me in my office expect detention, if you're lucky it might be 3 weeks. As James walked out of the classroom clearly not giving a fuck for what Mr Adam says or does waits in his office and eventually sleeps off.

As James walks down the road to his house, Paul yells from behind Wait... Wait. James stops and lets Paul catch up to him. So James, what did Mr Adam tell you at his office; something about detention maybe summer school I wasn't really listening. He's just full of stupid idea's you know that; James you really shouldn't be saying that kind of thing; why not that's what he deserves for making everyone laugh at me today; Just saying oh well. So James tomorrow's the club day so; Soo you think we can still use the history club room for our demon summoning; Oh yeah that thing we will definitely be doing that tomorrow, I found this book in my dad's old thing's that we should totally try out it has name of high level demons and something called Servants; but none of the other spells you suggested have worked at a 100% so far instead they back fired really bad.


Ok Paul were almost done with the X-Ray vision spell now all we need are goblin fingers; Hey James; Yeah what Paul; You think it's weird that only the both of us know that magic exists in this world; Not really I think it's a sign that people like us can do something to change this God forsaken world; Ok man what ever you say. How did you even get the ingredients for the spell anyways; I got it from the same place I found this book in my dad's old abandoned house; You think your dad was some High Class Mage or something cuz regular dad's wouldn't have this kind of stuff in their rooms or their house's; beets me I told you before I don't remember much about my dad it's all just all blurry memories. Ok I think that's it now all we got everything now all we need to do is put a drop in our eyes, ok here I go; So did it work; Not sure, I'm starting to feel something...oh no; What man; This is really bad; What are you talking about James; I'm seeing too much; And by too much you mean; Your entire muscle system; Oh my God, that's totally disgusting; Check the book does it wear off; Yeah it does; Good how long cuz I can't keep staring at your insides much longer;Umm about a week; A whole week, how did this even happen anyways; Let's see, oh it says you have to use three goblin fingers to be able to see through walls, objects and someone's test paper. That's oddly specific, James just how many goblin fingers did you put in the potion; About seven or maybe ten; Are you nuts. The book says except you are a surgeon in the case of an operation do not under any circumstances use more than three goblin fingers; Couldn't you have told me that earlier; You were reading the book this entire time; Ok Paul let's not point fingers how are we going to take care of my sight; I have an idea(gets a blindfold); Really Paul a blindfold how do you expect me to see with this; That's the point you dumbass if you can't see anything there's no need to complain out of sight out of mind. You should probably stay at home James until it were's off.


Ok stop recalling our failed X-RAY vision spell Paul; Fine. So James how do you think we will be able to suppress the demon I mean it would want to kill us when it sees a bunch of high school students summoned him; Paul I'm going to be really frank with you I haven't even thought about that; Seriously James are you trying to get us killed; Calm down Paul jeez you act like a spineless baby sometimes; Oh I'm sorry I just don't want to die you idiot; Shut up Paul, anyways the only reason I didn't think that far was because Lisa is going to be helping out with the summoning; Oh great more bad ideas; I'm gonna beat you up if you say something stupid again. Back to what I was saying before you interrupted me Lisa will be helping out because she knows magic like us and has actually summoned the spirit of George Washington just so she didn't have to study for American history test; That's a spirit James we are dealing with a real demon; same thing Paul.(James phone beeps) Speak of the devil, Lisa just sent me a video. But before we watch it, how about a little bet; I'm listening; we both try to guess what the video is about and whoever gets it wrong has to give the winner $50; deal; Ok Paul you guess first. Hmmm let's see the video is about a new manga she's reading; Final guess, ok my turn let's see what does Lisa do. I got it she's doing the knife song blindfolded; Ok James that's just another stupid idea of yours; Then let's play the video; James that was too specific you cheated didn't you; Pay up first then I'll answer your questions; Fine. Now Tell me how you got that right; Fore sight spell; You cheat so you knew exactly what would happen; Yep; And you made me bet $50 for something you knew everything about; Bingo; I hate you James; Doesn't change the fact that I have $50 and you don't. Well see you tomorrow then; Yeah whatever James see you tomorrow.(James gets a text from Lisa:JUST FOUND OUT THE DEMON SUMMONING NEEDS A HUMAN SACRIFICE I'M GOING HUNTING 😈 SEE YOU LATER); That girl is truly insane.

James gets home from school and meets his mom (Annabeth) waiting for him at the door. Hi Mom; James don't give me that crap, can you explain why you were sleeping in class today; (Danm it how did she find out); your teacher Mr Adam called me and told me everything, so you got an explanation or not;( Why does my life always have to be this terrible); well if you're not going to say anything you might as well go to your room(Annabeth lights a cigarette and takes a long smoke) your grounded; Wait you can't do that; already done it now LEAVE; I thought you promised me you'll stop smoking; I'll stop smoking when you make your self useful now get out James; (James goes to his room and slam's the door). Stupid Mr Adam always doing whatever he wants I'll show him, you know what I'm gonna summon the demon right now and then we'll see who gets the last laugh.

Ok I'm almost done just need to infuse my blood with Holy Water and Summoning Salt and use it to draw the pentagram, all done now for the incantation (Knocks on the window) wait Paul is that you; James you idiot (punches him); what the hell was that for; For trying to summon the demon without me and Lisa; Whatever man I'm almost done anyways but I feel I'm missing something (Lisa comes through the open window dragging a large bag); Hi guys what's up; Nothing much just single handedly summoning the demon; Hold up James, did you say you are summoning the demon right now; Well not now I'm almost done with it; Are you insane James (Lisa brings out a dagger and throws it at James cutting his left pinky finger off) that is for trying to kill us; Ahhhhhhhhhh my finger what the fuck Lisa are you trying to know kill me; I should be saying the same thing to you James; What does that suppose to mean; It means if you summoned that demon without a human sacrifice it would destroy you, me , Paul, everyone and everything in this world, just think if that missing finger as a reminder of your selfish desire to kill Mr Adam; how did you knew about that; I planted a micro phone in your shirt the other day so when I heard you say your wanted to summon the demon I just called Paul and came by with the human sacrifice myself;(Still groaning in pain) but you acted like you didn't know when you showed up; Oh that, your not the only one who used a Fore sight spell, Just forgot what I saw that's it, I suppose your's worn off after you won that bet right, that's why you didn't know this would happen; Can you at least heal me; Fine you big baby; Much better, now Lisa who's in the bag; Oh this, it's Alexis; Couldn't you have gotten someone that is not totally popular and also not the mayor's daughter as the human sacrifice the police might come after us, maybe someone like Dave I mean he's almost invisible sometimes he's a good choice; James; huh; Shut up; Well that's rude; I chose Alexis because she was picking on me today so I decided to kidnap her when she got home, put her parents in a sleep spell the rest was easy; and how do you suppose we take care of things when the police start looking for her; Already thought about that and In 3,2,1( a loud shockwave goes off outside); Lisa what was that; That was the memory erasing spell I put on top of the city tower this morning and now the entire city has lost all memory of Alexis, just think of this as a precautionary measure. Ok now that we've taken care of that I think we should proceed with this summoning properly; Hey Paul; Yeah; Remind me never to get on Lisa's bad side ever again; Noted; Hey Lisa how come we are not affected by the spell?