
Red Alert!

George's emotion was going haywire. The excitement of seeing her again was too much for his weak heart to handle.

*Thump-thump-thump-thump!* He feels like he's running in a marathon with a hundred miles per hour.

The turns of the event were unbelievable. George doesn't usually socialize with his subordinates. He always treats each and everyone equal — a co-worker and acquaintance, nothing more.  Today is the first time he had joined them after being teased daily how his too stuck-up and arrogant as a boss, which of course, is not valid.

Male co-workers love it that he's that way, whereas the single women in his department were all disappointed. Wanting to get his attention since the day he started working for Tan Corporation a year ago.

"Wow! this is unbelievable for sure. I still can's believe that I would ran-in to you here at Tan Corporations of all places. " George excitedly talking to Ann.

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