
Not a Strange Dream

As the man lets out his long, noodle like, arms he says "Come, my child. I am requesting your help for I am the one you call 'Hakai' now come and join me."

"No, why. How am I supposed to trust a man in an ally way saying some weird stuff." Teddy says with a furius voice.

"If Not then this world will end." The man in the shadows snaps back.

"Well, at least show me your face that way i can see who im talking to." Teddy now terrifide but hes still holding on to his lion like will.

"Fine." The man creeps out of the shadow showing that he has no face, no nothing. The man has a mannequin like apearance mixed with something from a horror movie, but there is one thing on is face, a large eary grinning smile fillied with sharp, yellow teeth.

"AH!" Teddy screams in fright of the monster infront of him. "W-What do you want with me!?"

"I WANT YOU!" The creature says with a minacing voice, almost demanding. He extends his arm looking like he is about to hug Teddy, he then says witha horrible grin, "Come and be mine! Let me become your source of strength, and let you be mine!"

"Why, why me!?" Teddy asks horrifide for of what he got him self into. The man slowly crept closer and closer trying to latch onto Teddy. As Teddy lept back, the thing changed form, it changed into a snake, now a mouse, then a terrifying centipede. The centipede was the size of a normal one but much faster. The thing leeps onto Teddy and crawls into his ear.

"gak!" Teddy trys to make himself throwup but it doesnt work.

Teddy looks up in fright "Where, w-what just happend?" he says crying. "Where'd it go?". He feels a tingle in his neck, "Wierd, um, ima go home now, I dont feel good." teddy says with a terrified look on his face.