
I Accidentally Became a Legend!

"Someone called Lynx is the top ranker. Wait, isn't that me?" After being the cause of her mother's accident and then moving from America to Japan, the only thing Yuri could do was run from her guilt. But after her father's company released Sapphire, the world's first virtual reality game, she was instantly hooked. Busying herself with just enjoying the virtual world, she unknowingly becomes the game's top ranker. "I'll get stronger, strong enough to do anything I want. Then I'll enjoy living the peaceful life of a perfectly normal person!" Will she have the ability to make a new life for herself, or will she once again succumb to the neverending spiral of powerlessness? Author's Note: Hope you will enjoy reading this as much I as enjoy writing it. I am still inexperienced so please pardon mistakes that you may find in chapters. Release Dates: One chapter a week, maybe two if I find the time.

xZeechan · Urban
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57 Chs

The thoughts of a certain school prince.

Eugene hung up the call with a dark face.

Yuri had lied and he knew it. He wasn't sure if she was telling the truth when she said she was currently at her house, but he definitely did know that she didn't go straight home.

He asked Lyssia after all. She had told him what happened with a worried face.

He paced around on top of the school roof with a furrowed brow.

Did his Boss have connections to a gang? Why else would Lyssia tell him that she seemed to be quite close to the mysterious man who was hired by Ryuu?

He started biting the inside of his mouth in frustration.

Didn't his Boss know how dangerous it was for her to become acquainted with the Underworld?! She was currently being hunted for god's sake! Isn't she supposed to be a genius huh?!

"How could she risk her own safety like that...." He sighed. "Should I tell her father?"

He quickly dismissed the thought. If he did that then she should never trust him again and he would be seen as some tattletale! He had to find out more information.

Eugene opened up his phone and texted Ryan.

---[Did Boss contact you recently?

---{Yup, thanks for giving her my contact information!

---[She asked for it. Don't thank me. What did she want from you?

---{Oh, she just wanted some information regarding a friend of hers. Also to wipe out her friend's criminal history.

---[Which friend?

---{I dunno. Some girl named Tania Yotsuba.

Eugene frowned at the unfamiliar name. His Boss had another friend that wasn't Lyssia? But wasn't she constantly bullied?

---{Oh right, she also asked me for information on a gang called Reign. They're loan sharks or something. I gave her their address.

Eugene jumped up with worry after hearing that.

---[Why would you give her that kind of information?! Are you stupid?!

---{But she asked for it...

---[You know her situation though!

---{I don't care. What the hell is wrong with you? Whatever she asks for I'll give it to her. I have trust in Boss, unlike you.

---[What are you talking about.....?

---{Tch. I'm busy, don't bother me with these pointless questions, Eugene.

Eugene ground his teeth in frustration.

What did that guy know! How was he not worried!

Eugene was just about to text him again for the address when he stopped and re-read his conversation with Ryan.

Did he really not trust his Boss enough? Why was he so worried about her even when he knew about her skills and intelligence?

He slowly lowered his phone and dryly laughed.

Since when did he become so petty? He valued trust more than anything. At this rate, he had no right to call Yuri his Boss.

He's not good enough for her. Why did he think he even had the right to like her?

He shook his head and left the roof right as the school bell rang out signaling the end of classes for the day.

He would first make sure she was fine by checking on her at her house. Then he would log into Sapphire and sort out his guild. He had been slacking due to school and worrying about his Boss.

Eugene sighed as he walked through the school and avoided squealing girls.

Maybe coming to Japan wasn't the right choice after all.

Eugene: Seriously? You're bothering ME now?

Me: I don't have a choice.....

Eugene: .....Aren't you the author?

Me: I'm doubting myself too.

Eugene: ......There's always those two idiot brothers to bother....

Me: But Toku has a girlfriend now.......and Kai is busy all the time....I feel lonely....

Eugene: ...I'm busy too you know.

A special poll, the character who wins gets a special POV chapter in 2 weeks! (Something like this one)


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