
I abandoned my pregnant wives in another world.

The main character at the age of 15 was transported to another world. When the King of the other world asked for his name, the main character calmly introduced himself as Ass Fucker. After that, the hero slowly built up his harem, defeated monsters, and eventually became the strongest hero in that fantasy world. His final battle with the Demon King arrived, whom he easily defeated. Ass wanted to celebrate his victory peacefully in bed with his wives, but they suddenly informed him that each of them was pregnant. Of course, Ass immediately decided to return to his own world, but that wasn't the end of it. His wives found a way to move to his world and they returned with children of his age to take revenge on him? Seriously?

Lord_GaGa · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Don't worry, I won't take responsibility for it.

The clash of swords.

The resounding clang reverberates throughout the throne room. A brunette with red eyes and a serious gaze presses two short swords against the two-handed sword of a muscular man with red long hair and violet eyes. The redhead smirks.

"Do you think that's enough, hero?" He pushes the brunette back and confidently plunges his sword into the ground. Darkness begins to spread rapidly across the floor. The brunette quickly accelerates and jumps from the floor to the walls, effortlessly leaping from one wall to another with incredible speed. Lightning, wind, and light start to envelop his body.

The darkness completely engulfs the floor. Long bony hands emerge from it, attempting to grab the hero who swiftly jumps from one wall to another. His gaze is fixed on the redhead, but the redhead is surrounded by a menacing bright green flame.

The brunette looks dejectedly at the redhead.

"My mana is running out. I can't step on the floor. I can't break through his fire. This must be the end." the brunette thought with an empty expression and glassy eyes. Several green fireballs fly towards him. He stares blankly at them.

"Ass!!!" Suddenly, several girls standing at the entrance of the throne room shout with lively and excited expressions, watching the battle. The raven-haired boy snaps out of it, lunges to the left, and teleports abruptly, appearing on the wall to the left. He continues to dodge the green fire and move around the room with incredible speed.

"You can do it, Ass! Yay! Ass is the best! Ass won't lose!" cheerfully and loudly shouts a girl with white hair, wolf ears, and blue eyes. She has a carefree and friendly appearance.

"Don't you dare lose to him. You're the strongest!" enthusiastically shouts a knight girl with long red hair, tied up in a ponytail, with determined eyes and bold green eyes.

"Master, please finish quickly, dinner will get cold." calmly and kindly says a blue-haired girl with red eyes in a maid uniform. She has a submissive and expressive gentle gaze and a serene expression.

"G-Goddess is on your side... You won't lose..." shyly cries out a pink-haired girl with big bright blue innocent eyes in a priestess outfit. She has a charming and kind expression on her face.

"Just try to lose, you bastard! I didn't marry a weakling!" said the Amazon with a self-satisfied smile and wild sharp brown eyes, with a muscular and well-built body, tanned skin, short black hair, and a very revealing outfit.

"Ass, don`t you dare to break your promise." calmly said the black-haired girl, her hair barely touching the bottom of her neck, with sparkling green confident and calm eyes. She had two beautiful katanas hanging from her belt in blue and red sheaths, her stomach exposed, and her abs visible.

"You'll manage, Ass." said the girl with an empty and calm expression on her face. The blonde with golden eyes and a small burn mark on her neck and cheek.

"Not that I'm worried, but don't make me wait. Hmph." Crossed her arms the violet-haired girl with two tails on the sides and two dissatisfied but cute golden eyes. She had a small chest and a quite petite figure.

"Ass-sama, as always, you are magnificent! Just by looking at you, I melt! Please finish quickly so that you can use my dirty body to satisfy your desires!" wriggled in place the girl with huge breasts, salad-colored hair, and pink eyes.

"Fufu. Please, don't lose, darling. Who else besides you will keep me warm at night?" seductively smiled the red-haired elf. A woman in her thirties with a mole under her eye and smiling bright purple eyes. She squeezed her breasts and licked her lips.

"Listen, could you please finish everything faster? Because I would like to go back home as soon as possible, bury myself in a blanket, and do absolutely nothing. I want to go home! Home!" said the brown-haired girl with round lens glasses and bags under her brown eyes, with a tired expression on her face. She had a rather average physique and mediocre appearance.

"Don't you think we've been cheering him up for too long? Oh my god, dude. Just win this shit already. I bet that you can't wait to celebrate the victory, burying yourself and drowning in a bed filled with our naked bodies." narrowed her eyes the girl with blue messy short hair, the ragged ends of which barely reached the middle of her neck, narrow black eyes, fair skin, and a bow on her back.

All these girls stood in front of a huge red barrier that separated them from two opponents.

"Who would have thought that I would gather such a large harem that it would take a whole page for their encouragement. Ha, it's all because I don't think with the right head. But I think they're right. If it all ends now, I won't be able to enjoy them anymore."

The guy sighed and raised his sword sharply.

"I am unbreakable. My body is unbreakable. My spirit is unbreakable. I... am... Unstoppable." the black-haired boy said as a red aura enveloped his body. Blood began to seep and flow from his eyes. He gritted his teeth and pushed off from the wall.

"Harden. Protect. Strengthen. Ice warrior!"

Suddenly, the boy's entire body was covered in ice. His head, face, body, and hands were completely encased in ice, while the red aura emanated from his body.

With two short swords held out in front of him, glowing brightly, the red-eyed boy charged into a massive green flame and clashed one of his short swords directly against the two-handed sword of the red-haired man, causing it to crack. The ice on the brunette boy's body began to melt. He pierced the two-handed sword of the red-haired man, but his own sword got stuck in the demon's sword, with the tip of the blade just millimeters away from the red-haired man's neck. The demon smirked.

"This is the end for you, hero!"

"That's why I carry two swords, idiot."


"AAAIIII AM... Magnificent!"

The brunette boy swiftly contorted his body and plunged his second short sword into the red-haired man's neck. The demon fell to his knees. The darkness on the ground dissipated abruptly, as did the red barrier that held the girls back.

Several messages appeared in front of the brunette boy.

[Congratulations! For defeating the Demon King, you have acquired all of his skills and spells!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

The messages continued to appear without stopping. Suddenly, the red-haired man coughed up blood and grinned widely.

"You celebrate too soon, hero... This is only the beginning, hehe. By killing me, you broke the seal..." Those were the last words spoken by the Demon King.

`What!? The beginning? Is this guy serious? I've been chasing him for damn five years, going through all this shit, and now he's telling me it's only the beginning? Seriously? Let me catch my breath, what beginning. Screw it. Now, at least, I won't do a damn thing for the next five years. I'll just relax and wait for the end of the world with my harem.` the brunette boy thought to himself.

His girls quickly surrounded him and rushed to embrace him. Some of them were crying, some were kissing him, some were caressing him, while others simply stood aside and smiled.

"Ass, you did it!" the white-haired wolf girl with blue eyes cried happily. She didn't hug Ass, but stood aside and wiped her tears. Two girls next to her also smiled happily and stroked the white-haired girl's head to calm her down.

"Master, look. The portal has opened. Are you sure you don't want to go back home and leave us behind? Or, if you want, you can go back home and take us with you. I'm sure you miss your family!" the blue-haired maid tightly pressed against Ass's back. She pointed to a bright column of light that suddenly appeared behind the Demon King's throne.

`Ha, parents. They can go to hell. If I go back, they'll just start complaining and blaming me for everything. Why don't you care... Why don't you do anything? No way. To hell with it. Although because of this stupid Demon King, the thought does cross my mind to leave, but even if something shitty happens here, I'll probably solve it in no time. And if not, I'll just go somewhere to relax and wait for the end of the world with my harem. Although the option to take them with me to my world, I don't even know... No, it's a shitty option. There are twelve girls here. Where am I going to get the money to support them? It's unlikely that my parents will understand and just accept them. Especially since I disappeared from that world when I was fifteen. So, no matter how you look at it, taking them with me is the shittiest option. It looks like I'll have to stay here." Ass thought to himself.

"I think I've gotten used to your world, and it's hard for me to imagine my life without you, so I think I'll stay here," Ass said.

All the girls smiled happily upon hearing his words and began passionately kissing him on the cheeks and lips. Ass calmly enjoyed the moment. Suddenly, as if on command, all the girls abruptly moved away from him and stood in a row in front of him.

Ass didn't know the exact reason, but for some reason, he felt a strong tension. Goosebumps ran down his spine, and he felt an unpleasant sensation in his stomach. Almost all of the girls were smiling happily, some had calm expressions, but each of them behaved as if they were about to deliver wonderful news to the guy that would greatly please him.

Each of them took out a pregnancy test from their pocket or other openings - a test that showed two lines. Some looked embarrassed, some looked happy, and some looked at Ass attentively, waiting for some kind of reaction from him.

The white-haired wolf girl smiled happily and friendly. She suddenly jumped up joyfully. Her tail wagged actively and happily.

"Isn't this great, Ass? I will give birth to a beautiful little wolf or wolves for you, and we will raise them together. Isn't that fun, hehe."

"Yeah, very cool, cute, great." the brunette fake-smiled. His smile and eyes were trembling quite a bit. A trickle of sweat ran down his back, and he barely held back the sweat on his face.

"Not that I'm glad to give birth from a pathetic commoner like you, but be grateful. Hmph." said the violet-haired girl with two tails, crossing her arms on her chest and blushing slightly.

The rest of the girls also started saying something, but at that moment Ass could only think:

`Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I'm in deep trouble. Kids? What kids? I'm still a child myself, and now there's a whole horde of them here. At least twelve, and if someone gives birth to twins or maybe even more!? Are you serious? No-no-no. I'm not ready for that yet. And what the hell, how did they even get pregnant? In hentai manga, you could usually fuck anyone you wanted without them getting pregnant, and I asked them if they had any means to protect themselves, and each of them said, 'it's all right, don't worry,' so it turns out I should have been fucking worried. What a fucking mess. No matter how you look at it, I'm not ready for this. And where did they even get a pregnancy test here? This is a fantasy world, for fuck's sake. Complete shit. Absolute shit. So that means I have to change their diapers, feed them, not sleep at night, spend all my time and money on them, and I won't have any sex until they're at least thirteen? Can I really take responsibility for them?`

"I need to go to the toilet." Ass said sharply and turned around. He was shaking heavily, and finally sweat appeared on his face. "You guys go ahead, I'll catch up with you later..."

The column of light began to shrink smaller and smaller. The guy started approaching it very slowly and cautiously. The girls looked at him in confusion. They shrugged and turned around, thinking that he was embarrassed to do it in front of them. However, when they turned back around, the column of light disappeared, and with it, Ass disappeared too.

Just for fun, I decided to release a chapter of a work that has been collecting dust on my shelf for a long time. I want to clarify that I will most likely release it very rarely, as I am busy with my main work. However, if I see a lot of comments and positive feedback, I may release it more frequently than originally planned.

Thank you all for your attention. Good luck to everyone and goodbye!

Lord_GaGacreators' thoughts