
The Strange Immortality Spell, Blood Magic

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gordon roared as the magic in his body rapidly drained and fell like a precipice breaking off of a mountain.

Saint-level, archmage, archmage...

He wanted to break free, but then he realized that his body was unable to move.

"Don't you want to live forever?"

The blond man had a strange smile on his face. "Then you must become just like them, become a part of my body, and we will live forever in this world together!"

As he spoke, the golden-haired man pulled open the buttons on his collar,

"They... they are..."Gordon's eyes widened as he watched the horrifying spectacle in front of him.

The struggling human faces in front of him were once famous saint-level mages on the sacred continent.

"Don't tell me that you have made them all… devil, you are a devil!"

The golden-haired man grinned while Gordon roared at his face.

"This is the pinnacle of alchemy. It's a brand-new product that is neither magic nor combat, and I shall name it: blood magic!"

"Become a part of my body and witness this glorious moment of blood magic with me."

"Gordon, this is your honor."

As soon as the blond man finished speaking, Gordon, the top-tier saint-level mage, was sucked dry into a contorted mummy.

"I can't believe I haven't broken through level nine saint!" The blond man looked at the terrifying face on his chest and curled his lips.

"Gordon is too useless. He only provided me with this little power."

The blond man licked his lips, and his eyes were filled with anticipation. "HOw dare he steal Ruhr's skull from me?

"Hehe, after I complete my last experiment, I will definitely find my way to Nightsky forest.

"I wonder what kind of surprise will absorbing a powerful necromancer will bring me!"

Gordon's mysterious death made the entire Mage Guild and the higher-ups of the Spirit Tower furious.

A dignified saint-level mage was actually killed in his own cell with a cruel and strange method.

No matter what, this matter would always be a slap in the face of the Mage Guild and the Spiritual Tower.

A bloody storm was about to spread across the entire sacred continent.

At this moment, the Nightsky Forest, which was thousands of miles away, was quiet and peaceful.

After Bronzebeard tweaked the furnace, it started to operate again.

The Ancient Tree of War was different from the Ancient Tree of Knowledge, it had a huge tree trunk that looked strange and shiny.

At a glance, it looked like a big iron pot. At the top of the Ancient Tree of War was a big chimney.

At that moment, under the flames of the Magic Furnace, waves of hot air spread across the Ancient Tree of War.

"Little brother, from today onwards, you will be my assistant. Come, have another sip of blazing elixir and we shall toast our friendship."

Chirs' lips twitched as he looked at the wine jar that Bronzebeard handed over to him.

Friendship my *ss!

We have only known each other for less than twenty minutes.

So where did our friendship come from?

"Wait, that assistant you just mentioned, what's going on?"

Just as Chris finished speaking, Bronzebeard's broad and thick palm had already slapped Chris' back.

"Kid, do you want to learn forging from me?"

"Are you serious?"

Chris stared into Bronzebeard's anticipating eyes and felt that he had some ulterior motive.

"Since you were able to pick up my wine pot and drink our sacred water, it means that you're not an ordinary elf. Moreover, with an extra helper, the hundred sets of druid weapons will be done earlier than expected."

Chris' cultivation was steadily improving, and he had almost finished reading the books in the Ancient Tree of Knowledge.

So, learning something else other than magic would still benefit him.

"Bronzebeard, you're willing to take Chris as a disciple and let him learn forging techniques from you?" Elder Norton said excitedly.

Everyone knew that every hill dwarf had an extremely strange temper. They cherished their forging techniques very much and would never easily impart them to others.

Bronzebeard was also one of the top forging masters on the sacred continent.

If Chris could really get his favor and learn the forging techniques of the hill dwarves, then the entire elf race would benefit greatly.

While Elder Norton doubted him, Bronzebeard said firmly, "We hill dwarves never lie. As long as this little brother is willing, I, Bronzebeard, will teach you all of my forging techniques."

Although the elven queen and the elders had already determined that Chris was the elven race's God's messenger.

They would not show his identity off to everyone. Therefore, in the eyes of an ordinary elf, Chris was still an apprentice who took care of the Ancient Tree of Knowledge.

Bronzebeard was willing to pass down forging techniques to him. This was undoubtedly a joyous occasion for Elder Norton, who had always regarded Chris as his family.


Just like that, in the next few months, Chris followed Bronzebeard and learned forging techniques.

Whether it was forging or drinking, Chris' performance greatly exceeded Bronzebeard's expectations.

He liked this little elf more and more every day.

There was even one time when they drank too much, and Bronzebeard blabbered something about marrying his daughter to him.

Chris was completely dumbfounded. Bronzebeard was a tall and strong man, and his daughter should not be too different from him.

For three consecutive days, he stayed in his tree house. It was only when Elder Norton looked for him that he continued visiting the Ancient Tree of War.

However, Chris did gain something from it. These few days, his forging skills were getting more and more proficient. He had so much talent that even Bronzebeard would not stop praising him.

Furthermore, Chris checked into the Ancient Tree of War and got something amazing, which was the magical fire-elemental tome, "Blessing of Flame"!

He expected that he would be busy for the next few days. Now that he had already obtained three elemental spells, it was time to learn the fourth one.

He had no idea what would result from the fusion of the four elemental spells.

Chris was filled with anticipation.

At this moment, Chris sensed something and lit up a soul-sifting incense.

Soon enough, he saw Alice kneeling in front of a stone wall in his dream, muttering to herself.

"Senior, the Queen has allowed me, Elder Norton, and a hundred newly trained Druid warriors to head to the magical beast forest.

"I will meet the leaders of the Pandar tribe and convince them to return to the Elf tribe.

"So, I may not be able to see you for a long time."

Chris had an inkling about what Alice was talking about.

After the Ancient Tree of Life's energy was restored, the magic elements became active. Many elders who were stuck at being rank 9 archmages, like Wharton, were showing signs of breaking through to the saint rank.

Along with the 100 Druid Warriors, the aura of the entire elven race seemed to be on the rise.