
I .... between heroes? (versión DC)

This will be a series in which the films that have been going out will be involved, both the animated ones and the normal ones (concepts more than anything, they will not really appear) see how naoru became ajajajaja hero with the bichesssss anime system films lg: war, doom, etc

Alezero · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

14 - the killing joke (part1)

(2016 Batman: the killing joke movie)

*** ghotic city 9:00 pm ***

entering the alley, almost immediately they surrounded the teacher ... followed by showing him a small knife, a silver razor about 10 cm long ...

on the other side swinging between buildings with the hook she had previously fired, a completely black fitted suit which left nothing to the imagination, printed on her prominent chest, the impression of the bats family ... the yellow bat was the one she represented a batgirl ... with agility he reached the roof of a building next to the alley where he saw, that they had taken his stupid teacher, but when he reached the shore to jump to save him, he saw something that he could never explain ...

*** 5 minutes before ... ***

naoru: :) well guys, where is that store? ...: D

Thief 1: hahaha, what? ... boy I don't know if you're very innocent or ...

thief 2: very stupid ...

thief 3: is this an assault, or is it that you don't understand? ...

naoru: mmm ... so they want to rob me? ...

thief 4: that's right ...

thief 5: why? ... are you going to resist

thief 6: please resist ...

naoru: no, it's just that only with 8 people? ... that is stupid ...: D

thief 7: come on, whoever brings their organs wins more ...

thief 8: hahaha this is going to be very easy ...

naoru: you know, this is for you to remember on your next assault ... never surround a hyuga [secret clapping technique: eight trigrams: return from heaven]

beginning to rotate on its own axis, moment by moment it rotated stronger and stronger until the air visibly turned blue, causing a whirlpool of centrifugal force to begin to drag the 8 idiots, the force was such that it expelled them into the air and with a smooth movement it stopped spinning, causing it to almost instantly stop expelling the air ... sending them flying towards the buildings ... windows were broken by the great force that expelled this jutsu, the idiots were not so lucky as each and every one crashed into the walls of the surrounding buildings ...

naoru: well, I hope you have more luck next time ...: D

With moans around him, he took steps to return to the main street of Ghotica, walking again towards the building he had just bought in Ghotica ...

*** on the rooftop***

batgirl: but what ... just happened ...

- He beat these guys ... no, what was that blue ... who is it? ... according to the university he is from metropolis ... but only there is superman ... and he doesn't do what this fool did now ... (with beads of cold sweat falling on his forehead)

triiinnnn ... triiinnnn ....

from one moment to the next a device began to sound in the batikbelt on the heroine's waist, putting aside her doubts, she answered and it was Batman, they had been going out on patrol in the last 3 years ... they were something like companions, Of course, since the first robin began to study at a university, batman found himself in the need to find another partner (or partner) who could help ... he chose barbara gordon, daughter of commissioner gordon, well, he chose it is somewhat ambiguous because she She had started patrolling without him saying anything, being in constant danger they began to patrol together, until one day she appeared with her typical batgirl outfit ... from there she was known as Batman's companion

batgirl: what happened? ...

batman: a robbery is in progress ...

With his agility with the hook he began to advance towards the crime scene, it was a truck ... at first glance, of course, the theft was not the truck, it was what was transporting what they had stolen, it was a truck from the national city bank ghotica ... I arrived quickly, that and because the police who were behind them were like headlights to a ship, that is, they were not easy to lose ... in one movement the truck driver made the two patrol cars crash They were behind him, the agility behind the wheel of the driver was very good, I say for a criminal, but even so I managed to land on top of the truck, as expected the batmobile had arrived a few seconds after her, starting the work chasing the truck ... as if it were rehearsed, she went to place an explosive charge on the rear doors of the truck ...


With a loud bang, the metal doors were torn off the truck, revealing the cargo along with 3 more criminals, who took out firearms and began firing at the batmobile, it hurts that this vehicle was armored, after a burst of batman bullets fired the hook which hooked the money truck they had previously stolen ... with a strong brake, the truck shot out from the back, landing on the safe street ... meanwhile the box in which it had been been transporting, she separated from the main truck leaving it in the street, in a reckless act Batgirl jumped into the cab of the truck leaving her on the roof hooked with a batarang ... of course the criminals had been waiting for her ...

they immediately started shooting at the ceiling ... letting a bullet hit Batgirl's arm ... with the pain it released, leaving her on the ground 10 blocks after they left the booth ...

triin ... triiinnn ...

batgirl: what happened? ... (answering and holding the pain)

batman: and the others? ...

batgirl: sorry they escaped ...

batman: no case, I have one, you can go home ...

batgirl: but ...

youuuuunnn ...

the call had been cut off, forcing himself into an alley, he began to change his clothes ... (sexy scene for their filthy minds) when he finished he had given a tourniquet to his left arm, but even so it seemed that the bullet was still there. prevented blood from coming out ...

barbara: I have to go, with Dick ... her apartment should be around here ... wait it's here ...

With blood on her arm, she entered the apartment building where her friend lived, but reaching the third floor and knocking on her friend's door, she fainted ...

***in the apartment***


naoru: I'm coming ...

- How strange, I don't have anyone I know in this city

Opening the door, a delicate figure fell into her arms full of blood ... with the last of her strength before fainting, she managed to ask for help from the person she thought was her friend

barbara: Dick, help me ...

falling thus passed out in her arms ...

naoru: Friday I have a lucky stat? ...

Friday: no sir ...

naoru: do I have a title that helps me capture ladies? ...

Friday: no sir ... but you can buy it ...

naoru: interesting, well let's see where the wound is ...

loading her bridal style and taking her to the master bedroom ... she began to check thoroughly ... very thoroughly (naoru: what, if I'm going to help a simple thank you isn't enough) the red-haired beauty had a gunshot wound to her arm, it would be easy to take her out and heal her, but in this world it was not like in naruto, here the bullet wounds did not disappear overnight ...

naoru: Friday, buy a surgeon's kit ...

Friday: understood .... successful purchase ... spend 5000p ...

grabbing the silver-colored briefcase from the inventory ... he had bought the medical ninjutsu of the naruto world, of course also the medical experience of tsunade and hashirama senju, although they did not use this type of suture but they did know the human body and only with that I could make a suture that although it was crude, at least it would not leave a scar ... it was only ten minutes since the intervention began ... removing the bullet, suturing the wound, bandaging it and injecting it with some antibiotics ...

naoru: well, it's 11 o'clock and I'm hungry ... so I'm going to eat you ... hahaha I must stop talking to myself ... I'd better do something to eat before sleeping in the living room ... rest barbara. .. by the way who is jin ... I had never heard

end of cap friends

no more goodbye

the second movie ... after this comes the ... guess