
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Son of the Raikage

Danzō immediately glanced over at Hidden Cloud Village before finally seeing Hiruzen fighting someone in Lightning Release Chakra Mode, but with much less intensity than the Raikage.

Without delay, Danzo rushed to help Hiruzen, whose condition left much to be desired.

- Danzo? - Hiruzen said in surprise, noticing Danzo with peripheral vision, but still not looking away from his opponent.

- The Raikage managed to escape, but he is badly injured, count as one foot in the Pure World. - quickly reported Danzo.

Ai, the son of the Second Raikage's face turned black and he abruptly shifted his focus to Danzō, attempting to hit him.

For Danzō, who recently traveled at speeds incredibly close to the speed of sound, an impact of this level seemed very slow. After activating the First Gate, Danzō calmly dodged his son's Raikage's punch and grabbed his outstretched arm, then unrestrainedly stabbed him in the head while it was open.


The power of this strike was the result of Taijutsu, Second Gate, and good control over Chakra. And all this was more than enough to break through the cover of A's Lightning Release Chakra Mode, and judging by the blood flowing from the nose, the blow did not small damage.

Hiruzen, leave it to me. Better deal with the others before the Raikage arrives! Danzo shouted.

Hiruzen hesitated for a moment, but still decided to believe in Danzō, especially considering his shocking demonstration of Tayujutsu just now, and went to the other Konoha shinobi.

He became even angrier at feeling underestimated and still decided to increase the intensity of Lightning Release Chakra Mode to its limits.

It didn't pass Danzo's eyes and he immediately jumped away from Ai, waiting for his next action. Right now, his ability to attack was severely limited, mainly due to almost completely spent Chakra, which was in no hurry to recover.

"If possible, I should try to obtain the Yin Seal! As long as the men can use it…"

As Danzō pondered and passively watched, Ai had barely gotten used to the enormous tension for him, and using the momentum betrayed by Lightning Release Chakra Mode, he pounced on Danzō, but not as recklessly as last time.

Danzō tried to dodge the Raikage's son's strike and counterattack like he did last time. But he didn't succeed due to the fact that A himself caught him with a blow from the other hand on the open body.


With that one blow, Danzō was blown a couple of meters away and landed relatively softly with a roll.

"And he's a fast learner... Too bad it won't help him."

Suddenly for Ei, he became paralyzed and the Lightning Release Chakra Mode went out of his control, dissipating instantly. Strange lines spread across his body, a clear sign of a seal!

"Really... He used some kind of Fuinjutsu when he grabbed my arm?!" Ai thought in shock.

That shinobi in front of him, not only possessed a decent taijutsu, albeit lagging behind the Lightning Release Chakra Mode, but also skillfully used Fuinjutsu! When did Konoha acquire such powerful experts?

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