
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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Danzō had big plans for Tsunade and Orochimaru's future. The first one was vital for him to study Iryoninjutsu and, in particular, the Yin Seal. Naturally, Danzō wouldn't hide her accomplishments from the village, but would definitely "filter" them.

And about Orochimaru and stutter is not necessary. His talent for learning and creating ninjutsu can be put on a par with Tobirama. This is not to mention that he is a key figure in the emergence of science within the world of Naruto, in a form that is as similar as possible to the science from Danzō's past life.

"Hmm... Thinking back to Orochimaru, is it possible to use the Edo Tensei technique on the Raikage and threaten to extract information about the Lightning Chakra Mode from him?"

Danzō wrote this thought down in his notebook.

"As far as I remember, the Truth-Seeking Ball consists of all 7 Elements. If I can create techniques like Lightning Chakra Mode for all Elements and combine them, what will happen? Will I get something like Six Paths Mode?"

Traveling to the Land of Lightning did indeed bring a lot of benefits to Danzō. Including, thanks to a good rest, many new ideas came to him, the importance of which he began to realize only now.

"The Lightning Chakra Mode is definitely Lightning Release, the Seven Heavens Breathing Method must be Wind Release, and the Eight Gate Technique can be directly attributed to Yang Release. Then there are four more positions: Water, Fire, Earth, and Yin Release."

Danzō looked carefully at his notes in his notebook.

"Hmm, can't the Hydration Technique be classified as a Water Release? But Kabuto was only able to use this technique after he shoveled his body. Actually, it's not such an unacceptable option for me, since this body is still not mine. But I I don't think Higane will like this..."

With some hesitation, Danzō wrote the Hydration Technique next to the Water Release, but underlined and put a question mark.

"I definitely remember that in the anime there was some kind of Earth Release Ninjutsu that could strengthen one's body... I think it was just called Stone Armor. I don't remember exactly..."

Danzō had difficulty remembering such minute details from the anime, given that his own memory had been mixed with Danzō's.

"Well, yes, there was such a technique. It's from the Twelve Ninja Defenders series. As far as I remember, the essence of the technique was to pass Earth Release Chakra through oneself, much like with the Lightning Release Chakra Mode."

However, knowing how a technique works and being able to put it into practice are two completely different things, as Danzō found out while practicing the Eight Gates and the Rasengan.

If not for the detailed records of the first technique in the secret archive of Konoha, then Danzō would at best be able to master it in many years, but not in a week.

And his first versions of the Rasengan were a complete joke, no matter how much Chakra he put into them, since most of it was simply wasted and at the same time reduced the stability of the technique itself.

"I'm not sure what the name of the shinobi who used this technique is, but I'm willing to put my hand on cutting off that he's from the Hidden Stone Village!"

Thus, Danzō had a new target - the Iwagakure archive.

"There remains the Fire Release and the Yin Release..."

Danzō spent a lot of time thinking about what could fill these two gaps, but suddenly found that it was already lunch time without coming to any definite conclusions.