
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

It was a clone!

Quickly folding the three seals, the Raikage unleashed the Water Release Ninjutsu: Indomitable Water Wave to drown the buried shinobi. After a couple of seconds, he saw a small puff of smoke seeping out of the ground.

"That's a clone too, so where's the real enemy?"

Suddenly, the ground within a radius of ten meters from him began to rise and created a huge vise that squeezed him together in an instant.

- AAAA! - Shouting, Ai had to increase the intensity of Lightning Release Chakra Mode to break that stone vise.

And he succeeded, but as soon as the vise broke, a dozen kunai flew into the Raikage with explosive seals wound around them and received damage from their own technology. Hey, could not avoid the explosion.


The explosion was so powerful that it destroyed not only the entire courtyard, but also the residence itself, and some civilians who watched the battle from afar received herbs due to fragments and small fragments of stones.

The smoke swirled for a short time before dissipating, and only then were the residents able to see everyone standing on one knee of the Raikage. He survived even being in the epicenter of the explosion, although it was noticeable how badly he was battered.

- WHERE. CRAP. TAKE. SUPPORT?! - The Raikage gasped.

However, none of the 12 shinobi who arrived with him in this city was ever seen.

The Raikage realized that they were probably either all dead or fighting other Konoha forces.

"Run. I must run!"

He wasn't such a coward, but rather he knew that without him, Kumogakure would not be able to hold out for long, and his only student and son was not yet strong enough to become the Raikage.

If all the inhabitants of this city are killed, his life is still worth more.

Suddenly, Ai noticed a strange movement behind him and forcefully activated the Lightning Release Chakra Mode. His wounds were literally roasted under the influence of the Lightning Release.

But even that didn't save him from Danzō flying forward due to the acceleration of his own Wind Release: Rocket Strike technique, with a Rasengan from almost all of his remaining Chakra.

As soon as the Rasengan came into contact with the Raikage, he was thrown at great speed into the ruins of the Residence. The blood trail alone spoke of how serious and critical Danzō's attack was.

"After losing so much blood, I doubt he'll survive." - Danzo thought inside himself.

Silently moving with the help of Shunshin to one of the nearby rooftops, Danzō kept a close eye on the ruins of the residence, still not daring to get close to the Raikage.

It's one thing to fight with clones and completely different - with your real body. Yes, the Raikage was not slightly injured. but if he survives, one hit from him will be enough to disable Danzō, even with the Second Gate activated.

"Fortunately, his sensory suffers, otherwise I would have had to, oh, how not sweet."

Danzō waited patiently, watching the body of the Raikage lying on the ground, holding several more explosive tag kunai in his hand and preparing to throw them at any moment.

Two, three, five, ten minutes passed. Fifteen minutes later, Danzō lost his patience and threw two kunais at the body, deciding to do something like a control shot.


After another loud explosion, Danzō was horrified to find that the Raikage's body was no longer there. And since the force of the explosion was nowhere near strong enough to completely destroy his bodies, that could only mean one thing.

"It was a clone! The Raikage escaped!"

*toss a coin to your author

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