
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Bad News

Danzō looked blankly at Dai, whose expression was infinitely like a pleading dog.

- Oh please! - Dai screamed.

But Danzo just shook his head.

"It doesn't work for me."

- You said I'm not strong enough, right? And if I become stronger, will you teach me? - Dai suddenly asked him.

Taking a deep breath, Danzō let out a long breath with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"In the original, he mastered this technique after graduating from Shinobi Academy*. If he starts early, how great will his potential be?"

In the anime, Dai showed the ability to activate all Eight Gates, but either through Kishimoto's fault or for some plot reason, his power was clearly inferior to Might Guy when opening the same Eight Gates.

"Most likely the reason is that Dai trained Guy from a very young age, due to which his body was much stronger and therefore could unleash much more power."

And if Danzō had started to train Dai much earlier than it happened in the original, then his strength, quite possibly, would not be inferior to Might Guy in his prime!

- Well, I can think about it. - Danzo said after a few minutes of thinking. - Even more, I can give you a training program. And if you can endure them all, then I will teach you the Eight Gates Technique.

- Yes! - Dai exclaimed happily. - Don't be afraid, I'll pass any test and be sure to become a real Shinobi!"

Danzo laughed lightly.

- You should get out of this forest first.

- Exactly... Can you help me? - Dai said, remembering that he was lost.

A strange smile appeared on Danzo's face.

- This will be your first test. - With those words, Danzo disappeared.

- Hey, where are you?! - Dai shouted, but received no answer. - Here you go...

And despite the fact that Danzo did not help Dai out of the forest, the conversation helped Dai calm down and now he really was much less afraid.

The giant monsters that had previously frightened him now seemed weak and clumsy compared to the uncle Dai had met. And after a few hours, he was able to get out of the forest, following his strategy.

Meanwhile, Danzō, back at the Root, met with a visibly troubled Kurama Haru who was holding a smoking pipe in his one hand. He, in view of the temporary absence of Ryu, became his deputy and coped well with his duties.

- We're having problems. - Haru said as he exhaled a small cloud of smoke. - Almost all of our spies and informants in the Villages of Stone, Sand and Mist were declassified and killed yesterday.

With this news, Danzō's mood plummeted.

- It had to happen, sooner or later... But it's very strange that it happened in one day and everywhere. - Haru continued to speak.

"I noticed it even without you... Damn it!"

Danzo had a very bad feeling.

"Have they really conspired and want to declare war on us at once?"

- Immediately send someone to Hiruzen, let him convene a council. And send a message through Ryu's call to report to the Daime that war may soon begin.

- Yes sir. - Haru calmly replied, exhaling another puff of smoke.

*So that no one has any questions at this point. Dai died at 35, while he said that his ability to open all the gates is the result of twenty years of relentless training. 35-20=15. And in the anime, the Academy ends (not ahead of schedule) at 12 years old.

**more than 40 chapters are available at my pat reon

pat reon.com/ vektor_189