
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasy
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355 Chs

Saying Good Bye part 8


Foot step fastly approaching my cell. I didn't bother looking; I knew if General Browe was back he wanted to torture me.

Queen: Look at you.. Creating yourself a room in my cell

Shoot! creating, right! am not surpose to do that...

Queen: You... how did you get that power Johny? And.. dont. lie. to. me!

Red burning hair, creating catastrophe around her, Walls crushing, Pavement splitting. Her strengths is something to behold.

Johny: Gaby?

Queen: You purposely came here knowing she would follow you

Johny: Not true

Queen: Yes? How did she know your here? That you have creation magic?

Johny: I came to ask you something not because I want to put you in Danger

Queen: I don't believe you. Johny where did you get creation magic? Did you kill the host?

Johny: What, no?

Queen: Where Dam it!?

Johny: I can't say

Everything around me crushing, Crumbling to her anger.

Queen: You can't say?

She roar causing the ceiling to collapse.

Queen: Take him to the room maybe he will be more talkative then

Johny: You will seriously torture me Gaby?

Queen: It's Queen to my foes

Johny: Am a friend

Queen: No, your not.

I was relieved to see her walk away, but sad to know she no longer consider me a friend. General browe of course order his guards to apprehend me into a disgusting room. Full of unsanitized knifes, Different tools to torture. They sat me on a chair Both hands tied behind my back.

"Punch, Punch"

He repeatedly beat me without any questions.

Johny: Ask me a question!?

To my understanding, aren't they surpose to ask me questions than I would answer?

Browe: I don't care for your reason halfling

I could just portal out of here, but if I did that I wouldn't get what am asking for. The taste of my blood filled my tongue, Tasting sweet.

Browe: Do you have any idea what you put Gaby through?

Johny: Hmm

Eyes bloody shot, I thought about using my healing magic but I didn't want to take this so called victory from him. I would constantly healed the inside of my body but leaving the outside to his satisfaction

Browe: She was sure when you came back to rule you would've chosen her to be by your side?

Johny: She didn't want me

Browe: Don't! Your not stupid, You knew how much she loved you.. When you gave her that gift and your word she trusted a idiot. I watch as anger devour her over the years. She won't admit it but she is still that 9 year old girl you promise to rule beside you, The one that will take her away from her cruel father.

Johny: If she was in danger I could of come, I would of protected her

Browe: No, you would of lied to her. that's what you do best

Johny: Did she tell you the gift I gave her?

Browe: What?

Johny: Guess that's a no

Browe: You gave her a gift one husband give to a wife

Johny: Shut up you know nothing

Browe: You right let's find out shall we..


Mom: We need to find a way to draw him out? What else do we know about him

Ugo: I know he have another daughter, She smell just like him. Names Josie

Mom: Yeah how do you know?

He looked at me knowing I told him to never tell anyone about the restaurant I took him to that night.

Ugo: I got her scent

Charmed: At instalaxia? yeah me too

Thank God. My mother can easily be triggered, I would hate to be her enemy right now, I have to make her sense am trust worthy or it's death. Upset at our losses Noone wants to walk inside the castle.

LOJ(lion of Juda): Your highness heaven is in need of your presence

A unstoppable lion with dragon wings. Faster than lightning.. Things got from bad to worst. Her husband sending LOJ knowing she is this weak means this was non-negotiable.

Mom: Am spending time with my boys, Since you know, He place them in a pit

LOJ: This won't take long your highness

Mom: Hmm Regi let's go

Regi: Of course mother

LOJ used his grace to transport us to heaven. Ray of sunlight elevate us to heaven Where Gabriel awaits us. I hated his six wings. Muscular face, Action figure body.. Ugh!

Gabriel: Please right this way your highness

Mom: It's not like I have a choice.

She said walking behind him to where my father dwells. As we approach the door, The light was excruciating, So strong that it lights up the entire heaven from him standing in one entry point. Passing clouds like benches, Road, Houses. We arrived infront of the door where the light was the strongest

Gabriel: This is the furthest I can take you, Your highness. Regi can't go in with you He will die due to him not being pure enough

She didn't say anything she went through the Golden doors shutting the door behind her. On the opposite side of the door me and Gabriel heard second hand the conversation.

"Hi my love" God said with a surprise but happy tone

"Don't, you imprisoned our children" She sternly said.

"Because of their destructive ways."

He quickly explained in the hope of keeping the meeting in good standard. "why haven't you return home if you were revived?" "I would of, soon as I get some more time with my boys." She quickly responded

"Wife, I know all, I see all. I'd hope you respect me enough to not lie to me. I have your fourth piece here with me. Why haven't you tried to take it?" "Because you would of killed me on the spot." Anger filling her voice. "I can't ever kill you, I love you, Don't go on a killing rampage Eyahna" He said in a warning tone "Just redecorating dear, Now my forth piece please?"

"No don't do it" I thought. She is only going to use it for killing people and beings alike.

When she came out the room, she was still on her dark form but now.. River's and oceans were covering her body like the earth's map.

Mom: I'll be back soon hubby

There was silent all throughout heaven, What were they doing? Are they mourning for the people they know she will kill?

Gabriel: You should go.

Regi: Why would he...

Gabriel: I don't know.. Heaven will be on lock down soon please go before it's too late. You may be useful to Carla

Regi: Understood

I volted after my mother did. I appeared in her black and golden room where I know she is cooking up something malicious against the Beast Queen to get Johny


Half dead from taking so much beating, He would beat me than grow tired, pass it to another colleague to finish the job.

Queen: Enough

Browe: Oh My Queen I...

Johny: She said enough Browe

I said in a teasing manner. Back then I would of been upset at how they treat a prince. I've gain the status of king this is a declaration of war... She knows that.

Queen: You got the creation magic from your spouse didn't you?

Johny: Haha is this your good morning to me, My Queen?

Unsure if it was morning or night

Johny: You understand this means war don't you Gaby?

Queen: I could afford war can you?

Johny: Ten times over actually

Thinking of The resource marble located in the brown kingdom, Me and Carla made it when she was in her Godess form.

Queen: Do you love her? Are you happy?

I could hear the pain in her voice as she ask these questions. I understand it's not easy seing me love another knowing of her feelings.

Queen: I seen her once

Johny: Hmm

Queen: When you came back, That foolish dragon ask her to duel for your hand

Johny: I see

Queen: Why did I think, You would of seek me out?

Johny: Am sorry..

Queen: You didn't want to talk, So I'll talk then I'll have Browe kill you

Johny: For not being with you?

Queen: For bringing danger to my door step

Johny: Hmm

Queen: Do you remember?

Johny: Yes

Queen: You went back on your words my prince

Johny: You gotta believe me it was out of my hands

Queen: First was Stephanie

Johny: How did you..

Queen: I've lived a long life Johny. I know the first present you gave her on your honeymoon

Johny: The horse?

Queen: I came to.. I had something to tell you

Browe: You don't owe him any explaination my Queen

He quickly interrupted. I could hear heels and foot heading to the exit. I can't let her leave with so much pain, Pain I cost her after I decided to tell my dad I wanted Stephanie.

Johny: Gaby wait!

Browe: Since she's leaving now guess I could kill you.

Johny: Dam it! Gaby

Browe: Yeah beg for your life.

Johny: Gaby please let me..

Browe: Let's get this over with..

To my left I could hear the sharpening of knifes, bare of Chain saw etc.. I didn't care about me I wanted to comfort her. I've hurt alot of girls unintentionally, It wasn't hard to feel love even as a infant or kid growing up. I cut all ties with her at 13 thinking me and Stephanie would of make it but.. The deadly tools were to finish me. The foot step stopped when I cried out to her, I know she was here.. I quickly healed myself so my sight can return to me.

Browe: What the?

These ropes were a joke. With my fire element I quickly untie myself to catch her beautiful tears. Without any doubt I know she would of mourn my death, She loves me.

Gaby: Hmm you should leave before I end you

Johnh: You ask them to put me in the dungeon after I said I was going away and you won't see me again.

I quickly grab her hands staring into her emerald beautiful eyes that was twinkling with sadness.

Johny: I do love her Gaby.. Am sorry I know what I promise you, I know what I gave you, Please don't return it. I want you to keep it. We were good friends before, we can be that again

Gaby: Friends? Haha you insult me young king

She scoft in disbelief. Browe making his way to us with a mechaty. He planned on beheading me. Silly boy. I wrapped us in water turning it to a shield, Underneath us I made beautiful flowers with Lili pad for us to sit on and talk. It's long over due. I figured it's too quiet here so I took her for a ride; Without permission.

Gaby: You know this is kidnapping?

She said sitting on the lilie pad smilling from ear to ear.

Johny: No I'd say borrowing is completly accepable.

Gaby: Why are you here Royal?

Addressing me by my first kingdom

Johny: There is a war coming. I would want shelter. You are the most powerful person I've met.. Or should I say you and my wife are the most powerful person I've met. If you guys...

She didn't wait for me to finish before I felt her hands squeezing my heart causing me to lose oxygen rapidly.. It hurts so bad even as a god I couldn't heal fast enough

Gaby: You want me to bring here here?

Johny: Gaby please let me finish?

Gaby: It's not enough to break my heart but to make me a paraya infront of my people?

Johny: (gasp) Gaby am fainting stop it.

Gaby: You are the last person I would ever protect.

Johny: (Breathing heavy, eyes closing) Gab..

Boom! We heard a explosion that caused her to let go temperally. Her 8 wings came out pair of dragon, bat wings, falcon wings, And pairs of eagle wings. Her flying to the scene of the crime cause waved. Nearly making me fall over. Laying there catching my breathe feeling stupid as I replayed our conversation ugh am so dumb to ask her to protect the girl I chose over her.