
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasy
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No where to run part 11


I think Spookvile will be a great attraction

Chris: After?

Carla: Dark fairy land, I suggest everyone who have flesh stay inside the train.

Johny: Its pitch dark

Carla: The brown kingdom, 6 realm within one world, You will only see the jungle, and the water realm.

Chris: What of the other realm

Carla: You wont visit, I can't guarantee your safety in them. Than we have the Rhino realm

Darnel: Hahaha Rhinos, Now I know your kidding me

Johny: Keep that same energy When you see them.

Carla: Giant realm

Darnel: Haha Giants don't exist

Chris: Maybe you should... um stop talking old friend

Darnel: Wait are you serious?

Chris: I train with 4 of them

Darnel: Haha I thought you were loosing your mind, the stories On new earth was true?

Chris: Why would I lie about that? you guys brand me insane, Firing me from my job that provides for my family, If it wasn't for the king and Queen I would of never cleared my name

Darnel: Budy am sorry.

Johny: Alright, We should be able to do our first trip in 2 days, In your world is 8 days. It will officially operate every 3 month, In your world thats every year

Darnel phone started ringing, The voice on the end sound pretty pist. Darnel went to a different room.

Chris: How much to ride?

Johny: We haven't decided

Carla: 100 Carla Dollas.

Johny: That sounds affordable.

Carla: Alright let's get going, Thanks for the nap Chris?

Chris: Anytime

I canceled the double up spell with the couch, Carla illusion shows the useless land before. We made a portal to Brown kingdom, Adam and Frey was exhausted but happy.

We landed in the Dinning room, We seen Red cursing up a storm with a metal sword in his hands Haha.


Johny: Red!

Red: Oh your here

He said walking over to us by the table

Red: I need you to pay your workers for them to see my pregnant wife?

Johny: I never place someone in charge of the distribution? I walked over to where the two stone guards was guarding the door.They bowed giving me access inside. I told him how much everyone is being paid, I decided to put Red in charge of payments until he returns to his official duties In instalaxia. He's an good fit for it, Plus he cares very little for materialistic things.


Today Is the day! I got up got dress, This baby was getting very wild up wild up in my stomach, it's almost time I still had 3 weeks before giving birth. Johny was already at the train station, Taking tickets for our train adventure. I flew to my very handsome hardworking husband. Him and Johnathan was there checking tickets, I can't believe how much citizens line up to go? The butlers was exchanging money for tickets, Another two was at the entrance getting the tickets, Johny reserve 5 seat for Chris and his companion, 5 seat for our alliances too, Haha even the fairies. The inside looks so clean, so detailed.

Stefan: Hey! my mom owns this train gets your glass hands off me

Butler: Sorry my king said no ticket no entry, He didn't specifies any exemptions.

Haha was Stefan going to use force to get through?

Carla: Stefan!

He finally seen me by the train door, he walked over.

Stefan: Yes mom?

Carla: Did you do any chores to earn some money?

Stefan: No, mom am your son I should be able to get in without working

Johny: No money, no tickets, No entry.

He said walking up to us. Him and Johnathan was both wearing white shirt and black pants, I forgotten how Johnathan resembles his father, They look identical.

Johny: Our seat is in the front my love

Stefan: Come on you got Adam and Frey going but not Me?

Johny: If something goes wrong they will need to fix it.

Stefan: I heard there is a rich section, Come on, Lady Universe didn't have a ticket yet she gets VIP treatment?

Johny: She contributed to my existence. You have no money, Now if you want to go get a job

Stefan: What! that's obsurd?

Johny: What are your skills?

Blue: Hey mom and dad!

Blue said with his beautiful wife wrapped In his arns, Going to the ticket line, Blue is my first born in the Phoenix bunch, He is very reliable and supportive, Can't say his fond of his dad but Haha he tolerates him. He has beautiful deep blue sea eyes, His a blue Phoenix when transformed, his element is fire..

Stefan: Now Blue's going? mom!?

Johny: He obviously got a ticket

Stefan: I bet Red just give him money for the ticket

Johny: No, all my kids are honorable. Blue come here!?

He left his wife in the huge line to hold his place, He walked to us.

Blue: Yes dad?

Johny: How did you get your ticket?

Blue: I covered Red shift in the money exchange, it was for two days so he could watch over his wife, He promised to get me two ticket.

Johny: He worked!

He said staring at Stefan even more decipointed.

Carla: Baby why don't you do security guard for the train, I need a official officer on the train?

Trying to break the tension

Johny: Here is a thought?

He looked at both of us like we didn't get it. Johny took my hands walking away telling Stefan "He should decide before all the seat gets taken."

Johnathan: Pig? Do you have a ticket?

Frank: No

Johnathan: Soo?

Frank: Can I buy some?

Johnathan: Yes, see Butler number 3

Frank: Thank you

He was such a business man, My cutie pie. Before I could get on the train I heard the most prideful voice.

Chief: Hey! Woman, Do you remember me?

Ugh this guy, The chief of the water planet, His so disrespectful, Everyone was turning to see who this loud mouth talking to?

Stefan: You should mind your tone sea trash

"Oh baby don't fight him, Am not even bothered" I thought

Chief: Who is this?

Stefan: Another creation of our parents

Stefan brought out his sword, Chief got out his staff. Johny was surprisingly calm, Was he going to let his boys fight?

Carla: Babe?

Johny: Its Okay, There Brothers right?

If this was back in the day, Johny would've woup That chief into shape but now he would let Stefan take care of him? everyone stared with anticipation. Chief Rushed at Stefan full force, Stefan Dodge him. My heart sinked in my stomach I was so nervous. "Bam, Click" Their weapons kept going at it.

Chi: Who is that?

This boy always come unannounced

Carla: My sons

Chi: Do he wants to join the military?

Carla: Which one?

Chi: The Giant one of course!

Stefan: You will respect every living thing when am done with you!

Chief: Please, You may be a giant But your still weak!

Stefan was keeping his distance from Chief, Chief started to throw slashes using his water element, if he Dodge One second late Stefan hands could of been cut off. Chief was releasing his slashes, He didn't care about the citizens standing right there.

Stefan: Hey stop throwing knifes they could hurt someone!

Chief: Than stop running away you coward.

Sigh did he just say that? Thats Stefan trigger word. I felt Johny hands wrapping around my waist, kissing the back of my neck, Why was he holding me back? I seen Stefan glowing pure light in his eyes, has he blacked out?

He rushed to The chief, Kicking, Punching, The chief was keeping up with him naturally. With each second that passses their speed increase, Making it hard for your eyes to keep up with their movements, Stefan might of had Satphire training but the cheif had 40 percent of Johny's battle skills, Even though Stefan was a giant by nature, Him minimizing his size didn't take away from his skills. I seen when Stefan deliberately let Chief hit him so he can get one good hit in. The chief hit him in his Jaw, He leaned back and hit the chief right in the nose, Than his hands started to hit him repeatedly without giving an second for the chief to counter attack, Stefan stamina was incredible! The fight finish with Chief laying on the floor, Face all bloody!

Stefan: If you ever disrespect my mother again, I will... End you.

Wasn't johny going to say anything? Chief Struggled to get up Ignoring all the eyes feasting on him, He made his way to his planet. Aw man, That was humiliating, I didn't want them to fight. Stefan didn't say anything he got on the train, Accepting the security job. Chi of course ran after him offering him positions on the army. My boys are so violent. Blue saw my face filled with worry. He followed Chief in the planet to fix it, I love that boy. Johny was kissing my cheek helping me cope, I do like to fight just not with my family. Blue comes out with Chief face fully washed, Still bruised.

Johny: Haha both are going to be security guards haha let's see how that works out.

Adam picked two engineers, The butlers was train as conductors, The maid had nurse outfit on Haha were they nurses? Everyone was on board now, We were lifting off. Oh man am excited, Johny kept kissing me, am guessing this is kinda of a turn on Haha guys and trains! Our first stop was the Fairies Haha, The passengers was so excited. We were passing beautiful Cosmos. Stefan walked up and down the isle securing, Johny and I had a front row seat. The train is not as loud as I thought it would be, The gems was keeping the train on track they use the power inside of the gems to create a magnetic pull, Its pure genius. Soon as the Fairies climb on Johny had a attitude Haha, I gave all my alliances 5 members at a time. Next stop was the golens the king was among them, He was eyeing the Fairies, How many enemies did these Fairies have? The train was white and blue on the outside, But inside was red, Adam have all us royalties sat together, It looks private. Lady Universe was sitting with Satphire mom and dad.

King: Something off your chest?

He said pushing out his head to the side To look at the green fairy, The queen was looking at the windows maintaining her elegance, the one starting trouble was the first commander fairy, The one that refused my request to talk to her Queen. She kept staring at the Golens without blinking with a hatred expression on her face.

Fairy: You staring so am trying to see what you want to do?

For such little people they had balls hahaha.

Stefan: Please stay in your seat

Chief: No need to get kicked off when we just started.

Stefan and Chief didn't speak to one another but they work well together. Our next stop was the Rhinos, Johnathan went outside to check tickets, Why were they 8 Rhinos We agreed on 5?

Rhinos: These males are ready to mate?

Johnathan: In our log it says you are permitted to come on board with 5 in total

Rhinos: But I have 8 that's ready...

Johnathan: I have a simple job, I have so much planets I want to see, Don't hold us up, Pick your 5 I'll have their tickets.

This one Rhinos Kicked Johnathan in the Jaw, Running inside intending to come on board, He was quickly stopped by Stefan Foot, And Chief left hand.

Stefan: No ticket, no entry

Rhinos: This is stupid!

The cheif loves wearing yellow cloth bracelets on his wrist and ankles, The others always wore royal blue cloth. The elder along with 4 Rhinos Came along. Our next stop was Earth, We are stopping on earth for a little because of the shoping. When we arrived I was greateful our Illusion was still working, The door was open ready to welcome us. There was so much reporters. Merchant's had a specific room to keep everything top secret and organized. Each room was marked of what you'll find in there. My citizens have been working very hard, They had their Carla Dolla ready for purchase, Darnel stupid self had a hat that says "I love aliens" Why was he wearing that? Haha everyone kinda freaked out seing the Gollens. Everyone hop off the train to head inside, Stefan told me what was inside already and he cleared everyone to go inside. We had several species, The Rhinos or gollens didn't seem impressed by the display but everyone else was happy, Lady Universe even went in to get some fresh fruit. While everyone was busy shopping Johnathan stayed back to guard the gate, the parent was waiting in line With their children, I was confused on why were they so well dress besides the kids who was in uniform?

Stefan: Mom did the Marchant know these creatures was going to pay in Carla dola?

He telepathically ask me?

Carla: Yes, Check with Chris

After a few minutes he came back saying

Stefan: Everything is paid for already, But Chris is taking the Carla dolla to be able to get more students inside the train, He wants to use it for motivation for the other students

Carla: Alright, Is everything affordable?

Stefan: Everything is 1 to 5 dollars max

Carla: Alright baby.

We ended the call, I was waiting for them to come back. Johnathan was loading the mortals inside the train. Johnathan had the same stars pattern as johny; Looking at me and Johny in instalaxian form they knew He was a prince. Some mortal girl was smilling at him but he focuse on the tickets, He had Johny's hazel eyes, I can guess why girls couldn't keep their eyes off him.

Johnathan: Am so sorry your who?

Parent: The riches man in the world, I demand entry!

Johnathan: This is going to be an long day isn't it? Do you have a ticket?

Parent: No, Well if I don't go, Than my niece can't go

Johnathan: Next!

"Uncle stop, I've been looking forward to this trip ever since I found out I was selected for my grades" She said balling up her fist. "I have my ticket, I've earned it, Go home uncle, You didn't believe in all this until you seen it on social media" She said waiving her hands good bye. She hands Johnathan her ticket and Johnathan allowed her passage. It's hard to duplicate our tickets because it also have the burning fire logo, Using my gems power they were able to make it look realistic. The tickets were dated as well

Johnathan: Sigh, What is this?

There was a White couple infront of him, By the way they were dressed you can tell they spend crazy amount of cash. They were trying to offer Johnathan riches but Johnathan only replied " Am a actual prince, please move along."

I seen our citizens coming with so much items, I don't know how will we carry so much.

Johnathan: Glad you all bought what you need, And want! I have water bubble bags if you would like to purchase please see the butlers, They are all for 5 dollars

When did this happen? I turn back to tell him to stop hustling people but johny kept me still, Smilling

Johny: You gotta love his business method.

Carla: But baby some already spend their money.

Johny: Haha I know, He made it a need, Smart boy

Carla: I swear you guys are just a like, you got some Carla bucks on you?

Johny: Yeah why?

Carla: I can give them 1 bubble free the first time, Saying thank you.

Johny: You know he had Adam custom made it where they inflate and deflate with a push of a button.

Carla: Oh

Johny: Haha but it only last three months haha

Carla: In time for another train ride, I swear that boy!

Johny smilling made me smile.