
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasy
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355 Chs

No means yes (3)


Carla demanded to make his pricing makes sense in under 10 minutes. Bald-guy was sweating bullets.

Carla: You have someone stay in the hospital for 30 days after amputation. Why?

Jose: Well, as you know, that procedure can lead to several factors that will result in, um...

Why can't he talk confidently as he did with me?

Carla: Alright, let's do this; amputation of different organs or limbs will determine hospital stay.

Jose: Alright.

Carla: Childbirth... vag delivery. Why are you keeping them for 6 days?

Jose: Oh, erm,

Carla: Exactly, 3 to 4 days max without complications. To ensure you guys aren't adding injuries to the patients. Documentation is necessary. If something happens to them in your hospital, The treatment is free. If you make them stay more with no complications or overprice, You will return their payments, and the original treatment will be free.

Jose: Alright

Carla: Medication, the pricing for the medication list, please?

I Could tell Carla didn't come to play today. While she handled the boring stuff like helping the guy rewrite medication pricing. I decided to go check on My dad and Sofia.

Walking in the hallway, I noticed the cleanliness of the building, smelling like cleaning products. I found my dad and Sofia making out in my dad's room. No, shock there. Both results lay next to them on the bed. I didn't interrupt, haha they didn't even see me. Both were clean, says the report, completely Disease free.

Sofia: Hi

Cleon: Yall done shoving tongues down throats?

Sofia: Haha, sorry your dad started it

Cleon: Do you know how old he actually is?

Darion: Hush up, Boi, The eyes never get old

Cleon: That makes no sense.

Darion: How old do I look?

Sofia: He seems to be... Maybe 38

Darion: I'll take it.

Cleon: And I'll take 38 thousand

I said with a straight face.

Darion: I don't hate on you or yours. Why come over here messing up my work?

He is such an old cat. "My works?"

Cleon: I'm gone bye

Sofia: See you tonight,

Cleon: Tonight?

Sofia: Your dad didn't tell you?

Darion: Oh yeah... Dinner at my house. She's cooking.

Cleon: Can you cook?

Darion: Oh my God, who raised you?

I looked at him dumbfounded because he knew I raised myself, and myself always said to be honest.

Darion: See you and lovely Carla at 7

Cleon: I get to call her lovely you call her daughter-in-law.

Darion: Haha, alright. Just for that am calling her beautiful. That'll teach you to respect your elders.

Cleon: Yeah. You definitely

Darion: Say it. I dare you

Hahaha, I was gonna say old, haha. I left laughing, heading back to Carla.

Jose: Alright, My queen

Carla: What will you give back to the community free of charge?

Jose: Oh, that was in the business agreement. One Free stay

Carla: Hmm, alright, it better not be on discharge day.

Jose: Oh, um

Carla: Private institution or not, you cannot turn away someone in need of care, You can always transfer them to another hospital if the hospital agrees, Or you can deny if it's outside your scope. Mind you, there should be doctors in every area inside the facility at all times.

Jose: Yes.

Carla: For those captives, I will issue this hospital one million dollars grant every 3 months. I expect you take whatever concerns they have seriously. If there is left over, please, give it to someone who could use the help.

Man, she is so sexy when she speaks with authority. I should have waited for my wife. Who knew, she has funds for them already. She portalled over a suitcase full of Carla dollars. Handing over 4 million, For the entire year. What the?

1 dollar of Carla Dollar is a few thousand in some places. Knowing my wife, she knows that.

Carla: Have a good day!

She said, leaving him speechless, looking at the money. There are 3 hospitals in Sunrise kingdom. My wife went to all three, whether big hospitals or small ones. She gave each 4 million Carla dollars to care for the refugees. My baby spends 120 million dollars on health care for her people. My little 90 thousand meant nothing, Haha. I was ready to go home.

Cleon: Ready to go home?

Carla: Grand is here, and so

Cleon: Great, I haven't hung out with the little guy. We can bring him with us.

Carla: I might stay here for two days.

Cleon: Yeah, for sure. I'll go buy some clothes and...

Carla: Alright

She said, respectfully holding her hands in front of her, Turning away and heading for the castle. A gush of wind comes flapping down.

Genice: King, Queen, your presence is urgently needed in Oslo Kingdom

Dam it! I forgot we banish Oslo but never give him a reinstated

Cleon: Alright,

I reached out for her to climb on board, but she shook her head "no."

Cleon: No?

Carla: Yes, I promise Grand,

Cleon: I see

Carla: His meeting Jessica for the first time, so it's important.

Cleon: Yeah no, I, um, I get that; that's his little sister

Carla: I'll see you later?

She said, rubbing my hands instead of a kiss or anything romantic. I f*cked up last night. I didn't even care about her need last night. I'm selfish. Genice and I appeared to be an all-out fight between the citizens wanting to be the next ruler.

Wisdom: It's not just here. Puga realm, as well.

Cleon: Wisdom, would you like to rule? I notice you don't have a

Wisdom: All I have is my library and my place of residency, my King

Cleon: Are you willing or?

Wisdom: I'm not sure how good I'll be

Cleon: I see.

Wisdom: I'm sorry to decipoint

Cleon: No disappointment

A flash of light appeared woman dressed in metal armor spoke with authority.

Lybrith: I could lead, sire.

I know she rules the west, but I wonder if I want her to also rule in the east. There is too much conflict of interest.

Cleon: It's okay

I said, calming her aura down. She looked at me strangely as to why wouldn't I let her rule. But something tells me she's been trying to get Oslo authority. I don't know why and I don't care. She's not getting it.

Cleon: I'm giving it to Wisdom

Wisdom looked at her and then down again. Hmm, wonder why?

Wisdom: Sire I?

Cleon: You are best to rule.

Wisdom: Lybrith has seen war, She led armies, and Her kingdom is without flaw. Sire, I can't

Cleon: I'll be with you every step of the way. Now Genice take me to puga kingdom I have a bad feeling.

Genice carries me to Puga. On the way there, I needed to know.

Genice: My King. Your intellectual has no bound. Its true Wisdom would be a great ruler, but Lybrith will bully her into giving up the throne.

Cleon: I have a feeling.

Genice: Lybrith gets what she wants in the end.

Cleon: Sigh, another Oslo in another form

Genice: Indeed.

We got to the kingdom of Puga. Fred is nowhere to be found. Citizens getting abused by Guards. Sigh, this is hectic."There he is, attack!" One gorilla screamed to his companion. Were they planning on fighting me?

Cleon: I don't have time for this. I have to get back to Carla.

Leo: You called?

Cleon: Yeah, come

Leo: Who are you?

Sigh, I forgot about that dam memory deficiency. I have to ask Carla to check him. No way am I asking Dr. Jose. The man was expensive for no reason.

Cleon: Nevermind.

Fred: Yes! Yes! I'm free

He comes running inside the throne room where me and Genice standing watching the mob coming from the outside. Those beautiful pillars show what was going on outside at all times.

Fred: Wow! Here comes Mr. Hero

Haha, what is his problem? The gang of guards loyal to Pura barge in. I didn't want to fight when me and Carla weren't on the same page. I place them in one huge water bubble and continue talking to Fred.

Cleon: Will you rule temporarily until I find a permanent ruler? I have someone in mind, but he's, how do you say... he is not available mentally right now.

Fred: Nuh-uh. I don't like here. I want to go home.

Cleon: You're the only one I can trust.

Fred: I'm human. Do you see what they do to humans here?

Cleon: F*ck!

Fred: Nope. No way.

Cleon: Marry a being, then you'll inherit 50 percent of their powers

Fred: I quit being your errand boy; those stupid months in the dungeon show me you can't be trusted.

Cleon: You never called

Fred: I'M HUMAN!

Sigh, I can't argue with him like this. F*ck who do I have that can temporarily rule for me.

Darion: Yup! Make it fast,

Cleon: Why?

Darion: Do you really want to know, son? (Sofia giggling in the background)

Cleon: Oh God! Why! You're so old!

Darion: I have half a mind to challenge you, young King. Keep on!

Cleon: Dad, I need the biggest favor ever.

Darion: Hmm

Cleon: Can you rule Puga place for me until I get a permanent ruler

Darion: Come on, son, I was a prince for years; now I get to be a regular guy, and you're trying to ruin it. Sofia and I are not married. What? You would?

Cleon: She would what?

Darion: Haha, we're getting married!!!

Cleon: I swear! No! You're not marrying anyone! You are to rule. She can be your girlfriend or whatever.

Darion: Listen, son...

Cleon: I'm your son, That should count for something

Darion: Sigh. Guess you're right. Hey babe, Want to be my fiance until I convince Cleon?

Cleon: That's not... You're...

Darion: She said yes!

Cleon: Wait...

He hung up; fanfuckingtastic! Fred stared at me, ready to go home. I made a portal for him to go to New Earth. He walked in, highly upset.

Cleon: Dad!

Darion: What. Do. You. Want Boi!?

Cleon: I gotta portal you over

Darion: What? Babe? Yeah, Haha, you know I like that,

Cleon: Dad!

Darion: Hey, babe? Do you want to finish what we're doing over at some castle or whatever? Haha, alright, man, she said yes. Give me...

Cleon: You have 5 minute

Darion: Haha, alright

I look over at these gorillas, Highly upset at my capture.

Cleon: Litsend up. I am putting someone in charge temporarily. Puga is not coming back so let it go. If you wish to avoid getting ruled by the replacement. By all means, leave! Anyone who assassinates or captures who I place to rule. Will have to deal with me. You'll learn very quickly I'm challenging to tame. Got it! Great. I'll have someone ruling by the end of today.

I clapped my hands, popping the bubbles. After 5 minutes, I portalled my dad over. He and Sofia had suitcases dragging behind them. When did they shop for so many things? Where did he get the money? His probably mining the gold. Sigh. Some citizens don't work. They mime. That's all they do.

Sofia: This is very nice baby

She said, looking around.

Darion: It's alright.

Cleon: Sigh, don't trust anyone. Hold it down for me.

Not Waiting for a response, I ask Genice to bring me back to Carla. Back at Sunrise kingdom, heading to Carla's bedroom, I saw Carla, grand, and Jessica sleeping. I decided to turn off the light covering my beautiful family. I didn't want to leave the room, so I slept on her couch in front of her bed. The next morning Carla was gone. My baby girl was still sleeping in her crib. I wobbled to the bed and went back to sleep.

Japess: Sire?

She woke me up. Her purple eye reminds me of beautiful flowers.

Cleon: I'm sorry, Um yeah

Japess: You haven't eaten

Cleon: Oh am not hungry

Japess: Should I tell Empress, You decline her invitation?

Cleon: Invitation?

I said, rubbing my eyes.

Japess: Yes She Waiting for you downstairs

Cleon: Oh, um, okay, I'll meet you downstairs.

I portalled some clothes from our honeymoon home, Took a shower, then proceeded downstairs.


Look at my man looking finger-licking good. "Alright, Carla, calm down; we can't get excited right now, not when you're this sore from enjoying him" I had my Japess place him at the end of the table. Seeing him after what we did had me daydreaming of when he'll have me that way again. My throat hurt so much. He shoved himself deep into the back of it. Man, I love him. I hoped I had satisfied him. His not glowing. Which makes me not sure. I let him have his way. No objections. I don't know if that's what he wanted?