
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasy
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355 Chs

Love me part 2


It's Oficially three days now, Today marks King of Nature presecution. I have to go out today. I was really enjoying my room. Satphire is in my room picking out clothes. Ugh I'll have to address it sooner or later.

Satphire: I spend the whole night making this. It should be greatly fitted.

Carla: Hmm

I said unenthusiastically.. Johny was trying to get me out the room now Satphire? Man!

Satphire: Alright put it on

Carla: Fine

I took off the towel, Put on the Queenly dress she made me? I wasn't a fan of white with Violet tips but it looked nice. I like the fact that my mid back was showing. After I got ready we walked out. I was praying she don't realize.

Satphire: Um there is someone on the roof watching you?

Carla: Yeah, ever since the battle.

Satphire: Do you want me to handle it?

Carla: No, No general that's not necessary

Satphire: My queen?

Carla: It's my mom

Satphire: Why is your mom acting like a dam ninja?

This is so Embarrassing

Carla: She's trying to kill me

Satphire: What?

Carla: I didn't agree to chain Death back up so she is following me everywhere I go just in case I go rogue she will kill me.

Satphire: Why don't she chain Death?

Carla: The contract is with me. So I would need to die for her to gain access

Satphire: On earth she was this nice lady but out here she's nut

I laughed at how upsetting this was to her.

Satphire: She's not even quiet. I can hear her

Carla: Its been a while I guess.

Satphire: Why didn't you chained him, Setting him free wasnt part of the deal

Carla: It just seem rude. But I have to talk to him about me waking up in weird places.

Satphire: Haha you do that

Carla: You are healed, from you know?

Satphire: Yeah, my husband healed me

Carla: That's something you weren't able to say before.

Satphire: Yeah, am going back to earth tonight, Come with me?

Carla: Yeah I need a break

We assisted the presecution. He was so famished, nothing but skin and bones, There was worms on him, he smelled horrible. His death was quick.

Cleon: Hey

Satphire: Hi

That's awkward, Why was she trying not to look at him? He only smiled like he knew something I didn't.

Cleon: I haven't seen you in a while.

Satphire: I was performing my wifely duties! Excuse; my Queen

Carla: Of course.

She turn angrily and left. He burst out laughing

Carla: Why must you mess with her?

Cleon: Haha she just look so cute when she gets mad.

Carla: Your anoying

Cleon: I wanted to talk to you

Carla: Shoot

Cleon: Do you think I should get a female companion?

Carla: A wife?

Cleon: No, Been there done that. A romantic friend.

Carla: Like a girlfriend?

Cleon: I guess

Carla: Is it sexual needs?

Cleon: No, Johny think that would cheer up the kingdom.

Knowledge came down looking everywhere

Knowledge: Have you seen Satphire?

Carla: I thought she went to find you.

Knowledge: No

Cleon: She would be by the beach right now

Knowledge: Doing what?

Cleon: Making it make sense

Knowledge: What is she making sense out of?

Cleon: My Queen

He said bowing down leaving. Knowledge looked at me, I shrug my shoulder "I have no idea" He flew away. I got up went to my room to start packing for me and Johny. I was half way done packing when Johny came through the door.

Johny: Hi

He said sitting on the bed looking deflated

Carla: You can put it behind you my strong capable king

I smiled

Johny: Are you leaving me?

Carla: Why, what did you do?

I teased

Carla: Take me away from here for a little while

Johny: But baby

Carla: Please I can't even come..

Johny: Done

He didn't let me finish before responding


I know this must of been a nightmare for her. Sigh, Sorry babe but rely on your king I'll keep you safe. She looks so beautiful packing for us both. I don't know if she is just scared or just want me around everywhere she goes, Either way I am not complaining.

Johny: When do we leave.

Knowledge and Satphire portal in our room. I guess now is what she was going to reply. She rushed downstairs where Blue and his wife were, she ask them to "watch the castle for a few day she needs to get away for a few day." They agreed, But honestly who would defy my gorgeous wife?

Satphire: Let's go!

We approach this huge farm land. How many acres was this? She really like big things don't she? Our room was so country but comfy. Why don't she have any animals? What type of farm is she runing here?

Satphire: Pick any room you prefer

Carla looked so excited she grabed my hands. She picked this all white room Even the furniture was white. Carla took a shower, We went to joined the others on the porch. Satphire was feeding Knowledge grapes. I understand what Cleon means but if it was me, I don't care if a God likes my wife. I am very selfish with mine. I doubt anyone can make her happy the way I do.

Satphire: What do you guys think?

Carla: I am so excited about your office vist tomorow

Satphire: Haha yeah figures.

The view was gorgeous, beautiful breeze, The fireflies was lighting up the night sky, Crickets was singing their tune. It was pretty good.

The next day Me and Knowledge decided to go to the store before the girls wake up to get breakfast before we go to the office. We saw this Caucasian lady passing by so I ask

Johny: Excuse me ma'am where can we find a store?

She gave us direction. About a few miles up ahead, She seemed nice but she was looking at knowledge Strange. We kept walking, Just like she said we found the store. There was a couple of boys outside laughing and chewing tobacco. They had morning beard, Little to no teeth full of cavities, Wearing a cowboy hat. People still chew tabacco? We walked in grab what we need and pay. Again the cashier was looking at Knowledge Strange? hmm he didn't have anything on his face? As we were walking Knowledge stoped, He turn to ask

Knowledge: Is there a problem?

The same boys chewing tobacco was following me and Knowledge, What are they doing here?

Man: We don't Serve your kind here? Go back to where you came from

Johny: Sorry I didn't know

Man: Not you white boy.. Him

Knowledge: Haha you guys still alive?

Man: Full bloded Americans? Yes we are the pure bread

Knowledge: I don't have time for this.

Me and him started to walk away when we heard

Man: You don't hear me talking to you Boi?

"Whip, Whip"

Did he just whip Knowledge like he was.... Ohhhh

Johny: You should run

I said to the three guys. I see knowledge struggling to keep it together. His face kept changing to the beast than back to human. Oh sh*t!

Knowledge: Let me Educate you!

He said turning around Still flicking

Knowledge: Who came and got the African American from their homeland?

Man: Get back

"Whip, Whip"

He was walking toward the three man With a cold blood thirst intention. I quickly put my hands on his shoulders and told him to "let's go." The guy holding the whip fell back catching his breath. Such cowards!

Knowledge: Thank you

Johny: Yeah you seem to be remembering something

Knowledge: I've lived for a long time I know what they really did to the black race. Johny those people who did the act is the only one I judge not the new generation.

Johny: I know

We walked to the house in silence when we got to the door some butler was asking us for information we didn't have.

Butler: Sir you can't just barge in Ms Satphire lives here.

Knowledge: I know, she's my wife.

Butler: What?

Satphire was already dressed ready to go frowning the minute she looked our way.

Satphire: Babe your clothes is on the bed. Johny For God sake get ready.

Johny: Yeah

I said putting the food on the table. She looked nice all sophisticated. She had red lipstick, Black eye liner complimenting her beautiful deep blue eyes. She didn't have huge lips but beautifully curve lips.. She had White high low tie front blouse, white flower black pencil skirt above the knee. Dam she looks good.

Satphire: Johny don't make me kill you go get ready.

Johny: Sorry

Her breast had fully grown. Her sexy pear shape can make any man weak in the knee. She did a bun with her hair leaving two strand infront. I walk in the room to see Carla in a navy blue Cape shoulder V neck dress. The way the dress caresses her coke bottle shape made me wanted her to take advantage of me right now I'll even act drunk.

Carla: Babe how do I look?

She turn that basketball booty my way I swore I almost fall back. I got on my knees, my hands couldn't fully wrap itself around it but I put my head on it. She is perfect.

Carla: Baby get ready

Johny: We don't have time for a quickie?

Carla: No, come on



I don't want to be late. Gorge came in so upset.

Gorge: You leave town and not tell me?

Satphire: Sorry it was urgent

Gorge: You lucky to have a assistance like me.

Satphire: Am sure.

Knowledge came out with the black suite with white shirt I picked for him. His long beautiful blue hair was so attractive.

Gorge: Hi am Gorge

He said walking to my husband reaching his hands out for my husband to kiss it or shake it.

Knowledge: Hey

He said without touching him. Haha

Johny: Satphire I can't do this, it's too small

Satphire: I got your waist right am sure of it?

As He same closer I seen his manhood looking like a Stubborn pole Haha he was on soft too.

Gorge: Oh dear Jesus!

He said using his hands to cover his mouth in a feminine manner.

Satphire: Um sorry I forgot you were beyond bless.

Gorge: Wow yes I um wow.. I'll wait outside, I need a minute.

Satphire: Gorge do we..

Gorge: Uh uh

Satphire: Haha dam johny. You fit all that inside Car....

Johny: Shut up! am putting my regular clothes back on until you fix it.

Satphire: Fair

Gorge: For who?

Satphire: It's sure to split the front of the pants.

Gorge: God you guys are.. Shit yall about the hottest thing I ever seen

Satphire: Hey, that's my husband

Gorge: The hazel eye hottie or the blue hair cutie?

Satphir: Blue hair

Gorge: Does that mean hazel eyes is free?

Johny looked at him so funny, He turn and went back to his room. When Carla came. They way I envision the dress is exactly how it came out.

Carla: Am not sure about this.

Gorge: I want to cry

Satphire: Why?

Gorge: There is a beautiful people club I know it, You guys just prove it

Satphire: Oh please she's alright.

We heard Johny Calling Carla back in the room. When she turn around both boys lost it.

Gorge: Is that real?

Knowledge: Yes

Gorge: It's perfect?

Knowledge: Yup

Gorge: You sure?

Knowledge: Yeah.

They both stared at her until she disappear into her room. Was that boys language?

Gorge: It's last minute but I think I can do it

Satphire: Do what?

Gorge: You 4 makes the human race looks pathetic. Your beauty must of been bless by the God's We are doing a mini run way tonight to show the "beautifuls" wear your clothing. We will call it "The beautifuls" Yes dam! am good.

He walked out speaking on the phone. Ugh! Johny finally came out dressed in jeans, pink shirt with pink and white sneakers. Hmm Not bad! We arrived at the office all eyes was on us. Their jaw wouldn't close. Honestly their not that hot. The coffee girl kept shaking bringing the coffee in the meeting this morning? I waited for my whole team to come in to get started.

Satphire: I know I've been gone to what to me seems like 4 days, Am sure it's not the case here. Show Me our new look

I was confident that they designed something spectacular, looking at these drawings me and Carla are the only ones that could pull off these ugly clothes. Ugh! what have I been paying them for?