
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasy
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355 Chs

Leading The pack with no name


Cleon: Hey beautiful

Satphire: You got ready before me again?

Cleon: I told you I run in the morning

Satphire: Come back to bed.

Cleon: What do I get, if I undress and come back to bed.

Satphire: Whatever you want

I said pulling him back into bed with me. I love his kisses. Unfortunately before I could enjoy anything else there was a knock on our door.

Johny: Yo! William is here, his Drinking tea on our porch?

Cleon: Haha Your lying

Why was both johny and cleon both dress. I figured I should get ready as well, but it's so early. The sun was still shy in the sky. Cleon came back in the room. I was making our bed.

Cleon: Babe we gotta go.

Satphire: I figured as much, let me take a quick shower.

Carla: Where are we going?

Johny: To the office my sweet, do you want to come?

He said drawing Carla in his arm kissing her forehead. She was ready too? Dam it I gotta start sleeping earlier.

William: Ah, yes sir Cleon! Good morning!

Cleon: How long have you been out here?

William: Soon as it was safe to come sir.

Cleon: What grade are you in?

William: Senior sir. Only a senior could be a assistant to the leader.

Cleon: Okay, You don't have to come. I don't have to be in the office until 3rd period

William: On the contrary I have change my schedule to yours. I will be at your every call; it is my job. I will be the best assistance you will ever have.

Cleon: Or keep your classes the same, if I need you I'll telepathically call you.

William: You are kind indeed.

Satphire: What happend to the previous assistance?

William: They were expelled for not performing in their classes.

Carla: Oh, then definitely, you will need to keep up with your studies.

It was silence for a while until two young cats ran accross us. William was furious, they did not have a appointment to speak with Cleon. Cleon was calm but he did stopped. It was a orange cat with gray eyes and with a black cat with green eyes. This outa be interesting.

Black: I know, We are not allowed to date until we are seniors. I am sorry for not placing an appointment, am sure that's 30 lashes but I will gladly take it to ask you.

William: It will be 30 for you and 30 for her. Sir Cleon have alot of important work to do. His Not here to remind you of our love rule.

Cleon: Why are you on your knees and head facing the ground?

Black: Sir, this is how we ask for something that's not entitled to us.

I could tell cleon was furious. He clench his fist to that response, I place my hands on his shoulders signaling "it was fine."

Orange: Please forgive him. His soo stupid sometimes. I am a Jr he just believes that I won't wait for him or they will pick my mate.

Carla: They pick who you mate with?

William: Yes.

Carla: Interesting

William: It's too ensure we make strong and intelligent cats.

Cleon: Lets get to the office.

Johny helped the two cats up from the ground. Cleon kept walking towards the office. Carla was grabing my hands and giggling. She was such a idiot, haha I forgotten how silly she was. She was making me laugh involuntarily.

Cleon: Show me the rule book about love?

William: Right away sire.

Cleon sat down reading over rules, he was soo serious. Then he sealed it. There was these writings on William.

Johny: Why is there soo much writing on you?

William: It doesn't hurt. But it is for us to know the law at all times.

Cleon: These rules are ridiculous

Carla: Tell me about it. Haha litsen to this.

"A vampire could choose up to 2 cats to feed on, when ever it feels like it"

Cleon: Let me see that?

Carla: Here!

She said handing the papers over to him.

William: Thats how we get the vampires protection over the werewolves.

Cleon: How many did we assign?

William: 14 sir.

Cleon: How many is left?

He said slaming the table.

William: 4 sir.

Cleon: What was the cause of death?

William: Blood shortage

Carla: Haha wow, I don't know why I thought it was going to be lack of food or something

William: When you are chosen by the vampire, They put you on a diet. We sometimes don't see them for months at a time.

Cleon: Call them back!

William: Sire?

Cleon: Don't make me repeat myself.

William: Right away.

He said walking out the office.

Carla: Soo

Cleon: Can you believe this?

He said walking back and forth.

Satphire: Baby calm down.

Cleon: How are they slave in school? this is school?

Johny: Thats crazy.

William came back with 2 cats they were so weak. You can see their bones. They were on oxygen mask. It was soo sad to see. Cleon turn around facing the wall. Am guessing he didn't want to see them.

Frail cats: Sire are we not doing our job? William explained it was urgent that we come with him. Are we being Punish because we mourn our 2 friends that died yesterday?

Carla was getting teared eyes. Cleon has now folded his hands behind his back

Johny: If you mourn your friends death you get Punish?

Frail cat: Yes, because they died with honor. Am sorry I knew them since grade school. Am sorry I cried please don't lash us. We wouldn't be able to take it. Our masters forgot to feed us for the last three days

Cleon hands was now a ball, still tied behind his back.

Cleon: William

William: Yes sir Cleon

Cleon: Make sure they are properly fed. Then send them to the afirmary

William: Yes sir.

Cleon: That rule is done for

William: Which one Sire?

Cleon: Vampire feeding off us

William: You'll have to shred it Sire. to make it affective

Carla happy self took the liberty to shred the paper herself. William didn't have any expression in his face but he looked a little happier.

Cleon: Tell the young couple I've re-written the new love rule. They are free to date whom they want, but I will separate if they threaten the clan

William: Understood sir.

We quietly left and went to first period.

Teacher: Alright Who did their first sneak attack yesterday?

No one responded

Teacher: I seen the table.

Johny: Esperance blew 3rd level Hell fire on Carla

Wolfa: Haha thats revengeful

Esperance: Am just doing the assignments

Teacher: Haha, right!

Get out and go to knowledge office. I specifically stated Ms Carla was excluded. When someone is physically uncapable, why attack the wounded? Something is wrong with you child and I don't care enough to find out what it is go.. Knowledge will figure it out

I've never once heard that Teacher raised his voice before. Even that caught Esperance by surprise.

She got up to go to knowledge office.

Teacher: Am sorry Ms Carla. Some students are just hard headed.

The class continued. After class Cleon had 5 vampires waiting on him. One seems older than the rest. they all had one uniform. Black and red, they had capes but only the oldest ones drag behind him. Their hair was slick back. Curling up in the bottom. Their skin was paled ice cold.

Leader: We finally meet

Cleon: You stink of blood

William was coming out the bathroom. Honestly that guy is just weird.

William: Sire these are the royals in the vampire clan

Cleon: I could smell it.

Leader: It has come to my attention that you have get our two friends back? Are they bad, Did you have to put them on recall?

He laughed among his clan. Treating the cats like mere object. With no significants at all

Cleon: Sigh, what do you want?

Leader: Some privacy would be nice?

Cleon: William my advisors along with Carla plus my body guard. Johny and Satphires my wife I won't conduct a meeting without them present.

Leader: Very well. My two boys here try to approach two new cats since the last 14 was, ummm let's say defected.

Cleon: Ha defected huh?

Leader: But their new rules was like a shield for your clan. They have come to me to handle what they couldn't do on their own.

Cleon: We will meet at third period to discuss it. Does that seem fair?

They looked at eachother with disbelief.

Leader: Your a noble man?

Cleon: Prince actually

Leader: Hmm okay here is a little advice then Prince, changing rules, Breaking deals,Talking to ancient beings like your equal, could get you in some hot water.

Cleon: I've been known to go to the sauna sometimes haha trust me I've never liked cold water.

He said walking away. Carla was smilling like a idiot as usual... She was soo cute yet so annoying

Johny: Why am I not a advisor?

Cleon: You need to redeem yourself

Johny: Uh don't say it, I know from who!

We all smiled and made our way to second period. When lunch came. The cats was eating, We seen alot more couples making out in the halls and everything, there was soo many empty plates. The two frail cats was on strick soup diet. Cleon would get update on their progress. The doctor had them on severe treatment. One wasn't talking he was terrified.

Orange: I know William, another 30 lashes. I want to thank you for

changing the rules. It means alot to me.

Johny: You are welcome.

We both smiled; that's johny way of saying he would be a great advisor. At last lunch had finish, now for the meeting with the vampires..

Cleon: Hello

They were infront of knowledge office for some reason. When Cleon made his way in so did they.

Leader: Sigh, now Where we're we?

Cleon: You were saying Something about the cats being defective.

We all took a seat. Johny had to duplicate the seat in the office, So that everyone can seat down.

Leader: Instead of the original agreement I want 4 per vampire.

Cleon: Where were you at the night of the fight?

Leader: Watching the fight of course?

Cleon: All your clan was counted for?

Leader: Yes, of course

Cleon: Haha what did the contract state?

Leader: That we give you protection against the wolf in exchange for two or more of your cats to donate some blood.

Cleon: I have played a role in being a soldier, a protector, a father, husband, Heck even a concern family member. One thing I've learn is that when you swore an oath, you stick with it no mater what..

Leader: Get to the point cat

Cleon: All of my clans was attack by who you swore to protected us from. They were tied up, beaten severely, while you enjoy a great show! not caring what happen to the one you swore to protect.

Leader : You have no proof

Johny: Allow me

He displayed the memories of what happend that night. Other time when they were present but did nothing from the bullying of the werewolf. Vampire got up very angrily and left.

Carla: Enemy number one. I anticipated you might get a good four before leaving office

William: Wow I've never seen anything quite like this. What are you sir?

Johny: King of instalaxia nice to meet you

William: You are a king? Forgive me?

He said bowing down.

Cleon: Hey my advisor Johny!

Johny: Sorry, I like how he works geez

We finish helping him with the additional paper work. Knowledge come in.

Knowledge: So the two cats thank you.

Cleon: Right

Knowledge: Vampire came to de-throne you saying "you are unfit to rule."

Cleon: Did they?

Knowledge: Yes, but it is my decision and my decision alone to remove one from power. I think you are doing what few don't have the guts to do.

That was the nicest thing he ever said to us. We always give him headaches. Hahah

William: We have a visitor Sir Cleon

Cleon: Sure let him in please

A Few minutes later Genie leader came in

Genie: They are trying to dethrone you

Cleon: So I've been told.

Cleon said sitting down respectfully

Genie: Why should I support your throne?

Cleon: It doesn't make a difference if am on the throne or not, Bullying will not be tolerated.

Genie: I heard you cease the rule between you and the vampires

Cleon: The license to kill one? Yes I did

Genie: Haha license to kill. I like that. Have a good day Leader

Cleon: You as well

He got up and left. Carla and everybody else was wondering what just happen. Is He getting allies as well or another enemy? Time will tell.

William: Do look sharp for this evening Sir Cleon

Cleon: Why?

William: Lets see.

He said flipping through the pages on a notebook.

William: Leader dinner

Johny: Its like general meeting.

William: Not going is not a option

Johny: Sounds fancy

Cleon: Haha if am going so Is my body guards

Johny: No, I don't want to

Carla: I Got the perfect dress and earrings

Satphire: I know which one your talking about. So that's the look

Carla: Yes.

Satphire: Okay.

We went home to get prepared. Carla and I decided to go formal Carla went with a body con lace dress. Short sleeve but not sleeveless, She had diamond earrings starting from the top to the bottom of her ears. With silver high heels, She did a fancy ponytail with her hair. She looked stunning


Look at my beautiful wife showing her beautiful curves. She wore such a seductive dress. Her breast was barely showing. Her hair was up in a cristoli hair bun, she held it up with a diamond necklace. That was definitely new. Me and Cleon wore black suits. White long sleeve shirt. Nothing too big. We met with William, Who led the way. When we arrived there was several entertainment going on. From people with swords, to acrobats. They went all out huh? William led us to this huge table where all the leaders was sitting.

Everyone: Leader

Cleon: Leader.

Then William told us we had the rejected table. No absolutely not, I got all dress up. I expanded the tables and chairs. Carla smiled. She looked amazing tonight.

William: Oh my, what are you doing?

Johny: Making space

William: You are tying to kill us

Wolfca: Is this a joke?

Johny : Absolutely not.

I said showing Carla her seat

Cleon: Haha well I think We should go. Have a great night leaders

Siren leader: I've heard of her. She burned my sister beautiful skin.

William: Oh dear

Genie: Haha Your advisor? No way

Why was he so amuse by us

Wolfca: You love cheating cat boy

Cleon: Are you saying you would of win?

Wolfca: Of course

Vampire: We are sitting with advisors? Have you no class?

Cleon: I guess belittling people is not class to me.

We left the party early. William was on the edge. I don't think Cleon care much for politics.