
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasy
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355 Chs

Invasion part 3


Am starving I haven't fully eaten in days, this was horrible. I flew out the house to go to a near by forest to gets some fruits to eat. He just goes when he wants not caring about what I eat, Drink, Etc. How did I get here? Am so stupid! I am so lonely here. While roaming the forest I found a mango tree. It has been a while since I ate mangos. I ate soo much mangos there was a piles of mango skin where I was sitting at. I was so full I couldn't fly. I wonder if they had Strawberries here? I walked for a little then I saw it. "Ouhhh Strawberries." I carried some in my shirt. I am not going to depend on knowledge to show me what I was already receiving from my husband. I only have 2 more days left. Lesson learn. I Am mad at the fact I had to come all this way to realize he doesn't care or value me. It was getting dark I should get up from the ground and go. I was trying to move but I couldn't, What was this? I look down to see tree branches wrapping themselves around me. It kept squeezing me harder and tighter. I was going to use my fire magic to burn it but before I could it covered my mouth and hands, I started to panic, The tree was forming to this horrible being.. Teeth opening wide, It looked like a big worm hole. As it dragged me closer to its mouth. My hand was tied, My feet, I looked like a fly wraped in a spider web. I was inches away. I closed my eyes to not see what was going to happend. I was wondering why I wasn't in this hideous creatures mouth yet? When I open my eyes I seen knowledge in his blue battle form Slashing and cutting away parts of the creature. Then he ripped the remaining branches off me. He flew back at the house with me. I was so thankful for him saving me but he looked upset

Knowledge: Your worst than a child!

Satphire: Am sorry what?

Knowledge: Why can't you stay here and be safe. Everytime I come back it's either saving you from horny beast or saving you from man eating trees. Why were you in the forest anyways?

Was he seriously upset at me for going to get some food?

Satphire: First off lower your tone. second you left me here with no food. Me and the baby haven't eating in almost 2 days. I was tired of the baby feeding on my fat which I barely even have by the way. So yes I went to the forest where man eating plants live. AM SORRY!

Knowledge: If you go to the kitchen I left a invention there capable of cooking whatever you like.

I felt so stupid

Knowledge: Did you take a tour of the house? wait did you stay in my bedroom the whole three days you've been here?

Satphire: If someone was here to show me the house I wouldn't think it's only one room. You go God knows where the whole day. Did you think I came along because I wanted to see if you had good furniture? No I came because you were surpose to show me that you want me. So far I'm the least important person to you in the whole world, Congrats! Lesson learned, Mission accomplish.

Knowledge: Cleon and Johny was talking about how he pleasure you into soreness so I thought you needed to relax

Satphire: Cleon and Johny?

Knowledge: Sigh I understand am not your husband so I can't have you the way I want you, especially with you not feeling well

He walked and sit on the bed looking defeated.

Satphire: It's not because of that. Cleon Don't get me sore after sex.

Knowledge: But..

Satphire: Haha so you left me here to rest and recuperate?

Knowledge: Isn't that what you want?

Satphire: No, not even close

Knowledge: You've been going to bed and sleeping often.

Satphire: Yes that's pregnancy Am carrying a whole being inside my belly who keeps stealing my energy, my food, Making me have weird cravings.

Knowledge: Haha I should of known that.

Satphire: Plus when am in bed Noone bothers me, I'll have time to think about you.

I said walking over to where his sitting. He kissed me soo hard. That was unexpected. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back. We were kissing for a while so I thought maybe I should sit on him to let him know I want to.

But then he backed up. Come on my guy!

Knowledge: We should um another day. Okay?

Satphire: Okay.

Knowledge: I gotta go to my brother's

Satphire: Am going to be here by myself again. Bravo!

I said getting off him walking down to the kitchen. The outline of the house was made out of clouds but bowls, juices, everything in the kitchen was very real and eatable. After a while he came downstairs sitting on one of the chairs by the food table.

Knowledge: If your not to tired would you like to come with me?

Satphire: Are you sure?

Knowledge: Yes, Am sure.

A smiled crept on my face my whole poker game face was gone. I ran upstairs to find something appropriate to meet his brothers. I hope they are nice. After I was

done dressing, he flew holdding me side ways in his arms. We arrive at this grand palace. There was server's and Maids. He walked in. It was made out of pure gold. They must be filthy rich? We made it to these double doors where two big giant guys was sitting, Laughing having a good time. One had a eye patch the other had a solid golden armor on, his hair was blond but curly.

Odin: Brother you made it. The feast have started dig in

Knowledge: Where are the worshipers?

Odin: Dead, Anyone who is not a God didn't revive

Knowledge: Barbaric in deed.

Odin: What ever brother you have your way of celebrating and I have mine. The God of War don't mind did you brother?

The other guy who was drinking the very large cup Nodded "no" and laughing. Knowledge and I sat down at the table.

Odin: Who is this dear brother?

Knowledge: She is my guest

Odin: Another experiment huh?

Ares: Brother aren't you tired of these useless experiments?

Knowledge: Sigh you guys are drunk. Let's go.

He said to me. When I got up my belly hit the table. Knowledge smacked his forehead like someone who made a mistake. Was he ashamed of me?

Odin: Dear brother she is with child? Is it yours?

Ares: She maybe able to break the curse keeping us away from eternal peace?

Knowledge: You guys are idiots.

Odin: Please don't go We don't talk anymore.

At that request Knowledge sat back down.

Ares: What is she a Godess? Speaking of Godess what do you know of the one that flee and Committed sin with the mortal? Uncle wants us to find her but she can hide. Hades sent his three headed dogs to search for her they never return. So now they sumond me.

"Can they be talking about Carla?" I thought

Odin: Plus these weird planets keeps appearing in the most weirdest places. I think it's Almighty again, Another thing he didn't bother to tell us, But uncle thinks it connects to the Goddess.

Ares: Its rather interesting how she creates. Two planets can't be so close to eachother or one can devour the other, putting them in a marble keeps that from happening

Knowledge: Zeus figure it out yet.

Ares: No, But his pretty pist, He found out about magical gems, their inside the planet he feels like he need it. His been going on and on about war is coming.

Knowledge: Is that so

Odin: Yup, Earth is fighting for their additional planet now

Knowledge: Interesting

Odin: His more pist cause the Godess that got away is pure blood.

Satphire: What does that mean?

Odin: If mortals or beings alike have more than three God or Goddess running in his or her family, She is consider to hold unimaginable amount of power, we call those pure blood. Even if they sin they can gain forgiveness. Versus us Sinners! if we sin only a pure heart can give us retribution.

We were made in the imagination of humans, they worship us alive.

Satphire: Oh okay I see. Pure heart?

Ares: Pure hearts are individuals who may do bad but the intentions behind their actions are never bad.

Odin: Are you a pure heart.

Satphire: Um

Odin: Brother where you find her? She is quite beautiful

Knowledge: Alright boys love chating with you as always

Odin: Your leaving already?

Ares: Your no fun

He grabed my hands firmly Bout to leave

Ares: You know the where abouts of the pure heart and you don't share brother?

He didn't respond to them he just took my hand and we left. We flew back to the house, he wasn't himself. He wasn't saying anything.

When we got inside the house. I was hungry, Fruits don't keep me full when am pregnant. I went downstairs and ate something. I went back upstairs when I was done, I sat in the soft clouds bed next to him. He seemed to be deep in thoughts. I hope he wasn't thinking about experiments again?

I sat next to him, I should start a conversation.

Satphire: Back at the river I wasn't thinking about Cleon like you thought.

He looked at me the red orangy eyes he always carried turned to blue. I didn't see when they change

Knowledge: Oh

Satphire: Yeah I thought you should know.

Knowledge: Who was in your mind?

Satphire: You

I said putting my hands on his chest. He hold my hands with his and he kissed me again, I love his kisses. I sat on him again. He stopped kissing me again but connected his forehead to mine.

Knowledge: What if I hurt you again?

Satphire: You didn't hurt me, I was sore but only out of pleasure

Knowledge: Satphire I don't know

Satphire: If your worried about hurting me can't you just heal me after before I feel any pain?

Knowledge: I surpose

Satphire: That settles it.

I said kissing him again pushing him down on the bed. He left me starving for him and now his wondering about my sore garden?

Knowledge: Wait, Wait! before we begin Wait right here I got something for you.

Satphire: Haha okay

He told me and left the room, I sat there patiently waiting on him to return. Afterwhile I seen him coming inside the room with blue roses

"Am back" Knowledge said

"Hey you had me waiting for a while come here" I replied happily

"your carrying my baby right?"

His tone was very questionable. But in my joy I ignored him

"yes the baby is yours" I said smilling

"I've been fooled before you gotta prove it?" He said approaching the bed. Why would he say that? Is that why he took me on this trip?

He leaped on top of me. not in a romantic way, He was hurting me. "Hold still" He used his two fingers and I was glowing blue.

"So it is my baby" But my stomach was burning? "why would knowledge do that?" I thought I wouldn't lie about that. He didn't see me more than just a experiment foreal. I was so broken hearted, I kept glowing blueer and bluer. I wish I was home, This was a mistake, I hate him so much. Then he grabed me slaming me on the bed. "it's just going to feel this much greater" What was he talking about? He didn't have to rape me I was willing to give him me entirely

Satphire: What are you doing? Get off of me.

I turned to my dragon form and escape from the bed. He change to one of his brothers from this evening

Satphire: Odin?

Odin: Sorry but knowledge is a bit tied up right now. I want to feel your pure heart. I heard to us God's is pure ecstacy.

satphire: What?

Odin: I'm going to f*ck you better than my bother ever can. Even if you are just his experiment. To find a pure heart Is pretty f*cking impressive.

He rushed at me I was trying to fight him off but my belly was still burning. I manage to scrap his face just a little.

Odin: You little c*nt F*ck being my ecstacy, You are going to be my sex slave.

Right then Knowledge came in I was still glowing blue he looked sad but when he looked at his brother furiously. My clothes was torn I quickly ran to the bed

Odin: Am surprised Ares was able to keep you for that long. Your loosing your touch brother.

It's like the sky knows there was a fight it started thundering. I was on the bed covering my exposed breast staring at them

Odin: Brother do you remember when I would use your knowledge to win wars. In exchange you fill the woman with your man juice in hopes to reproduced. Who would think you would get your hands on a pure heart. To be honest I heard they are quite stupid. Fools easy to manipulate, convincing them they are in love with you. But your too smart to get sucked in her purity ecstacy right brother? after all when your done having kids with her your gonna toss her just like the others who's disappointed you.

Knowledge wasn't saying anything why wasn't he denying it? was it true did I ruined my marriage for a make believe that we can be something? Was I being played? How many others?

Odin: Mortal don't cry its rather annoying. You haven't trained her properly yet? Let me help you. He turned around and faced me looking vicious and hungry. Then his other brother came in.

Ares: Brother I couldn't keep him any longer.

Odin: I can see that Ares

Ares: She's glowing blue it's his child?

I didn't realize I was glowing through the thin covers

Odin: Tell you what knowledge after your done with her. She's 4 months now pass her over to me. I'll give her plenty of children. It'll be a awesome experiment don't you think?

Before odin can get any closer to me. Knowledge transform to this wildebeest form with man body. I never seen him that fast. He created a baton other than sword. With his baton he smash Odin head in.

Odin: So that's a no?

Ares came and kicked knowledge by his ribs to get off their brother.

Odin: Fine I'll abort your child and put mine in. I would love to hear that little pretty Sl*t moan for me.

Knowledge turned around. I think he lost it, he twist the neck of Ares, But squeeze Odin head together, until it Burts; blood was all over him. But He kept beating the headless body on the floor.

Knowledge: Roar

Knowledge growld. He didn't look satisfied with his kill.

Knowledge: How dare you come in my house. You had your filthy little hands on my Forever? Resurrect so I can kill you again!

Did he just called me his forever? What does that mean?

After a few I stop glowing. He ran to my side asking me "am I okay?"

Knowledge: Did he hurt you?

Satphire: You raped people?

Knowledge: I gave them a choice?

Satphire: Let me stick my D*ck inside of you or die?

Knowledge: Um

Satphire: Am this foolish girl who could of fallen for you. Am glad I didn't.

I said getting off the bed going to the kitchen. Their bodies was no longer there I guess that's what he means by resurrect. Am such a idiot. once I arrive in the kitcben all I wanted was ice. I didn't want to talk to him, I didn't want see him, Dam sure did not want to F*ck him. After eating several cup of ice, I went upstairs where he was looking out the window in fustration.

Knowledge: Satphire

Satphire: I want to go home now.

Knowledge: It's too dangerous with the baby.

Satphire: Because you got all the proof you need? I DONT WANT TO BE HERE WITH YOU. PORTAL ME HOME KNOWLEDGE!

He turned to the wildebeest again. I was scared for my life. I was somewhere unknown with a stranger no less. He was walking infront of me, Ew he kissed me.

Satphire: Stop! I don't give you my consent.

He stopped, he was so shocked that I use that term with him, portraying he was some kind of rapist. He made a portal and I left. I vomited soo much on the way home. It felt like this was cranked up to overdrive. When I made it to the house. I pucke my lungs out. Cleon Got up trying to see who it was. Once he seen it was me. He rushed and help me. Carrying me to the bathroom holding my hair back. How do I tell him?

Satphire: I cheated on you

Cleon: What?

(Peuking sounds)

Satphire: At spookvile planet. Knowledge was my husband

Cleon: And the baby?

Satphire: It's not yours. Am sorry

I finally manage to sit on the bathroom floor. He let go of my hair ever since I told him about my infidelity. He punch a whole through the wall

Satphire: Am sorry

Cleon: How many time?

Satphire: How many time what?

I know what he was asking but looking at the tears he was sheding from the news. How do I tell him I went away for a whole week in the hope he would have sex with me again? I tried to reach out to him to better explain but he just back up looking at me the same way I just looked at knowledge.

Cleon: When we were having sex you..

Remembering the time I called him Knowledge by accident.

Satphire: No thats ....

Cleon: How many time did you f*ck him Satphire

What do I say? I didn't know he was going to be this angry.

Satphire: Babe

Cleon: You got me out here looking stupid. I'm in his school. Leading his cats..Bro prolly laughing at me. Thinking about how my wife p*ssy feels

I was sobing because he took it so wrong.. I was trying to get up but my legs was trembling. He looked at me with so much disgust.

Satphire: I found out I was pregnant from spookvile I wasn't going to keep it. I told him and he have been trying to have a child, he wanted me to keep it.

Cleon: Your lying

Satphire: I promise that's what happend.

I gathered all my strength to walk to him standing there in disbelief by the door, I didn't make it to him I fell infront of him, he didn't try to help me. He took of his ring, the one that have my life force in it. Carla and Johny rushed trying to see what happend. They found me crying and Cleon looking down at me.

Carla: Help her up. The baby...

Cleon: It's not mine

Carla: What?

Johny: Stop its Satphire She wouldn't do that.

He looked at me then he looked away.

Johny: Either way we can't leave her on the floor in her own vomit.

Cleon: Ya'll help her am done.

He threw the ring at me. I just broke down, How can he just throw everything away because of someone else baby? Carla bathe me in silent then clothe me. Saying "We will talk about this tomorrow" "Everything hurts" I replied.