
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasy
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355 Chs

Home sweet home


Ah body hurts, Everything hurts! I woke up to see knowledge back blocking my view of the baby crib. Though the baby wasn't here due to the war I still look over just in case. Knowledge seems conflicted about something? He should be happy we manage to escape from death claws because of Johny crazy side. To tell you the truth I've only seen Johny in one form, that's his instalaxian form. But Carla said that was his form she took, How strong was johny? I never took it into account that he was stronger than his queen but Carla admit it. He explain he doesn't like cruelty can that be why he never allowed himself a chance to level up? Looking at Carla yesterday I understand why he doesn't use it.

My husband wasn't moving he was barely breathing what's on his mind?

Satphire: Good morning

Knowledge: Morning

He said turning around smilling but I knew that smile had a worried some under tone to it.

Satphire: Spill it what's wrong?

Knowledge: It's just we are going back to our live and I don't know if..

Oh he was worried that I was going to leave him?

Satphire: Well it is true

I said getting up naked from the bed

Satphire: How will you take care of a wife am cirious to see?

He had a very bright smile that crept on his face

Satphire: Babe you know Am all yours right?

Knowledge: Haha okay I just had to communicate that with you

Satphire: Communication is key

I could barely move dam it.

Knowledge: Come you don't have any serious injuries let me heal you

He came behind me, I was standing brushing my hair infront of the mirror. He slept nude I love that. When his hands touch my skin it brought back all the sensation from that night. "Honestly Knowledge your not going to say anything about us glowingfor eachother?" I thought

Knowledge: We glowed together

He said smilling. I was blushing as he used his light to heal me.

Was that his way of saying he liked it? He glowed which means he liked it.

Satphire: We um should do more of that I... Enjoyed it.

Knowledge: Okay.

We both was blushing he looked so cute when his cheek turned red.

Knowledge: What are you up to

Satphire: I want to see my kids to show them their brother

Knowledge: Would you like me to

Satphire: Yes, you have to accompany me, your my husband

He smiled again. He looked so cute I just wanted to kiss him all over.

Knowledge: Alright let's take a shower

Satphire: Are we gonna.. you know

Knowledge: No, you perve.

Satphire: Haha don't act like you don't love it.

We took a shower, I was decipointed nothing happend but I guess he didn't want to sleep the day away. We got dress ready to say farewell to our brothers and sisters. We walk downstairs where the angels revealed their wings ready to take flight.

Okraham: Johny, Knowledge You coming?

Knowledge: I had plans with the wife. Let me assure her safety, then I will meet up with you all. I have enough grace to reach 7th Heaven.

Johny: Babe do you mind if I finish this.

Carla: Yeah, that's fine but keep your telepathic phone on at all times sexy

Johny: Okay.

They kissed as he flew up.

Knowledge portal us to instalaxia.

Knowledge: What the?

There was fires, The land looks baren, Poor people in the street, Even the clothes in their back looked tore up. What happend to instalaxia? I look at the queen to see was she bothered; she seem happy to be back.

Carla: Do you think Johnathan wife will be pretty? He might get a girl with curly brown hair like me?

Was that seriously the question she is asking right now? Knowledge laughed pulling me closer resting his hands on my ass. I should get use to that now Before I was flat Haha so I get how he can't keep his hands off me. We could of easily flew there but why was the Queen walking? We had beggers in the street saying "they even take clothes." Sigh this is sad what did Blue do these 2,500 Years we left?

Houses being burn with people runing out of it. Who built these building they were horrible. After a while we came to a secondary part of instalaxia where the grass bloomed, trees like we remembered? But the citizen looked paranoid.

Bull: Who goes there? State your business?

Satphire: Um

Knowledge: We are friends of the dragon kingdom

Bull: Prove it, Lets see you transform?

Why was Carla smilling? This Bull was out of his mind. I agreed and transformed.

Bull: That only give her passage,

Knowledge: Am her husband, Thats a friend

She kept smilling, honestly they going to think we are suspicious because of her smilling so hard.

Squirelet: What is the problem here soldier?

Bull: Mam these trespasser want to enter the premises

Tresspasors? Who us? Am glad old age was taking its toll on Squirelet

Satphire: Old age looks horrific on you rival

Squirelet: You still looks repulsive

Satphire: Haha How them knees treating you haha

I said playfully kicking her legs, She just shook her head

Squirelet: Your

Carla: Dont!

She got serious all of the sudden, Squirelet knew how the queen prefers her identity sacred she swallowed her words.

Squirelet: They are friends let them through, they may walk Where they see fit.

Bull: General are you sure?

Squirelet: Ask me that again soldier

She said getting in his face.

Satphire: Careful you don't want to blow your back out.

I said walking inside. This lady kick My back and it wasn't playfully either. She lucky my body was like steal metal or that would of really hurts

Squirelet: Good to know time haven't made you soft rival.

We smiled and I left, The pigs kingdom was not producing any product, Hmm that's weird that was once a prosperous kingdom. Passing by the dragon kingdom I told Carla "I'll meet up with her later I had to honor my family by bringing my husband home to meet them."

Mom: My baby who is this gorgeous creature... Wait knowledge is that you?

Knowledge: Yes Mam

Mom: Good lord your handsome

Knowledge: Appreciate that mam.

Satphire: Mom where is everyone?

Mom: Oh daughter so much have happend when you weren't here?

Satphire: I can see that

Knowledge: I've never seen burning buildings here before, everything was so peaceful before..

Mom: Before black ops

Satphire: What's black ops.

Mom: They are from different planets, here for the gems Carla planted on the ground, Remember she gave stones to the kingdom as well?

Satphire: Yes

Mom: They find out they can use It as a power up, They have been terrorizing us ever since.

Satphire: What have Blue done about this?

Mom: His been trying to keep them at bay but we don't know how to power up ourself, not that it would mater they got majority of the gems we are powerless against them

Satphire: My restaurant is down there.

Mom: I know you love that restaurant and Cleons, Me and your sister trying to keep it safe but it's so much against us. They expect us to pay 20 percent on top of the 6 percent to the kingdom

Knowledge: Thats outrageous

Mom: Carla must be furious right now huh?

Satphire: Lets call her feeling undetermined, you know she does nothing until she does alot. Mom Where is my Dad?

Mom: Sigh they came by asking for our gem Your dad refused, His been bed riden ever since. Honey his really sick I think his dying

Satphire: Show me him?

My mom agreed to walk me to his room. Passing by Future I seen her eyes was bruised lips busted

Future: Sister, Welcome home who is this

Satphire: Knowledge

Still examining her face

Future: Ah, well.. Ah your restaurant is doing faunomenal, We have lost some clients hehe because of the terrorists attack but Haha I will do my ...

Why was she trying to sounds cheerful when she wasn't happy? I know what is like to loose a fight, with my tribe it eats us inside why was she trying to hide her pain from me?

Satphire: Who did that to you?

I said analyzing her reaction

Future: Oh sister you know how am so clumsy.. Haha I fell and...

Satphire: Got a black eyes and busted lips?

Furture: Haha yes sister I am thankful you are here, So you may compliment me properly for taking such good care of your restaurant.

Satphire: Haha of course sister, do be careful don't fall anymore, I will stop by your room to heal your wounds

Future: Really there is no need.

Satphire: Future

Future: Yes

I was going to ask her again and force her to tell me who so I can disintegrate them. When she looked at me I could see me a few thousands years ago when I couldn't protect myself from the guy who took advantage of my body without my permission. I thought it's best I find out who on my own.

Satphire: I have to tell you about my travels.

I said fake smilling containing my blood boiling anger. She smiled and nodded at my request for a visit. But as she turn around I seen the smile fading into the hurt I knew she was hiding from me.

Mom: I told her let me fix her bruises with my make up but she refuse saying "this will be a reminder to get stronger."

Sounds just like me a few thousand years ago. When I found who did this to my little sister heaven or Hell won't help them escape my fury.

Knowledge: Baby calm down I see that crazy look in your eyes. Let your queen handle it. But you go ahead and protect your family.

Satphire: I will kill who hurt my family

Knowledge: I count on it.

He said With certainty in his tone. I looked past it I was beyond upset. My mom led me to my Dad who was fading away. He was so skinny I could see his bones. I shoved my face on Knowledge chest and started to cry, I didn't mean to wake him

Dad: Satphire is that you?

Satphire: Yes daddy

I said still not looking at him

Dad: That better be Knowledge and not some random guy you brought to my house young lady?

Even though his body was fading he was still strick.

Knowledge: I recognize that scent

Satphire: Thats poisonous property right?

Dad: The Queen wouldn't wish me such misfortune.

Knowledge put his fragile body inside a water buble. There was alot of yellow marking I wasn't sure what that mean?

Mom: What is it handsome?

Knowledge: Your husband magical property is disoriented, Someone manipulated his magic causing it to destroy your father from the inside.

Mom: Before he got sick he use to come with me to the restaurant to ensure Future safety.

Satphire: Ahhhhh

Knowledge: Babe it's okay I'll reverse it, he should be fine with nutrition and rest.

Satphire: Someone came for my family Knowledge

Knowledge: Yes I am aware my love

Dad: Honey I feel better already no need to worry

Why is everyone hiding their pain from me.

Satphire: Mom take off your make up?

Mom: What?

Satphire: Take off YOUR MAKE UP!

Knowledge: She's not easily talked too when she is breathing fire just take it of.

My mom splash some water on her face removing the illusion spell, It wasn't just make up. My heart sank instantly to see my mother couldn't barely open her eyes, Her jaw looks to be dislocated yet everyone is pretending this is okay.

Satphire: I am the oldest am I not?

Dad: Honey no, your married follow your husband, am better I can fix this.

Mom: Handsome tell her you expect her to be a wife to you and not a warrior

Dad: He probably got a fancy castle living as long as he have Hahaha, Go and enjoy life my beautiful daughter.

I look at Knowledge forgetting I would need his permission to handle this, handling this would mean I can't be a wife to him 24 hours and we might live apart for a while.

Knowledge: I would follow her no matter where she goes. She's mine, Forever.

I was greateful to hear him say those words.

Satphire: That settles it. Mom tell your step son I'll take over from here.

I left the room Knowledge was still assisting my father. I walked into my sisters room. I found her putting some make up on. Ashamed of what I would say. We were known as warrior loosing was never a option.

Satphire: Sit sister I'll help you

I said smilling but I couldn't hold the tears back

Future: How was your travel?

She said crying too

Satphire: Man, Carla got me involve in this war between angels and demons, it was ridiculous

I said healling her with my water magic.

Future: Haha no way

Satphire: I would never lie to you sister. You do look beautiful even more beautiful than me. Don't tell your mother I admit that

Future: Oh my mother is not with us anymore.

Satphire: Time finally got that miserable wreck?

I said giggling to myself.

Future: No, she abandoned me saying I was never her child. She married someone in the bull kingdom, Even when I see her in the street she refuses to talk to me. saying, My dad is weak for not standing up for her that night.

Satphire: I see.

Future: I am very happy your back

Satphire: Me too

I was done healing her I walked out feeling so sad that she had to deal with that on her own while I wasn't home. I walked outside where my husband was with my father he healed him as well but my father still needed to eat to regain his strength.

Knowledge: Babe?

He said kissing me.

Knowledge: I need to get going for the report. Are you going to be okay here by your self?

Satphire: I'll be fine. I have to fix my kingdom this is a mess.

Knowledge: Any problem just call and I'll be right down

Satphire: I know, I have Carla am good Bae

Knowledge: Um Carla is crazy

I remember Cleon use to say something like that haha I could love Knowledge to that point too it just gone take time.

Knowledge: Alright let me know if you need anything?

He said as he fade in mid air.

Brother: Don't get impress by that it is just a cheap trick!

Satphire: Brother

Brother: Do I know you?

Satphire: You should am first born

Brother: Lies my sister died long time ago, Following that bizarre Queen

Dad: No, the queen is back this is your sister.

My brother grabbed me to hold me but I felt Carla essence coming from him. He had one of the power up in him.

Satphire: What did you do?

Brother: I don't follow?

Satphire: Ruben! Why do I sense Carla magic in you brother?

Ruben: You just got here don't go accusing me of nothing Alright.

I attack him with fire magic knowing his element was water. There was this shield of fire magic surrounding him.

Satphire: Ruben your Element is water

Ruben: You are not the only one with two elements

Satphire: Yeah, proove it absorb it and let me see you hold it in the palm of your hand.

After numerous tries he couldn't do it. We were creature of pride so I turn my back to not make him feel more shame than he already felt.

Ruben: Alright fine, I strike a deal

Satphire: Poisoning your father, Give them the gems and you will finally lead

My back was still turn to him I didn't want him to see the decipointment on my face. My father was siting beside my mother in disbelief

Ruben: I have done many wrongs

Satphire: Where is the gem?

Ruben: Gone

Satphire: Thats why they never attack us.

Ruben: Sister please look at me.

I flew out of there as soon as I can because I swear to kill who would make my family suffered, my brother was my family as well. The master mind will pay. Bringing betrayal in my clan. After a few miles I started walking. From afar I see Cleon, He was dressed so classic like usual he was walking towards me I couldn't believe it I rushed to him.

Satphire: Cleon, Uh I've missed you my love.

But when I got closer he had the exact physics of cleon but his eyes were green. Cleon had beautiful big brown eyes. Do all leopard looks the same?

Leopard: Well yes it is your love? What is your name?

He looked exactly like Cleon, The walk, his head shape, The way he dress. But sadly I was dreaming again. I let go of him and continued my walk to the castle.

Leopard: You are mighty fine, What is your name?

Satphire: Go play with someone else am busy

leopard: You can't make time for your love?

I took a good look at him and I flew to the castle. when I got there Carla was eating. So not the time.

Carla: Hi General, I miss heaven food, this taste horrible.

Satphire: Haha you'll get use to it again.

Carla: You look upset.

I told her everything I just found out. She was shaking her head and still digging in her steak. After the explanation I was expecting some sort of plan on how to handle these attacks

Carla: Are you hungry?

Satphire: No

Carla: I wonder who my son married?

Being with her these past few days I realized how she operate. Anything that gets her highly upset. She wouldn't deal with it right away to avoid making a mistake and reacting on her emotion, she would put it to the side than come back to it. Haha when she does come back to it it's never what you expect. I was happy to know she was taking this seriously in her own way.

Squirelet: Your majesty excuse me for not kneeling properly but I am aware you like your identity unverified for investigation reasons

Nicely put haha for a old lady

Carla: Where are my children?

Squirelet: Am sorry?

Carla: Call my kids to joined me for lunch

Squirelet: Right away

All 34 arrived and took a seat. Blue had his beautiful wife, she had peacock color feather very pretty, Blue two kids sat among everyone, Johnathan was by himself However, Wasn't he married?

Carla: Where is your wife?

She said as she cuts unto the stake. She was giving me porcupine vibe right now.

Johnathan: With everything going on she took shelter underground by the vaults.

Carla: Get her!

She said biting her steak. I decided what the heck I minis well work on my poker face as well.

Squirelet came back, Carla looked at a empty chair signaling to Squirelet to sit down. Without hesitation she sat. I could feel the queen fury all the way from here. Blue was looking rather sad, Awaiting his mother to ask "what Did he do to the kingdom? Or why haven't he fix it what's the problem?" But knowing Carla she won't even touch that subject. Guess she truly believes time reveals all.