
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasy
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355 Chs

First day of school


Cleon: Baby you don't need 7 suitcases of clothes.

Satphire: I got some stuff you gone need, you just don't know it yet.

Cleon: Sigh


Carla: Tell me more about this school?

Anubus: I will be your guard slash advisor

Johny: So anything we need we call you?

Anubis: Yes, young King

Carla: What are they curriculum?

Anubis: It's too general to explain. Especially we don't know what classes you gone take.

Carla: Okay. What of time? I don't want to spend time away from Johnathan.

Anubis: Time stand still.

Carla: So Johnathan will not age at all?

Anubis: No. It's caught it in a time loop.

Carla: I see.

Anubis: That's a joke. Time will pass but not as much.

Satphire came, her husband carrying soo much bags. Haha she really did not need all these bags.

Anubis portaled us there. I talk to my mom already. Johny mom said she will be picking up Johnathan in 2 weeks He portaled us infront of this wide brown gate. He whispered something to it, It opened. Inside was beautiful flowers.. They had people with alot of animal bottoms. They brought two suitcase at most. There was one That caught my husbands eye. She had cornrows with Golden tips, her eyes was yellow with brown outer line. She wore this White brah with golden circles connected to her skirt. She was very curvy, like something from a drawing. She has golden chain wrapping her waist.. Showing off her dimples .. She was soo seductive to the naked eye. I could see my husband jaw was drooling.

Carla: Stay away from her Johny

Johny: Right.

Anubis: Haha you can try. She is the daughter of seduction itself.

Cleon: Her parents is Seduction?

Anubis: Her father is seduction but her mother is persuasion.

Johny: I see.

He said swallowing his spit " Oh God" I will need to keep his hormones low at this school.

Cleon wasn't affected.

Anubis: Lets get to knowledge office.

We went to knowledge office I made some bubble to help Satphire carry her bags.

We come across these huge double door. It open automatically. We found knowledge sitting at a brown oval desk looking over paper work.

Knowledge: Hey mortal

Carla: Hi

Anubis: Dont be disrespectful.

He stop looking at the paper and looked up.

Knowledge: Hi Carla, John, cleon, Satphire

Johny: Its actually Johny

Anubis: What class?

Knowledge: Sigh, let's see.

He got up walking over to the neatly stack papers that was floating by the door, handing each one of us a paper

Johny: Beginners

Cleon: Beginners

Satphire: Beginners

Carla: Juniors.

Knowledge: Yes, Your room number is also on the paper.

Carla: We don't have the same room?

Knowledge: No, but you can always change.

Carla: Okay. With who?

Knowledge: With their roommates. Thought that was self explanatory.

Carla: Oh

We all exited Knowledge office.

My room was upstairs while everybody else room was down stairs. There was alot of vampires in my hall. I walked in my room to see this guy in Goggles. He looked funny

Ted: Hey am a swamp monster

Carla: Carla, the mortal is what I go by.

I went to setup everything by my side of the bed. He was still looking at me. I stop to ask him

Ted: Sorry I tried to turn around. But you kept bending down. It wasn't uncommon for your roommate to help with releases, so I was going to ask you if I can assist.

What is wrong with this guy? I walked out straight to knowledge office

Knowledge: Yes

Carla: This guy just ask to have sex with me. Saying it wasn't uncommon here?

Knowledge: Because it's not!

Carla: So you just have roomate sleeping with eachother?

Knowledge: Everyone here is a adult Ms Carla. 18 or older They can do what ever they want, as long as they keep their grades up.

Carla: There is something wrong with you.

Knowledge: Get out!

I walk outside curious to see who Johny roommate was?

I walked in he was still setting up.

Johny: Hey babe

Carla: Who you got in here with you?

Johny: Its one bed

Carla: Am sleeping here. You will need to go get my stuff upstairs

Johny: Why?

Carla: This swamp guy ask to have sex with me

Johny: Hahaha what you said?

Carla: I walked out. Knowledge care very little about these things.

Johny: If it's sex you want.

He said walking up to me. I couldn't help but smile. He would think of that in a place like this. He started to kiss me. I backed up on his bed. Using my finger to tell him come here.

##Satphire ##

Oh God. This is not happening.

Cleon: Are you all good.

Satphire: Yeah.

There was this vampire guy staring at us but not saying a word. Cleon finish helping me set up, We proceed to his room. We walked in to find this top less green eyes, brown hair wolf like creature Standing by her bed .

Satphire: Are you going to put some clothes on?

Cleon: What's your name?

Wolfa: Wolfa it's self explanatory.

Satphire: Put on some clothes!

Wolfa: What's her problem?

She went to lay down without a shirt. Absolutely no way cleon is staying here.

Satphire: Am taking your room?

Cleon: Wait what?

Satphire: Dont argue, you not gone be here with some perve.

Before we could finish talking some young guy with black hair, black eyes came Same wolf like body. She didn't even have any nipples for God sake; They started kissing.

Cleon: Do you think?

He was kissing her breast as she undress him. "Sorry I took soo long"

He said rushing to get her remaining clothes off. Cleon was lost watching the action. I grab his hands this is not going to work at all. I walked to Johny's room to complaint. To find Johny kissing Carla under the covers revealing only their heads

Satphire: Stop it!

Johny: Haha Why is everyone in my room? not you Carla, stay I got plans for you.

Thank God they were only kissing.

Satphire: Build us a place. Our roommate is not working.

Cleon: My roommate is fine. She just have alot of sex. I could live with that.

Johny: What? Haha I have no problem.

Satphire: Yeah What about them little red glowing light in the far corner.

Johny: What Glowing light? Oh crap what is that?

Bato: Hi, Am a bat who have human ability

Johny: You was here this whole time?

Bato: Yes, If they didn't interrupt I would of recorded you, to have in my collection.

Johny: Yeah, let's go.

He said getting out of bed! walking quickly to the door.

Satphire: No stay and get recorded for the web, am sure they would love to see how you slap Carla's ass.

Why Does cleon keeps blushing? this boy got problem. We decided to go find a good place to build a small house. After walking for almost 10 minute we found this empty land close to the woods we figured it would be away from people.

Carla: Now we must ask for permission.

We walked to Knowledge office to explain were making a little house 4 rooms 3 bath

Knowledge: If I was you I wouldn't get so close to the woods?

Carla: Why not?

Knowledge: We are a passage way between worlds. We stand still is true but all these creature you heard in story books are not false.

Carla: Which one is a comon one here?

Knowledge: For one Baba Yaga have made this forest her home.

Carla: I've never heard of her.

Knowledge: She take form of a old lady. She eats children. etc.

Carla: That's disgusting

Johny: Why don't yall just kick her out.

knowledge: Right!

He said with a sarcastic regard

Knowledge: She has sisters, the one to worry about the most is the one who brings horror. Tell you what, when it gets night time. Don't open your door. Don't accept anything from anyone, They may take many form. They can't get inside the house unless they have something in there or you invite them in. I have high doubt anyone of you will come out alive.

Carla: If we must stay in doors, We need help with electronic and plumbing

He walked over handing us 2 book. Seems to be handy book for us tonfigure it out. The other are spell and protection shield. We took it, We wanted to get started as early as possible.

Knowledge: Oh my Word is buga.

Johny: What?

Knowledge: You have to come up with something that proof they are who they say they are. Once they get in, you can't get them out so easily.

Johny: Mine is loving.

Carla: All one word?

Johny: Yes

Cleon: Leopard

Knowledge: Haha cat be serious

Cleon: Vanilla pudding

Satphire: Hmm I don't know you guys?

Carla: Yours will be just like that.

"Hmm I don't know you guys"

Johny: We should get started. Cleon And I take electric classes back in instalaxia. With these books and instructions we can get it done. You girls work on the shield.

Carla: We say the word first before we start talking or?

Knowledge: Nope that won't work at all. Didn't your mom taught you anything. Write it in a piece of paper or the palm of your hands. They don't read soo good.

Carla: Let's go!


We walk to our desire spot. I created the little house. Creating now was getting easier for me.

I minupilated the soil, wood and rock on the ground. My houses was becoming more and more believable. The boys was in the front of the house, Johny trying to figure out the plumbing. Cleon was doing the electricity. Me and Satphires was done. Infront of the porch I created 2 rocking chair. We was rocking back and forth enjoying the cool breeze. There was this old woman passing by, she had a basket of red apples. Her nose was abnormally long. Her long black dress was uncommon. She immediately caught my attention. She purposely fall, Cleon went over to help this frail white, grayed hair mysterious elderly woman. She wasn't fooling me one bit.

Old woman: Hey thank you young man.

Johny: Hey Cleon let's get back to the house the sun is going down soon, We are limited on time.

Cleon: Of course

Old woman: Young man please take this apple as a gratitude.

Cleon reached out about to take the apple, Johny slap it out her hands.

Johny: Leave! You are not welcome here.

Old woman: Such a rude young man.

She got herself up and walked into The forest vanishing like smoke in thin air.

Johny: Obviously Cleon! Don't take nothing from Noone.

Cleon: Sorry!

I guess me and Johny are connected. Something tell me tonight will be a long night.