
I've Given My Heart To You

The course of life is not always smooth. It is like a ride in a bumpy road or a ride in a roller coaster. Sometimes it gives you reasons to smile and sometimes it gives you reasons to cry. And here meet our bubbly ball of sunshine and life 17 y/o Kulture who is beautiful , talented, and comes from the richest family of D nation who is out on a little adventure to live freely and enjoy like a normal person. And here meet our cold 19 y/o Nathan Smith who is extremely handsome , talented and comes from the richest family of A nation who is feared by many. When they'll meet sparks will fly,love will be found,hearts will break,jealousy will rise and most importantly some scheming minds 'll be on the road. As the saying goes ' opposite attracts' , let's see how the lives of these two persons with totally opposite personalities change as they cross each other's path. [Do support me and my book guys...]

fireball_11 · Urban
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Little Adventure

"Please Dada ..... Please...please🥺"

"But Baby... listen...."

"Pretty please . ..I swear Dada if you grant me this wish then i will handle the family business seriously after I grow up but for now...please....."


"wooo....woo...Dada doesn't love his princess anymore. Mr.Albert is not going to listen to princess anymore...woo woo"

"Ok Ok... my little drama queen... I'll grant your wish but.."

"Wha...!! What did you say dada...I think I heard it wrongly...can you please repeat???"

"MS. ISABELLA KULTURE LAWRENCE...listen very very carefully..I can grant your wish but I will be having some conditions" said Albert after exhaling and inhaling a great amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen and other particles .

"Realllyyyyyyyy....OMG!!OMG!! thanks dada.... you are the best Dada in the world..mwah mwah" Kulture jumped and kissed her father on his cheeks in excitement..

"okay okay....now listen to my conditions princess"

"Please do tell" said Kulture.

"1. You can't say no to bodyguards but they will be on disguise so as to not spoil your little adventure.

2. I will choose the school and your dormitory partners.

3. You can't severely bully anyone there.

4. You have to make sure to keep your health okay otherwise you can say tata by by to your plan from then on.

Am i making myself clear princess!!"

"Aye Aye....Crystal clear captain and nothing to worry my popsicle my super low-key maternal grandpa will be also there in that country as my guardian"

"Arhhh....you grandfather and granddaughter both are same"

"What happen Dada?" asked Kulture seeing the gloomy face of her father Albert.

"As you will be going from here..so spend the rest of the month with me but no one else , and don't spend much time with your gramps these days ok...you give your attention to me only ..hmm" -Albert demanded childishly.

Seeing her father like this Kulture hugged his arm and kissed him on his cheeks and said

"Your wish is my command sire 😉"


This father-daughter duo is cool isn't it??

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