
I've Given My Heart To You

The course of life is not always smooth. It is like a ride in a bumpy road or a ride in a roller coaster. Sometimes it gives you reasons to smile and sometimes it gives you reasons to cry. And here meet our bubbly ball of sunshine and life 17 y/o Kulture who is beautiful , talented, and comes from the richest family of D nation who is out on a little adventure to live freely and enjoy like a normal person. And here meet our cold 19 y/o Nathan Smith who is extremely handsome , talented and comes from the richest family of A nation who is feared by many. When they'll meet sparks will fly,love will be found,hearts will break,jealousy will rise and most importantly some scheming minds 'll be on the road. As the saying goes ' opposite attracts' , let's see how the lives of these two persons with totally opposite personalities change as they cross each other's path. [Do support me and my book guys...]

fireball_11 · Urban
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Isabella Kulture Lawrence

Hiya Fam...Its Isabella Kulture Lawrence here . well its a very long name right ummm...so my close ones calls me with different names and out of all my middle name i.e, Kulture is famous. For my Dada (my hero) I am his princess who is meant to be spoiled rotten😜. And for my grandfather (my partner in crime) I am his tiny piece of sunshine. Well I have no siblings and I lost my Mommy Theodora Augustya when I was 10y/o and now I am 17y/o. I am the sole heir to the famous LAWRENCE GROUP empire which is the leading company of the entire D nation and it is also listed among the top 10 companies all over the world. So our family is the richest in the entire nation and along with it comes the danger. Luckily I am still kicking and jumping around freely without any kind of serious mishaps as I have my heroes (Dada,Gramps and their top-notch bodyguards)around me all the time. And to tell you the truth most of the people don't know about my true identity as the princess of Lawrence Group as I don't like to be the walking talking ball of attention and limelight😶 so it saves me a lots of troubles. I can also be called as a little gluttony sleepyhead 🍔😴. Everyone around me describes me as the most beautiful princess of D nation and says that I am a girl with " milky white smooth skin with a hint of natural blush on cheeks with a pair of adorable dimples, a button like nose , pink soft lips, big innocent doe like blue eyes with long curly eyelashes,brown lustrous long hair , a perfectly growing figure with perfectly growing curves and height." And I am a kinda genius ya know(ehehe).And here I was bugging Dada for almost a month to allow me to go to the A nation for my farther studies to experience a life in a farwaway place alone (not completely alone as my maternal grandfather lives there to enjoy a normal peaceful life away from all the hassals of the rich people) with my identity as simply Kulture Lawrence and as you have already guessed.. today he finally agreed!!¡!!¡


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