
I've Given My Heart To You

The course of life is not always smooth. It is like a ride in a bumpy road or a ride in a roller coaster. Sometimes it gives you reasons to smile and sometimes it gives you reasons to cry. And here meet our bubbly ball of sunshine and life 17 y/o Kulture who is beautiful , talented, and comes from the richest family of D nation who is out on a little adventure to live freely and enjoy like a normal person. And here meet our cold 19 y/o Nathan Smith who is extremely handsome , talented and comes from the richest family of A nation who is feared by many. When they'll meet sparks will fly,love will be found,hearts will break,jealousy will rise and most importantly some scheming minds 'll be on the road. As the saying goes ' opposite attracts' , let's see how the lives of these two persons with totally opposite personalities change as they cross each other's path. [Do support me and my book guys...]

fireball_11 · Urban
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4 Chs

I am Coming

one month later...

A black Rolls Royce Cullinan is heading towards the airport where 2 people are sulking unhappily.

"Sweets...do you really have to use the public airport?? Why not use one of our private jets?? And why not take me to drop you there??." said Kulture's partner in crime , her darling gramps Andrew Lawrence.

"Gramps ..you know I like to travel among a lot of people in the public transports right !!!! And about taking you there is a big noooo with your current health. Take your medicine on time and do your regular exercises properly to recover your health soon to visit me and grandpa there okay.....!!"

"Hmphhh...that Augustya old man 😒" said gramps Andrew and rolled his eyes.

"Princess..if you face any difficulty there or the money in your card is not enough then inform me immediately ok....and BTW I have arranged for bodyguards there in different disguises so that you won't feel there presence and also be safe. Once you land there one of my trusted man would pick you up"said Albert

"sure Dada"

Actually Albert and Andrew didn't want her to live far from them as she was the apple of their eyes. But due to her constant persuasion and her cute acts at last they agreed as it will also help in her social life which will help her in the future for her business as she is ultimately going to inherit all the huge Lawrence properties.

"Head Master,Master, Young Miss we have reached the airport "-informed the head Butler of the Lawrence household Robert.

Then after checking in and bidding her goodbyes to her grandfather, father and Butler Robert she boarded the plane to start a new journey of life which would change her life for sure.

"Nation A Isabella Kulture Lawrence is coming "

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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