
I've Given My Heart To You

The course of life is not always smooth. It is like a ride in a bumpy road or a ride in a roller coaster. Sometimes it gives you reasons to smile and sometimes it gives you reasons to cry. And here meet our bubbly ball of sunshine and life 17 y/o Kulture who is beautiful , talented, and comes from the richest family of D nation who is out on a little adventure to live freely and enjoy like a normal person. And here meet our cold 19 y/o Nathan Smith who is extremely handsome , talented and comes from the richest family of A nation who is feared by many. When they'll meet sparks will fly,love will be found,hearts will break,jealousy will rise and most importantly some scheming minds 'll be on the road. As the saying goes ' opposite attracts' , let's see how the lives of these two persons with totally opposite personalities change as they cross each other's path. [Do support me and my book guys...]

fireball_11 · Urban
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4 Chs

Arrival of sunshine

Time : 10:30 a.m

Place : Nation A international airport

A plane from D nation arrived at the airport . It was an another busy day . No one has any time to look into another's matter. It was very sunny and hot there. The passengers from the recently arrived flight were coming down one by one. When Kulture came down and arrived at the lobby , the people around there were awestrucked looking at that beautiful human being. It was like they have never seen such a perfect person before. There was almost not a single person who were not looking at her direction . Though she was not wearing anything luxurious still she was looking fresh and breathtaking. She was just simply wearing a white denim shorts , a maroon tank top and a pair of maroon sneakers with her long brown hair opened .

" Young miss.....Young miss here"

Kulture suddenly heard a person waving at her direction and by looking at him she realised that its one of her Father's trusted man uncle Lucas. Seeing him she hurriedly walked into his direction with her big white suitcase and creamy white backpack.

"Hello...uncle Lucas long time no see".

" Hello young miss".

" Okay....first take me to the school where I will be studying to complete my admission procedure and then I will be going to my grandpa's place "

" This way please young miss"

And then they started their journey towards her future school. After a journey of almost 20 minutes they reached there. Kulture got down from the car and looked around the place for a while and she very much liked its environment and read the name of the school ' Great Oak Royal School' which was curved in golden colour in a black surface . She walked towards the gate and showed her admission letter to the guard and entered the school premises. Upon reaching the principal's office she entered there and completed the remaining works and was given her uniform and study materials.

Then the principal summoned her would be homeroom teacher Ms. Jessica.

"Ms. Jessica this is the new transferred student Kulture Lawrence from D nation and from today onwards she will be your responsibility " the principal politely said to the homeroom teacher.

" Student Kulture , this is Ms. Jessica , the homeroom teacher of class 3.5 and if you get any problem with anything you can discuss it with her. "

" Hello, Teacher Jessica, please take care of me" Kulture slightly bowed and politely said to Jessica .

" Sure, Kulture it's my responsibility. Let's go I will introduce you to your class " said Jessica.