

"So you are telling me I died?" said a man

"Yes, my boy, I'm sad to tell you that you have unfortunately passed away." said an old man

"Just when I was about to kill 'him' *sigh* "This is so sad I couldn't even avenge my parents", he then glared at the old man, "so what now?"

"Well, you get a chance at reincarnation". said the old man

"What are we waiting for then?"

'damn impatient brat' thought the old man

"well then off you go!" said the old man

And that is how I got here and yes I had to go through birth and it wasn't pleasant, the first year was quite boring until I saw a certain blond hero on the tv, at that moment I thought 'no Fucking way' ant that is because I was an anime fan even though my life was filled with killing I found anime a good thing to pass time with and a certain anime was my favorite and the other thing that gave away wich anime I'm in is my mother Mitsuki Bakugo with short ash-blond hair and a 'busty' figure she was also quite loud at night so almost every day I had to listen to my 'parents' having fun, the second year was less boring because I could finally move and my vocal cords were developed enough to actually speak so I had fun annoying my 'mom' and 'dad they honestly thought I was a genius with all the sentences I could make but I kept it at around a 10-year-old's intellect and now I'm three years old my birthday was interesting because izuku midoriya or 'deku' was there and talking to him is quite boring because all he talks about is being a hero and All Might and last year my mom put me in kindergarten which was a horrible choice because being in a class with small children who want to be hero's is quite irritating.

My life continued in the same way although I did do some small amounts of body training but I didn't make it obvious I only did some running and a couple of squats and other exercises and in two days I'll be four years old and I am quite excited to get my quirk but I also fear not getting a quirk but if that happens I could still use the skills of my past life to become a hero.

two days quickly passed and today is my birthday and I'm looking forward to it quite a lot actually and if my guess is correct then I'll most likely be getting an explosion quirk which is incredibly strong if used in the right way and if it is trained enough it could be one of the strongest quirks in the world and if you got OFA then your explosions could destroy whole city's which is quite scary but nevermind that, let's focus on my birthday party. thought Katsuki with an evil grin (a/n yes his name is the same as Katsuki's)

The next day as I woke up I could smell something burning and when I looked at my bedsheets I could see they were burning around where my hands are I started panicking slightly but quickly calmed down again so I did the only reasonable thing a 4-year-old would do, scream at the top of my lungs, "MOOOOOOOOOOOM THE HOUSE IS BURNING!"

The next moment I felt myself be lifted off the ground and be carried down the stairs and outside the house, then after that suitcases were thrown out the window of the second floor which looked to be packed full with stuff.

"KATSUKI!", "are you ok?" said my mother while huffing and puffin looking worried as hell and kind of angry too.

"Yeah I'm fine mom, are you okay tho?" I asked looking at her with a questioning gaze, I tilted my head too for extra cuteness not that I don't look cute enough already...

"Soo, Katsuki mind explaining why you set the house on fire?" asked my mother with a slightly scary expression (with slightly I mean scarier than Satan himself).

"Dunno I think it's my quirk but I don't know" I answered

"So you have a fire-based quirk?" asked my mom

"I think so but I will have to test it," I said with an excited expression, and I was truly excited to try and use my quirk.



"Is it ok for the house to be burning that much?"

"Fuck!" said my mom

"Fuck, what's that?" I asked while putting on a curious expression

"N-nothing its a bad word so don't say it or il wash your mouth with soap."

Then another voice behind me screamed.

"Oh, hey dad!" I shouted

"Mitsuki, why is the house... burning?" asked my dad in a low voice'

"Well, this little rascal here got his quirk and decided to burn the house down," said my mom with a smile which I shuddered too.

"Anyways, we gotta get a new house now since this one burned down preferably near the beach," said my mom

"Why do I feel like this was set up by you two?" asked my dad

"How could you betray us like this to think that you would think that we set this up AH!" said my mother with a dramatic voice and a pose.

"Mom, you know this is kinda serious the house burned down and where are we gonna stay tonight?"I asked


So with that, I spent the rest of my birthday goofing around and had a party at the hotel room we rented and dad said that he already found a house near a beach he even got an 80% discount for the house probably because of his work as a lawyer.

The next day we were heading out to the house dad got and when we arrived I was surprised and quite pleasantly too because the house was huge and in that typical rich neighborhood the house wasn't THAT big but it was waaaaaaaaaay bigger than our last home and off in the distance was a huge building with countless people coming in and out with uniforms so I could only guess that it was a school it probably was.

But now that we are in front of the house I was looking at it with wide eyes, the house looked like it was built a day ago it was probably maintained all the time and it had an older touch to it which I didn't mind.

The next couple of days went by quickly and I was enrolled in the school close by it was a school for the elite and rich it was also a school where all ages went so that was fun and we also went to the quirk doctor and it turned out that I had two quirks instead of the original one it was Explosions and the other one was Limit Break it allows me to break the limits of my body and the first time it appeared was immensely painful as I could feel my body breaking down and building itself back up when I use it, so I didn't use it a lot because it hurt a lot, but because it did activate my 4-year-old body is as strong as a 6-year-olds body and I can stay awake a little longer than normal and it is also easier to keep my emotions in check, and some other 'stuff', but for now I decided not to use it because of the pain, not that I can't take it, I'm just too lazy to do it.

The first day in my new school was interesting, the children were still rowdy and loud but were definitely thought how to be polite so you could notice that this was a school for the 'elite' but I also met some other interesting people like a certain black haired girl and a half N half one.

now that the first couple hours of school is over we can go to a cafeteria, it was a large hall filled with a bunch of kids and no one stood out in particular, but one kid was definitely trying to get attention and he decided that I was a good target for showing off, it didn't go too well, for him of course.

but school is still boring as hell and I didn't have any fun while playing with little brands who I could crush with my pinky not that I needed to do it but if I had to I would gladly do it, while I was thinking about that I had a dark expression and I was chuckling madly, and apparently the teachers didn't like that so they sent me to time out, which I enjoyed to the fullest.

the next couple of years passed by in a similar matter until I met a certain someone.

So this is my first book, nothing else to really say except that I'm not English and this is just for fun and nothing serious. well anyways if you read this far I thank you for reading, peace out!

Washurucreators' thoughts
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