
Meeting the Goddess

Click click click the sounds of fingers rapidly hitting the keyboard could be heard in the small room. That is until there was a game-over screen that appeared causing the young man to thump his hands against the desk in frustration. That young man let out a rather weary sigh as his stomach started to rumble.

"Urk ... What time is it again?" Taking a look at the computer clock he practically jumped out of his chair after seeing that it was well into the next day, making a warpath for his fridge hoping to get some food in him before catching some sleep. Opening the fridge reveals no food at all and so the man grabs his wallet deciding to get some fast-food or maybe grab a ready made meal from a supermarket.

There were a few lampposts letting the young man have some vision in the deep dark of the night and as he saw the light that said he could cross, exhausted from the late night gaming session he couldn't react when he heard the blaring of a horn accompanied by a scream. A crunch rang out as the infamous truck-kun hit the young man head on and caused his vision to waver until his eyes closed, his whole body racing with pain as he breathed his last.

... Well he was supposed to have breathed his last, but while he couldn't feel his body he could see what appeared to be a golden shimmering temple with a figure that seemed feminine though her whole body was coated by a thick white light reminiscent of some of the less creative censoring in anime and games. It was then that white light clad figure began to talk in a clear and regal sounding voice. "It seems that death has taken you earlier than it should have mortal. I am a Goddess of another world, one of swords and magic, a fantasy world according to the memories you have." The figure took a moment to let all that information settle in before speaking once more. "I shall grant you a new life in my world you may do as you please there, though I can't make you the demon lord as I don't have control over that and the Hero is a transmigrator not a reincarnator. What wishes do you have for your second life mortal? It is the fault of a deity I know that you died early after all."

The man just stayed silent for a good few moments trying to comprehend everything he just heard. "A fantasy world? Uhm ... Goddess could you explain a bit more about this world first?"

After what felt like a rather long sermon including plenty of flattery towards herself and the supposed four pets who help maintain the world a few key points stood out to the man.

Every living being had a status with stats, titles and jobs. There were many different races not just humans and somehow they all spoke the same language albeit having different dialects at times. Something else was a little more unnerving to the man, it seemed like the Goddess was trying to goad him into doing absurd things almost as if it was for her entertainment which caused his soul to shudder when he thought of it.

"Well to start with how does a sort of system where you can guide me by quests or missions? I'd want rewards whenever I complete one though." That offer sparked a smile from the Goddess that didn't match the normal happiness one might feel from a smile even though he couldn't make out her facial expressions. "Such a system is an easy thing for me to give. Is there anything else you desire?" The offer set the soul into deep thought for some time until a dual layered wish popped up in his mind.

"Then might I ask to be born as a noble? I don't want to have to worry about being dragged into a succession battle or actually ruling a territory. Like making me so far down in the line of succession, but still staying a male. Second wish, could I get talent for non-combat related pursuits? I'm not sure how much of a fighter I could become." The silence after those wishes were voiced felt like they stretched on for eternity. "I approve those wishes of yours. I shall grant you talents fitted to a job that has disappeared from my world. You will have an affinity for blacksmithing and enchanting which can combine to allow you to become an artificer. Now then it is time to send you out into your next life! Live your life to the fullest Mortal!" The figure waved a hand and the soul was flushed off into a new body yet to be born fitting his requests of course. The problem being that his birth put him into some troublesome circumstances he would eventually learn of and targeted because of it.

The Goddess let out a snicker as she had to pull some strings redoing the flow of time to make it fit that agenda of hers causing a birth that shouldn't of happened between the two and giving him a rather extreme amount of half siblings. On an unrelated note the Goddess could be heard screaming in pain when the deities of the original world dragged her off to punish her for causing his death, changing the past in her own world and trying to make herself seem like a saint as they branded with a mark on her forehead that read 'Failure'.

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