
I'm Your Man

Since the incident at the night club, Reynand looks for Naumi at his university with the help of his assistant Vino. Where this Naumi made love one night with him because his lover betrayed his broken heart. When he met Naumi, Naumi denied it, still being rude to him. When the love incident happened one night, his younger brother Reynand was undergoing an international taekwondo match but had an accident resulting in an injury and shock to his sister. Reynand's busy days with his only sister made him miss Naumi who went to America.

RinaMardiana_22 · Urban
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6 Chs

Marriage Agreement

Happy reading

 After successfully running from several cars that were about to put them in a state of urgency, after arriving at Reynand's house, a few minutes later it was raining, it was Naumi who was in the room provided for him.  Standing close on the balcony of the terrace of his room, looking up at the sky and feeling the cold night.  Tonight really understand Naumi's sadness, Naumi took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.

 "Everything has happened. The company is gone, my best friend and lover betrayed me. I hate living like this! Why is everything like this?"  Naumi muttered, not feeling her feet stepping closer to the blank fence, sitting fragile with tears in her eyes.

 "Why did everyone die I was alone like this? And that man took my virginity! Everything is no longer there. It's over" Naumi stood up and was about to throw his body down, but suddenly Reynand grabbed him, hugged Naumi's waist and hugged him.  Naumi's body tightly.

 "Hey woman, I won't let you die before paying off your debt to me" Naumi gasped in surprise, and pushed Reynand's body into a tight hug.

 "Hey, wait!! Who are you? What does my problem have to do with you?"  Naumi's eyes widened and glared at Reynand,while Reynand smiled faintly.

 "Of course it has something to do with it. I am your man!"  Pressed Reynand, making Naumi shudder in horror at the man in front of him.

 "What nonsense is this?"  But Reynand instead replied by mentioning Naumi's origins, making Naumi's emotions rise.

 "You investigated me, Who are you really?"

 "On the night you were betrayed by your girlfriend Aldi, you were drunk at the emperior night club and you-" Reynand's words stopped when Naumi shouted telling Reynand to stop speechless.


 "And also you are wearing a 34B cup bra, waist size is 2.3 inches, there is a mole on the chest" Reynand's words were interrupted because Naumi waved his hand in a stop-stop sign.

 "Shut up, stop it" Naumi immediately covered Reynand's mouth with his hand.  And whispered in Reynand's ear.

 "Are you peeking at me?"  Reynand threw Naumi's hand that was covering his mouth.

 "Tsk you are senile. Peeking at you? I even tasted you when you were drunk" Reynand put Naumi's hand to his cheek and kissed his hand.

 "No way" Naumi objected.  Then Reynand pulled something out under his coat.  Showing Naumi the marriage contract, Naumi glared in disbelief.

 "I don't want to! What the hell is this? " Naumi flatly refused, Reynand tried to convince Naumi.

 "I can help you take revenge on your uncle and your best friend." But Naumi still couldn't believe it and refused to cooperate with Reynand.

 "You! Don't talk nonsense anymore!"  Naumi snapped glaring at Reynand.  Reynand just kept quiet and looked back at Naumi.

With just this signature, I can help you take revenge on your uncle and your friends later" Reynand waved the marriage agreement letter. Naumi looked at Reynand with a raised eyebrow. Naumi couldn't believe that the man in front of her was not a man.  which Naumi could buy like last night.

 "Who are you?"  Naumi whispered.  Reynand didn't answer, instead he left Naumi tonight, whose mind was full of questions about Reynand.  Naumi was forced to sleep because his body was tired.

 In the morning, Naumi has been prepared by several household assistants to change clothes and tell Naumi to have breakfast with Reynand. After breakfast Reynand invites Naumi to go to the civil registry.  Even though Naumi was still asking herself, who exactly was this Reynand?  Naumi is forced to follow Reynand's wishes for his only mission of revenge against those who have hurt him.

 On the way home from the civil registry, Naumi and Reynand were now in one car.  latest luxury cars,

 "Who is this man really?"  muttered Naumi.

 "Remember your husband's name!"  Reynand said coldly.

 "My name is Reynand Wijaya" Reynand said flatly with his hands on his chest, sharp eyes looking at Naumi.

 "Oh, you are a legendary man in the business field. That mysterious rich man, with super strong powers" Naumi thought looking at Reynand.

 "How do you prove you are Reynand Wijaya?"  Naumi asked and Reynand poked Naumi's chin to take a closer look.  Reynand leaned forward and kissed Naumi gently.

 "If you still don't believe me, I can repeat what happened that night to you again" Reynand whispered making Naumi horrified to see Reynand's gaze like a hungry wolf.

 "Tsk tsk. Don't! Stay away from me!"  Naumi pushed away Reynand's body which was very close to his body.

 "Why is your expression like that?! So ordinary, you must be a playboy!"

 "Playboy" Reynand repeated Naumi's words which he thought he didn't usually hear.

 Reynand held Naumi's chin back.

 "Besides me, who can you choose? Aldi or Rere?"  Reynand's words made Naumi pause and think, who would Naumi actually choose to be his partner for revenge.

 "Okay, I trust you! But I want to make three pacts with you?"  Naumi distanced herself and showed Reynand.  But Reynand was still calm with the girl's attitude which sometimes made Reynand's emotions fluctuate.

 "Say" Reynand smiled faintly in response to his contract wife's wish.

 "First you can't touch me without my permission, second you can't bring any bitches home!"  Reynand smiled faintly and nodded.

 "With my abilities you won't let me. With this position I can deal with bitches" In Reynand's heart.

 "Third as long as outside we don't know each other"

 "Fine, no problem" Reynand pulled Naumi's waist.

 "But, I also have a condition"

 "I don't like women who have messy lives" While lightly touching Naumi's chin.  And Naumi smiled the agreement with Reynand worked.

 "Okay no problem"


 Arriving at home, Reynand opened the door for Naumi.  Naumi followed Reynand down and Reynand immediately grabbed Naumi's hand.

 "Young master, I have cleaned the room for you and madam. Please," said the head waiter at Reynand's house welcoming Reynand and Naumi who arrived in front of the house terrace.  Naumi actually gasped in surprise.  Will Naumi share a room with Reynand?

 "Okay, thank you" Naumi replied slightly offending his smile.

 "Very nice girl, polite, very compatible with the young master" thought the maid.

 "No need to hesitate, madam" Reynand glanced at Naumi who was behind him who had been talking to the butler of the house.

 "Follow me" Reynand ordered, Naumi just nodded already tired of arguing with Reynand.  Reynand grabbed Naumi's hand and led her to the room.

 "This is our room" Naumi rolled her eyes, but didn't want to say any more.

"Wow, the room is more luxurious than mine" Naumi muttered which was still heard by Reynand.

 "This is good, with my condition alone I don't have anyone" Naumi's words were so sharp that Reynand objected a little and hugged Naumi.

 "From now on you just have me" Naumi looked at Reynand's eyes.

 "Reynand but in my heart there is no you" Naumi whispered. Reynand was silent.

 "Sure you can. At home there is no cash. You keep these two cards for you to buy whatever you set yourself" Reynand gave his black card without limit to Naumi.  Naumi accepted it, Naumi knew that Reynand was no ordinary man.  But Reynand was an extraordinary man that Naumi had right now.
